I don't know when Hackman rised/fell, but all I know, I was Hackman 2.0

I don't know when Hackman rised/fell, but all I know, I was Hackman 2.0

>Be me.
>Grade 9 in shitty school
>Because I have shit writing, the teachers let me use a laptop. They even let me take it home.
>Doing homework when i realize that this was the head techs old laptop,
>Holy shit what should I do with this
>Next day, teachers never mention anything about the laptop.
>Lunch, I go behind the school, and go on laptop
>Look up what people are doing
>Find that bullies are playing some shitty flash games,
>Take control of the PC.
>Open notepad
>I type; Hello cunts. you all are fucking cunts. plz kys and go suck dick
>Go on bully#1's student email
>Email principle
>Think that I am the fucking the shit.
>They get suspended for a fucking month
>People start talking about it
>I am Hackman 2.0
>go home and browse Sup Forums.

I have more.

i hacked into my schools bell system and made the emergency alarm go off like 5 times, bell was turned off for the rest of the day.

I guess you can go on. I'm interested


Go on

Bump for more

op please


Alright, was gonna post anyways. sorry for the wait

>Be in lunch next day, at cafeteria.
>Overhear a guy telling about how hes getting robbed daily by cunts in school.
>time to shine
>find out where his locker is
>drop paper in locker
>cant remember what it said but something like"I've heard about your shit, im the cunt who hacked the guys yesterday." blah blah blah
>record cctv footage i found day after, upload it unlisted to youtube
>control ALL the computers. even the news screen
>play video
>people start laughing, i check the cctv footage, find the person, hes extremely happy
>submit breaking news. simply says "I delivered. - H4CK

I don't know what i was thinking when I named myself H4CK. was a dumbass. still am.

>Everyone talks about me now. teachers mention it in class.
>Feel like a fucking pimp.
>get full of myself, go right into the news,
>post some dumb shit, jokes, but mainly post pepe.
>do this daily, they never have a clue.
until, like the original Hackman, this happens.
>Because I am a beta who is always on the fucking computer, people assume im like some fucking master with them.
>also appear as a fucking angel,
>you already likely know whats going to happen
>im the bad cop tasked with finding the bad cop. yeah yeah.
>Heading to class, while i see buletin board filled with papers, requests for H4CK.
>its beautiful.

Yeh the head tech would give some dumbass who cant write to use his laptop right? nice

>be in grade 10 now. unblock porn sites, redirect 9gag to some jumpscare website.
>start getting bored, notice people spend more time in bathrooms and library corners.
>send message to crush through news. saying she hot and that i wanna go out with her.
>she sees it
>she stares
>she arrives late to class because of shock
>put get the fuck off my board normal fags shit on teachers computers.
>prepare for the ultimate bust on all evildoers
>more and more requests.
>im ready.

head tech didn't give me it, teachers found it somewhere. didn't know that it was his.

I hacked into the pop machines and changed the price to nothing and emptied the machines. After a few times they got rid of all the machines in the school

>be in grade 10 now.
This website is for people 18+
Oh and B& incoming

Not sure if you are retarded or autistic

im not in grade 10.

>be me. grade 12 today. got held back once in grade 11.
everything has been set into place. I just need to add something extra.
Find a whole bunch of shit, pedophile teachers, drug users, bully's, and more.

Sup Forums. I have no idea what else to do. the day will be on the 8th of October. What do you all think I should do? play Hitler speeches? i need help.

Play a video of somebody commiting suicide for the pure shock value

How did you manage to do that?

got it.

surely whatever teacher remote desktop thing wouldnt have been left on the laptop/has passwords/doesnt work by just being on the same network (behind the school)

yeah usually it works by being installed on a terminal in a classroom and oversees the computers in the room, usually on the intranet. So this is def bullshit

All machines have a code that you can use. Just press the buttons in a specific order, matters on the machines tho

>POSTING pepe...
>What year was this at?

I'm both how bout you faggot?

Sorry. im a faggot. i put pepe on the school news.

underage fag leave Sup Forums

is there a school news video or something

is it still on

Tell more stories

I don't know. i left the laptop there

its really uninteresting.

its not trueeee thats why

Any more?

yeah I used to leave the laptop taped to the back of the toilet with the lid open so the webcam could see and record. then id organise each video with an ID and stuff into folders and use after effects to put in creative title cards with H4CKED on them

i mean is the youtube video still up