
what do you do when you realize that death is inevitable, and nothing we do in life matters ?

focus on hobbies and the little things that make you happy, because in the end, nothing you or 99.97% of other people do will ever matter for more than 10-20 years.

Which is why we make the most out of life while we have it.

when i went to walmart rip

The trips have spoken

shrug, and do what needs to be done

user, what you do in life... echoes in eternity

Life is what you make of it, so saying it is meaningless is really your own projection

accept it and shoot some gooks in RS2

Nice trips.

And I agree. Just gotta live for the moment, try and get the most out of life while you are in the middle of it.

You might be alive for the next 80 years, or this time tomorrow you might be on a slab with a mortician bone sawing your skull open. Best to appreciate that fact and just live life.

i will never understand this fucking mindset, how can you look at the concept of death like this? how can you look at the meaninglessness of your existence like this? listen. this is coming from a guy who has been there for years and recently got out of it, just fuck it, death can only be a negative experience if you haven't lived, and sulking over the fact that will die is such a waste of time and what is going to make your inevitable death pointless. not your actual death, but how you live that truly determines your place int this dumpster fire of a universe.

Consciousness is a force of nature like gravity or electromagnetism, so although your body will perish, consciousness will live on in a most likely incomprehensible way

I am not sure I agree, I feel like consciousness is the result of the body's unique blueprint. It doesn't matter if we are talking about a dog or an ant. They all have a shell that creates consciousness and when the brain stops working it is gone. Your memories that let you know that you exist from one second to the next will all be erased when your brain turns to dust. It's your memories that allow you to be self aware or conscious.

So if the brain stay "active" like some studies say after dead does that mean that you are still conscious when you're being buried? . also you make a really good point

I don't think so. Your consciousness stops when your brain stops functioning. If it can't interpret data then it can't project it anymore either. The brains activity after death is the equivalent of a corpse that twitches or gets an erection. It's just the body breaking down. Obviously this is just my opinion though.

nihilism can be a bitch. turn it into hedonism instead.

just make sure you do some work to be able to afford the hedonism.

If we were given a specific purpose we would probably focus on it and let it make up our decisions for us. We have no idea how we came to be or why we are here. It seems to me that our brains are the reason why we are here. We have them so that we can use them without outside influence from some other species, God, or master. We are simply supposed to live I guess, maybe we are being observed or tested by the universe. It's a shame that we don't use our minds most of the time and use the excuse of purposelessness as a reason to turn off our minds and act like mindless animals.

Fuck a lot more.

I imagine that Sisyphus is happy.

look up alan watts, or other legiy guru types.... thats the way... the path you choose...

Congratulation, you have cracked the code. You can now do anything you want. Enjoy the rest of your days.

Dat pic tho...

tuck my dick between my legs and cluck because im a chicken that isnt brave enough to say the stuff that needs to be said so i just make it up to make u mad so i keep breaking bad


>nothing we do in life matters

well, prove it faget

Don't really think about. I'm practically immortal until I die. I know that sounds dumb as hell but that's the easiest way to explain it. I plan on being here as a conscious being 300 years from now. Even though it's entirely unlikely it's at least 99% plausible to me until I'm dead. By then I won't even have to think about not being here so who gives a fuck.

I feel like it makes more sense if consciousness is more like the relationship between the signal and the tv set, you can have a crappy black and white tv with broken sound or an amazing 4k 3d flatscreen, like the ant and the human, the signal remains the same but the receiver will perceive and display it differently

You gotta stop thinking like Life is like a game and it has an ultimate purpose and you've gotta achieve certain things to be successful, people need to realise that, goals don't just exist, they're made by you and you alone

ridiculously promiscuous, kinky sex and drugs. im talking anywhere from crossdressing to fucking prostitutes to watching my girlfriend get gangbanged.

nothing just business as usual

Death being inevitable doesn't mean nothing in life matters.

you post multiple shitty threads trying to be deep with a porn gif

You suck ass.

I attach meaning to people and friendships and love and those are the things I live for

enjoy it.

Enjoy it without consequence.

Life is absurd. Find your own meaning with the small time you got.

Connect with others and try to make their lives a little bit better.

you enjoy it you dipshit.
we've been given an opportunity to participate in this grand illusion, so why not try to get as much out of it as you can before the lights go out?

But what if your assumption is a lie. Lies can give you comfort but it is a false assumption to live with. Your whole life is based on the concept of a lie.

Shit when did John McAfee star in a porno?

Of course what we do matters, friend. Serve your community. There will be more when you die, and your community will thrive - Be it your county, city, state, or country.
More will replace you when you die. God With Us.

Enjoy the time that you have and do what makes you happy.

We're all just matter from the universe. We're matter that happened to formulate into life forms with their own sense of consciousness and ability to ponder things like the meaning of life. It's pretty crazy when you think out about it.

Thinking about all the the things that you have been in the past and how astronomically small the chances are that you happened to become a conscious, living being.

There's that phrase "you are the universe experiencing itself". I think that's true and sets things into perspective.

You never really die. You're matter is just returned to the universe and you keep getting recycling forever

to prepare us for death. then we'll see what happens from there


Just try to live life as happily as you can.

look at it this way op. all living things are essentially living energy. energy cant be destroyed only when your body shits out on you something has to happen. i personally think we evolve into a higher existence.laws of physics back me up on this

Nihilism is mental poison. It will be your inevitable destruction. You must cleanse it.

Start watching Jordan Peterson videos.

call seth rogan and tell him his movies are shit.


I jerk off to shit like this cuz fuck it man my dick wants wat it wants

And this, gentlemen, is why atheist cant be totally happy. If nothing matters, why are you even alive.

If nothing matters, then why not? If this is all there is and all I'm going to get, then better enjoy it while I'm here

Existance is pain, suicide is painless.

nothing matters but you are still a primate with a functioning brain with glands that can produce all the "pleasure" hormons...fucking use them

Masturbate furiously while consuming vast quantities of pizza.

Eternity? do you remember what every person of the 100 billion that came before you have done? Humans won't exist in a few million years. The moon landing will look like children playing with fire


Free will isn't real. You could never have done anything different than what you did, modulo randomness.
Consciousness doesn't "do anything", it's just post-hoc explanations for stuff that already happened at deeper layers.
Women don't feel love, or understand the concept of loyalty.
Most determinants of life success including IQ are hereditary.
Short of abuse / malnutrition, "good parenting" doesn't have much impact on the outcome of a child's life.

If you try to find meaning in life, you'll drown yourself by running in circles. Because there is no inherent meaning, you make your own. What use is a hammer without someone to yield it? What use is a corpse that never lived?

Stop being sentimental and enjoy it. Nothing matters unless you decide it does.

I don't think when I reconnect with my oversoul and the Source they will enjoy it if I don't do right. Plus, when you do something you know is wrong then you're just damaging your mental state even more.

That is a bathroom in the Bellagio.

Life is what you make of it, OP.

>i will never understand this fucking mindset
>this is coming from a guy who has been there for years and recently got out of it

I believe you should try to live your life to the fullest and give yourself a purpose rather than believe in predestination. You are the result of reproduction and your parents completed their natural objective of procreation. Nature doesn't care about your dreams or feelings. Nature does what it does. Nature is essentially The Terminator, can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with and it will not stop until you are dead. However, you have free will. So with that free will you can choose to make the most out of the precious little time or dick around and waste it away. Whatever you choose should matter to you and that's important.

I also believe that if innovators of modern times had the thought process that they're lives had no purpose and everything is pointless, pretty sure they would never have been motivated to innovate. It's why you are able to turn on the light, drink clean water, sit your ass in front of a screen, etc etc. It matters to us living today.

>Tl;dr Live your life and give yourself a purpose. That's all that matters.

user is a fag