So what is outside of our Universe?

So what is outside of our Universe?

Doesn't matter.

More space

Knowing we’ll never get to know.


Thereis no outside, it's infinite

Nothing. It will just wrap around similar to the old snake game. Learn to physics nerd.


there is no outside, and no inside
there is only the void
and temporary physical manifestations of

what doth LIFE?

life doth be one of dem temporary manifestions of being
being, being absolute consciousness of the void

The void is just a hole, one that is slippery and moist on the edges much like our mother, nature, which will swallow you whole deep into its hole

Their universe

when I meditate on the void, that's how it feels
deep, dark, moist and infinite

Are you saying your holiest of holies is infinitely deep? Like a sausage down the hallway of infinite dimension I'm going to have to fall to the answer and get you tightened up. For I am your savior, your guardian angel

the edge of the observable universe is an event horizon, there is no "outside" the universe, that's why it's called a universe.

Underrated post

not pussy, faggot

ITT: people who don't understand physics pretending like they understand physics

we are probably in some giant tranny's retarded balls, maybe he's on chan


This x 1,000,000 buddy

I like this guy. Couldn't begin to fathom why, if you're not an astro- meta- physicist, you would entrap yourself with these questions instead of making a fortune and slaying pussy here on earth. True Life: I don't give a fuck. AMA

we just might.
you knowing the scientific reasoning for the current assumption that this is not possible does not equal knowing that it is not possible. scientific paradigms get turned upside down sometimes

The true burden we must fathom is that of this earth's destiny. To become one with our spirits we must treat her as we'd treat any woman, and that'd be kicking her out of your house after a night of using her. I'm so cool, check out my biceps yo