Anti-Abortion march in Zagreb, Croatia
>A protest march against abortion, which was organized on Saturday by the “Walk for Life” initiative, gathered about seven thousand people

> The simultaneous protest of pro-abortion activists gathered about 400 people, and at one moment there was a bit of jostling between members of the two groups

>Coordinator of the initiative Heidi Begović said that as much as 75 percent of women choose to have an abortion for economic reasons. “I think this event is the beginning of something beautiful. What is Croatia without Croats?” asked Begović.

>The pro-abortion initiative was joined by former Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mirando Mrsić, while the “Walk for Life” protest march was attended by Sanja Orešković, the wife of Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković.

gonna post some pics from the event

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Do you have rapefugees there? I'm supposed to come this summer with my family but I don't want them to be raped

Based bros

Who cares, with or without abortion Croatia will become empty fairly quickly due to the young people leaving.

They come, but they leave almost immediately to Germany. The minister announced another group is coming from Greece but I don't think think they will cause harm

no rapes so far?

Croatia is so fucking cool.

Out of all the things people could protest about in Croatia, they chose abortion

rapefugees don't care about us

There's literally no rapefugees whatsoever, considering the media hasn't reported on them being in our country for like months now.

if you're thinking about protests against government or lack of jobs etc. it is pointless and we all know that

Based Croatia. Fighting together with your fellow Poles and Magyars for a nationalist and traditionalist revolution.
God willing, we will join you soon.

perfect, thank you

I'm surprised young people are attending this tbqh

ruka ruci, nismo turci

God speed eastern Europe

With God at your side you will never lose


You two should get together and annex Bosnia tbqh

>people leave
>the rest of us get all the jobs
>make Croatia great

Who gives a fuck, we're a tourist paradise and niggers cant get benefits here. It's perfect

Where it gets even cooler is that the most nationalist member of the government is the minister of Culture who:
>was one of the main supporters of the anti-LGBT referendum
>was an official of the Bleiburg Honor Guard which organises commemorations regarding one of the greatest massacres performaned by commies
>equalised ANTIFA with Nazis
>called anti-fascism a hoax
>is crushing liberal arts
>cutting minority cultures' budgets
>stands that culture is the expression of national identity

Based Zlatko is so based that cucked Germans mentioned him in the anti-right documentary Rechst Zwo Drei...

Over 15.000 people attended


More pics there as well

Bosnia should fully go to Croatia, and the Bosnian Serbs moved to resettle into Kosovo to make it Serbian again

And everyone is happy

What is going on?! You guys were suppose to fight each other

Ah you are too neutral belowed mountain German

Btw, is it true that your ruling party wants to privatise everything

Good for you ^^. 15.000 is a large number

You dont get it.
This fight against liberalism must be fought on all fronts.
Their institutions must be dismantled, their ideology countered and their puppets chased away if Europe is to survive.
I know abortion really isnt a top priority in a country with high unemployment like Croatia but if theres an opportunity to inflict a defeat on those scoundrels it should be used.

Why tho? Serbian Serbs are brotier (unlike Bosnian Serbs of whom 50% should be thrown into pits) and historically we all been ok with eachother
>10th century Tomislav saves Serbia from Bulgars
>1389 Bosnia and Croatian Crusaders save Serbia from the turks

Im in

we already tried it but Clinton was clintoning

Belgrade should be bombed again. And again. And again. Until only radioactive bottomless pit remains filled with degenerated radioactive mutated serbs.

Read Croatia is smashing liberal cultural elements too on all fronts.


Found the 14 year old.


But seriously, moving most Serbs out of posavina to Kosovo will make it Serbian again, Herzegovinan Serbs can stay, they are cool, just Bosnian Serbs can be quite quite annoying.

>mfw we could celebrate 650 years of Kosovo Field in Serbian Kosovo 2039

I blame Franjo. Boban layed down the foundations for a Croatian-Bosnian joint state, even Alija the Balija was ready to sign, but Francek backed out... Am not surprised that a former commie didnt want greater Croatia.

Yes, let the Catholic Taliban rise, and the Jagiellon legacy manifest in Croatia...

We dont have a ruling party.
Our political system is based on the principle of consociationalism.
The four biggest parties get one or two ministerial posts each.
The strongest party (SVP) is pretty much against state-owned corporations and wants to reduce the size of the federal governement.

>mfw all Serbs supermutants will have only 3 fingers and heads shaped like kokarde
Knindže Kornjače

>reducing government and selling state property

I smell treason my dear Jean-Heinrich, economic liberalism is equal to social one. It is the capitalists who push for cheap uneducated illegal immigrants to raise profits.

>read comments on

SHIT he knows!
the commies are fighting kek
>"we are here for the same reason as they, we have our own opinion"
>attacks people
they're literally like bernouts

Why do you even look into those morons

Index is a commie shithole it's even worse that jutarnji
why are you even supporting them?

I know.But it's always good to know what the other side is about.

Well this certanlly isnt very progressive and tolerant of you, please explain yourself my friend.

I know. Thats why i am against democracy.
Democratic societies are just too weak and succumb to the power of rich interantionalists.

Fuck I hate listening to Croats talk...

Jao breeeee

joj sori bre nisam hteo da te trigerujem

Don˙t you both speak the same language?

>Coordinator of the initiative Heidi Begović said that as much as 75 percent of women choose to have an abortion for economic reasons. “I think this event is the beginning of something beautiful. What is Croatia without Croats?” asked Begović.

> “I think this event is the beginning of something beautiful. What is Croatia without Croats?”

>beginning of something beautiful
>Croatia without Croats

Well, she isn't wrong.

Holy shit i speak croatish

What is even wrong with abortion ?

You should watch historic documentaries on Serbian channels
>"Serbs suffered the most in all wars and all accusations of Serbs committing crimes are lies"
>"The communists and Nazis invented evolution to destroy Serbia"
Oh or even better, watch Deretić
>"Serbia's main capitals were Belgrade, Niš and Babylon"

Sorry boys.

And yeah we do speak the same language, but it's just something about their dialect that makes me want to puke.

Peace and love :^)

Based serbs

Literally nothing from this is true.

Croatia is more tolerant than Sweden.

Top kek

It˙s okay. Say will you help me get laid?

Brm-brm to you too bro.

Based Swiss is based

I like you mate.

Am curious btw, how based are the Swiss and how's life there?

Leftism is about unlearning responsibility.
Abortion is just another way to attack it.


If it's Serbian girls you're looking for I can't help you with that even though I'm from here, foreign girls on the other hand are my specialty.

I wonder how you know about that website Dragan? Do you like to take it up the ass? :>

I call bullshit on all of it

Your president is also a woman.

That's all I'm going to say.

Your prime minister doesn't speak Croatian, didn't learn it.

How the fuck people believe you're fighting liberalism is beyond me.

why, yes, of course.
stop projecting.

>A protest march against abortion
This is really impressive. I would really like to see marches like this in other countries too. We need to fight against feminist-leftist propaganda!

No it's not.

Shit. I am tall and fit but i am not cute and i am a nutjob. Tried to hire an escort once and i pulled a knife on her because i got spooked.


Well, we are not cucks like our neighbors.
We outlawed the construction of minarets in 2009 through a referendum launched by the SVP.
We also have pretty strict asylum laws but our prosperity seems to attract shitskins nonetheless.
Life here is acceptable but pretty boring.

>woman as president
So what? Are you one of the guys with such a small penis that it looks like a big clit so you are afraid of your manhood or something like that?
Women can be fucking based

>Tim Oreshkovich
Timmy is decent but sometimes retarded with his accent

Btw your president is a former gravedigger and your prime minister has a vagina instead of a mouth so have fun.

Call all you want.

ILGA-Europe is one of the most reputable sources for this.

Croatian girls are our speciality, pic related.
They love it here.

The man is a dictator.
That is far, very far from any leftist propaganda.

>and i pulled a knife on her
Damn Slovbro, your moves with women are legendary. This shit's hilarious...

>Vucic prime minister
>Has the gall to shittalk anyone else


Just hop on over to Croatia, their girls are crazy for Slovenians.

they have to pander for tourist

what's your excuse?

Vucic isn't a pussy, he's a dictator.

They're both Chetniks technically speaking.

Vucic in action.

And our president is a fucking grave digger
That should fucking tell you something.

I love how you actually went and found a picture of Kolinda, edited it to show the chicken sign then went on to a Croatian news portal and edited it into a nice collage.

Holy shit and I thought that you Servs being obsessed with us was just a meme

>Croatian girls are our speciality, pic related.
>They love it here.

excuse for what ? We are on the 25th place on that list, with all the normal countries.

implying I did anything, I just downloaded these of Croatian posters.

I'm actually talking to a Croatian girl I met a while back. She's coming to Serbia by the end of this year to visit her family and she wants to chill.

>Sta si mislila da necu da te zenim?

Kek, she was a whore and got what she deserved. I hope the boyfriend told her to fuck off and he didn't cuck himself.

Never let your girls go on vacation without you boys.

>The man is a dictator.
>That is far, very far from any leftist propaganda.
>he thinks it's good

you shouldn't be supporting him even when you're baiting on Sup Forums, seriously, I'm shocked a Serb thinks like this

You don˙t get it. I am a basket case. You could sent me to Thailand brothel with a 100$ bill and i could not get laid.

I need help

Croats are proud people who support more government regulations and control.

We are brainwashed sheeps.
We think everything would decent into chaos if some lazy ass Bureaucrat didn't make 1000 page rules and regulation how to bake fucking bread.

Pic related
we are actually importing leafs and sticks we are not far from caveman technology

ayy lmao, somebody bullshiting on the radio

Post real stuff, from TV shows, real TV shows, not reality ones.

Just keep sending Girls like these Lana (pic related), would love one.

More, from real life, Croatian girl students coming to belgrade


I want to marry a Serbian grill. Anybody have experience marrying someone foreign and getting the visas and all that jazz?

I'm trying to find out if there's any way to speed it up.

it just shows that we don't go around killing gays, instead we don't care about whatever the fuck they want to do, they can't get married, it's in the constituton friend

He had enough balls to steal the elections.

Nobody else did in the region.

you go croatbros

He is still not in the Army, not will he ever be.

You've only confirmed what I'm saying, nothing else.

>tfw my Croat gf is pro-choice

I'm not Chad either, but the best advice I can give you is to just relax, be yourself and learn not to take rejection to heart


Someday the mass slaughter of children that the secularists have brought will end!

>He had enough balls to steal the elections.
>Nobody else did in the region.