/b I just had a horrible experience of sleep paralysis I believe

/b I just had a horrible experience of sleep paralysis I believe..
>Having a dream where im pretty sure I was fucking some chick
>Driving away from her house on this road I drive down often
>Kids on scooters and bikes on side of road are drifting into the street
>I am trying to avoid them
>Lose control of car and brakes don't work
>Car coming from corner about ready to hit me (remember the exact car too, a BMW X5 SUV)
>Nightmare ends and I feel about 25% concious irl

Whenever I go to sleep I leave the TV on but cover my head with a pillow so I can't see the light. I can't see anything when I wake up

>Cant tell if my eyes are open or not
>Start half-breathed screaming, kind of out of breath so I don't think it was loud
>Feel like my torso is being lifted up by my shoulders
>Screaming even more but no one can hear me
>Felt like it lasted like 20-30 seconds
>mfw scariest moment I've had in a while

So now I'm laying here watching Always Sunny and I'm too scared to fall back asleep because I don't want it to happen again. I really want to sleep since I have work tomorrow but I really can't. I'm so grateful I couldn't see anything because I've only heard of the terrors people have seen during sleep paralysis. Has anyone had an experience like this before? If so please share.

I get this all the time, a symptom of my PTSD. It sucks.

Has I ever happened twice in a row like you fall back asleep after it and it happens again? Not sure if I should fall back asleep or not.

Yes that's sleep paralysis.

Had it constantly for about a three months.
Now it's just ever so often.
It comes in many different experiences.

Figure out what has change or if you did something different before bed.

My big triggers are falling asleep really drunk and falling asleep on my back. The ones now adays are mostly from stress.

Just solidify in your mind that you will wake up eventually, Even if it happens again. It stimulates a portion of your brain directly related to your fear. So it will always be terrifying.

Good luck

Yes. Exactly, to the point I was afraid to go back to sleep.

Only if I went right back to sleep. You should be fine that your fully awake.

Like I said it sucks but if you can get passed it and face it knowing that it will end and some point you'll be fine.

I PUSH threw mine. I don't panic I crush the fear down and rage at it till I'm free. Maybe I trigger some adrenaline and that why it feels like it works idk. I get everything from suffocating to loops to stranger in room to feeling things walking on my bed an I can move to full hallucinations. I crush them all, scream at them, thrash against the paralysis till it gives in. Wake up feeling like I could take on the world. Conquer your fear and all that.

Yes sounds like it.

Once you have experienced it... The next time you experience it, it will be like a joke. Just keep rolling your eyes and wiggling your fingers and reminding yourself it's sleep paralysis then it won't be as scary.

Also I find sleep paralysis happens 100% of the time when I am sleeping on my back.

If I sleep on my stomach it never happens.

It's so weird how your brain can make you feel things that aren't really there. Like when I was being lifted up it felt real and idk if it was or not. At first I thought I was actually being possessed by an evil being since I was talking about religion and demons with friends earlier. Fuck this shit. Tomorrow is a new day though so before I fall asleep I'll take some precautions in order to prevent it.

You got luck if you ask me, my first one I had a full blown hallucination. A black evil spirit just buzzing around my room with the extreme fear instill buy it. Seriously thought after I woke up I was going to have to start believing in a religion. Did some research, happen to me again, understood what was going on, fix my life enough, got better.

thats what you get from sleeping with fucking tv on you tvtard

When you start to get a hang of the whole SP thing, you can feel it coming like a hiccup. You can even sort of tell sometimes when you fall asleep that you'll have it this night. Best thing to do when you half-wake up is to just let yourself drop right back to sleep instead of trying to scream or something. It's usually quite harmless, just reall shocking if you don't know what's going on.

People experiencing SP often have the sensation of something either putting pressure on their chest or in your case the opposite. I even dreamed it was some kind of skeleton leaning over me and pushing me down on the bed. You can have audio-visual hallucinations when you're half awake during SP. Don't worry too much and keep a good sleeping hygiene. That actually includes NOT watching TV an hour before you go to bed.

i have sleep paralysis very often.so often im dealing with it pretty good. but i dunno should i visit shrink or doctor or smthn? sometimes i dream same dream 3 times always i have trouble waking up(sleep paralysis) and then when i fell a sleep same dream repeating.

When I have sleep paralysis (very rare) I feel like my chest is being pressed down, not lifted up.

>trouble waking up(sleep paralysis)

that doesn't sound like sleep paralysis, fam
more like you being retarded and dreaming the same shit all over


Take the pillow of you head!

Don't sleep with anything covering your face. Your breathing is restricted and this puts your subconscious brain into panic mode.

Ive had it once or twice, always when my face or hands at restricted in some way.

just dont sleep directly on your back and you wont get sleep paralysis

Try to fall asleep while sleeping on your side, guaranteed normal sleep. I've had unintentional lucid dreams for a long time but after a while I noticed that it only happened when I fell asleep while I was lying on my back, so one day I fell asleep while on my side and it didn't happen. Don't ask me how cause I'm not doctor but yeah it works.


I had this alot in my late teens early 20s. Are you on any mental medications? I have nailed down alot of them can cause this. I had the issues where i would be sleeping or just falling asleep and it would be like my body went before my mind so i was paralyzed and i can remember fighting to shake myself awake a few times in a row. The best thing to do in my experience is wake up fully, stretch a bit get the blood flowing and distract yourself for a few, then try to sleep again in a different position, on the bad is the worst way.

I meant on the back, lay on your side

IIRC, SP is caused by a de-sync between your brain staying awake and your body going into sleep mode.
Personally, I find it easier to not resist. I'd describe that like putting your laptop on sleep, then turning it on again.
Nowadays though, I have more of a problem with a false awakening paired with SP. Basically, I have SP while still in a dream.

when you fall asleep your brain releases a chemical thru your body that basically "turns-off" your muscles and your body relies solely on the parasympathetic nervous system. SP is when your "memory" wakes up and you become conscious of your situation and inability to move and are recording your thoughts and feelings to memory. dejavu is another similar fuck-up of your memory that happens when your body records the current situation to memory faster than your brain can actually process it and you get the sensation that your actually recalling the situation from your memory than actually perceiving it in realtime.

So, it's there a way to self induce SP? I've heard it's the gateway to lucid dreaming

I get it about once a month, but I've learned how to "feel" if it is about to happen. When I get that warning sign, I usually just turn on the TV (I normally sleep in the dark.) That usually prevents it for me.

But I've had it at almost all possible times. When I am trying to go to sleep, wake up with it, when I am trying to wake up. It doesn't matter.

I can do it sometimes, by focusing on a specific thought when my body is going into the sleep mode.
Never gone all the way into a lucid dream, though.
I don't recommend trying it, because SP isn't a very enjoyable state to be in.