If men gimme dub dub he win win 20 20

if men gimme dub dub he win win 20 20

trump will lose?

He will anyway

the United states won't exist

probably but I'm gonna keep roll in g and guessing til dubs

Trump won't run in 2020

trump will DOMINATE IN 2020

and there it is. all praise to kek!

got them dubzzz fool. kek speaks again, with feels.

rolling for random keks and happenings


I'm a newfag. meaning checked?

Lurk more fgt


thats so weird, i saw it as red first as well

yeah dude same



time to start the church of Kek

KEK spoke to me

I should believe in kek

I'm gonna get laid today

KEK memes himself into reality

Kek if you actually believe this is a real image.