Why do fat women try to push this fat acceptance bullshit...

Why do fat women try to push this fat acceptance bullshit? Its the one SJW agenda that when I try to put myself in their shoes, I still cannot fathom at all. Excluding the case of fetishes, the human brain associates obesity with unattractiveness and its fact that has been proven with modern science. So why do they try to push this disgusting habit of theirs on normal people?

Is it for attention?
Is it because they are so emotionally disturbed that they subconsciously want to kill themselves slowly?
Is it because they are so emotionally disturbed that they also don't have the willpower to hop on a treadmill?
Do they want others to die a slow death like them when they shame normal, skinny people?

Please help me understand, Sup Forums.

Full pic. Fucking barf.

DAMN! That is one fat fuck !

I'm sorry OP but... I can't be the only one that noticed this.


Also noticed this too



You are what you eat...

the real question is why do black people think there is a space before punctuation ?


No surprise, a fat fucking nigger looks like fried chicken KEK



10/10 would eat

new meme

I can't answer that for you OP but I have a question myself: How the fuck do you even get that far in the first place? You'd have to consciously intentionally become that far yourself.


All of the kek

Fucking SJW autocorrect


its for attention, only on this day and age you can be fat and people will praise you for it
they are just doing what anyone would do on their shoes, besides losing wheight

I have no problem with fat people accepting their bodies, as in not hating themsevles for it, as long as they know it's actually REALLY unhealthy to be that fat


Women want to get with high level men and always seek to aim as high as possible. They are taught that being a woman makes them special. Well, fat women.. aren't treated special. They are treated better than men but if ugly too without being easy as shit they are treated just like men are in dating. Which they can't handle as a female "princess." So they are told one thing but treated another way which catches them off guard. Now, women are also VERY lazy. So much so that they marry for money and divorce to fill accounts rather than work for it, demand everything and usually offer very little in return. A fat woman is basically entitled and lazy. Really most women are. So, if they lost a lot of sexual value how will they get it back? Will they lose the weight? No. They will change society, promote fatness as being acceptable when it's gross as fuck and medically very damaging. Why? So they can still be a princess while fat and lazy. Women are the ultimate "lower the bar for me" group of people. Minorities might face discrimination and need help. Women have every advantage on earth when you. School is on their side, courts, men give them what they want, they are empowered in ways men will not be and guess what? They are still entitled and lazy and shitty. Here's the thing. If you want to see a trend of how women behave and how entitled they are look at the underlying premise and themes for the following:

Man droughts
"Unequal Pay" and many feminist's statistics to promote victimization that isn't there.
Fat acceptance
Cougars and trying to make that a thing
Dating and paying on those
Tinder dating trends (relates to man droughts. Nobody is ever good enough for these "princesses")
Look up articles on them going to college to meet successful men and get them ahead of time. Many pick easy majors and run around hunting for soon to be bread winning men.

The list goes on. Lie, fabricate data, play victim, blame society, repeat. They are shit.

its not that funny user, its kinda cringy actually
that potato looks like her arm too, she is fat all over



And that's the problem. They don't. They would rather flail their blubber around and yell that you hate fat people when you try to tell them its unhealthy. They're in literal fucking denial.


Dat ass though!

She shouldn't live to lose weight, but she should lose weight to live. I fear that is too fine a dinstinction for her weak mind, however.


the others might be samefagging but that ain't me

why are women like this
its like being a woman is a mental illness, they are fucking crazy

they trip and they dont even realize it, the issue is not your body and being fat doesnt help the problem at all
she said fuck it and started eating like shit, I praise her for letting go of her insecurities but I fucking cant fathom how would anyone be proud of letting oneself go
nothing says more about your self esteem than the way you take care of yourself

You know what? I like chubby chicks. I'd happily snap my dick off in the ass of the one on the right.

Or rather, I'd would if her personality were not so lazy and repellent.

Wanna see a Venn diagram of feminists and fat acceptance activists? Pic related.

no one wants to feel unattractive. Being in good shape is hard work. The reason they are large is often because of their aversion to hard work. Rather than work hard it is easier to say "I'm good enough as I am! Look at how beautiful I am!" and just deny the truth...that they are fucking wales.



They don't; they are secretly ashamed, they know they're full of shit. Also Crisco.

That is why they must bully the rest of society into peforming minor roles in their fantasy of self-delusion: they require the reinforcement.

>IT IS NOT WRONG to give your fat child cookies
Yeah, except you know, for the fat gathering his fucking arteries with every cookie eaten

your english is shit
I like chubby chicks too, she has a cute face
I dont dig the rolls on her stomach and flubby thighs tho
there are plenty cuter, nicer women than her that are also chubby

I mean. I think the reason they feel the need to express to accept this is because they are most conscious about this than any of us. And I'm thankful for the whole accepting thing and what not but that doesn't mean you become a slob. Thats like saying we are all going to die so lets do nothing. At least have standards

Alright user, you got me.

bait obvs


Jeez, man, I made one spelling error when I edited my post and forgot to remove an unnecessary contraction.

Back on topic: yeah, she's chubbier than is strictly healthy, but it's her attitude that is truly ugly. She's only gonna get bigger, and she is still relatively young. She'll have a front-butt by the age of thirty.

The Serenity Prayer:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

They seem to have forgotten those last two lines.

That's because IT IS an unusual quality. Ever wonder why your fat body has stretch marks all over it? That's not natural. Your body is doing everything it can to keep your fat from literally spilling out of your gut, so it literally stretches the tissue beyond what is considered normal. So yeah you're pretty unusual, you fat fuck.

Nobody's perfect, you seem to have forgotten that.

The best part, to me, is her violation of their own definition of "privilege". They define it as an advantage both unearned and, more importantly, *impossible* to earn.

Anyone can lose weight. Thus there can be no "privilege".

Consistency; do not seek it in SJW land.

Learn how to tie a noose you dumb fuck your low IQ is showing.

Alright FUCK YOU.
Can you understand that overweight persons have a reason for being overweight? Deep rooted memories that cannot be fixed are the reason overweight persons are who they are. It is comforting to be dignified and proud of who they are unlike intolerant assholes like you spreading FUCKING HATE.


No, no one is perfect.

They, however, have given themselves license to wallow in their worst traits and never strive to improve. Even a half-assed, failed effort to get one's weight down to healthier levels is more honourable than what they are doing.

I look forward to the day when they learn that diabetes is not, in fact, a "control mechanism of the cis-het patriarchy", and they go blind and lose a limb or two.

They are chainsmokers who have declared themselves "healthy". Even most smokers will admit their habit is a bad one; these pigs are trying to shame and bully the rest of the world into abetting their willful delusion.

Oh look, a triggered fattie! I was waiting for one of you to show up.

>overweight persons
You save 8 whole characters when you type "fat people" instead faggot.

"Rotting sack" is precisely what the creature in OP's pic is. She is, at best, mentally ill. But, as is fashionable now, we are instead expected to play along with her fantasy until she's critically ill.

Shame: it's what's for breakfast. Also, bacon.

chill user
im not wrong tho

First of all, do you have any citations to your claim that "it's a fact that has been proven with modern science"? No? didn't think so.

Not all minds think the same way as yours, dipshit. As hard as it may be to believe, some people, myself included, actually like the way fat looks, even outside of fetishism. Some people even like the way they themselves look with more fat on them. Also, certain people, including me, dislike/find unattractive the way muscles/fitness/gym bodies look, on both sexes.

While I agree that there are limits to what is "healthy" (being able to walk, not having clogged arteries, etc.), the same can be said about the opposite end. Being skinny is okay, but when you look like a walking holocaust victim, it's time to stop (aka anorexia). But guess what. BOTH extremes are sexualized. That doesn't make EITHER okay.

Lastly, "fat acceptance" is just that: accepting that some people want to be fat. Nobody's trying to make you fat or make you like fat, we just don't want you publicly criticizing and shaming us for a decision we make/personal preference we have. Just like I don't go around telling buff people they look gross or that they should "eat a cheeseburger once in a while," you shouldn't be going around telling people how they should or shouldn't look. It's their body, fucktard.

Idk if you'll actually listen to any of this, I guess I'm just hoping one or two people will read this and have a change of mind.... But then again, this is Sup Forums. Who am I trying to fool?

This is what I imagine you look like.

kys. asap.


>2 asses
That's a good deal if you ask me

Nice and direct. 10/10
OP should read this

Unsure if bait, lot of effort put into this post.

From personal experience fat gals, were talking obese aka land whales here, almost always have some deep seated psychological problem(s). In other words... they're crazy. They may not appear it at first. But eventually it comes out. Note: NEVER stick your dick in crazy. Not unless you want to endure the ensuing shit storm that will surly engulf you.

The very same cables that hold the Golden Gate Bridge.

2/10 for making me reply

The thing is, though, the number of people who *want* to be fat is vanishingly small. Most, were they to be offered a magic pill that instantly and safely reduces their weight to lower levels, would step over the corpses of their own children to get it.

As for the few who really do want to be morbidly obese, what of them? Are you also a fan of letting anorexics "celebrate" their illness? They will FUCKING DIE if not treated.

People who are happy don't run around with "HAPPY" scrawled on their bodies. They don't spend hours on social media posting about how AMAZINGLY HAPPY THEY ARE RIGHT NOW. They are engaged in a desperate act of self-hypnosis and impressing the rest of us into unwilling actors in their delusion.

This woman is sick; she is not beautiful, knows it, and is desperately trying to fool herself. Healthy, happy people don't do that. Stop enabling the mentally ill.

It isn't bait; it's real. Let's not engage in fat-acceptance levels of self-delusion and face the horror head-on:

This shit is real.

I would like to add onto this by reminding everyone that none of us our responsible for neither our genetics nor our circumstance.

This is a point that is relevant for anything we tend to stigmatize (or glorify), but it's worth remembering in these cases.

Whatever question you want to ask of obese people being disturbed or something... We can ask these questions to anyone (with it making varying degrees of sense based on social norms).


There is literally no genetic abnormality that makes weight loss impossible. More difficult, yes, but never impossible.

On the other hand, there *are* genetic disorders that can make weight *gain* impossible, so I'll save my sympathy for their victims.


I know, man, that poor guy.

>Why must this hamplanet air out her mental and literal baggage in public? Sweet Jesus, I hope that smell is someone is eating Doritos...

Citing that there is only a small amount of people who want to be fat, regardless of its veracity, is a fallacy if we're to conclude that it's wrong just on that account.

Anoerxia is a strange analogy, because these people really are at odds with reality. They see and feel different from what is actually the case.

I don't think obesity is a mental illness.

>Why do fat women try to push this fat acceptance bullshit?

It's easier than diet and exercise.


Yeah, " 'cause genetics!" is the best they can do. Try asking them: "Please explain precisely the physiological mechanism by which you are unable to lose weight. Go."

Careful, though, they may attempt to eat you in self-defence,

I think you missed my point. I was referring more to environmental causes and genetics being out of our control. This is true for everything, not just weight problems.

I just wanted to throw a shout out to it so that we are not holding people overly accountable for their situation (to the extent that I think we should hold anyone "accountable" for their situation).


Obesity, no. Their delusion that either: 1) they are not morbidly obese or 2) that their obesity is normal and healthy? Yes, they have a serious mental disorder, just as does an alcoholic-in-denial.

They are both killing themselves, all the while convinced that they are beautiful and healthy. It must be hell on their families.

LOL! Every single person who's fat has "deep rooted memories"? Your assuming that you know why anyone other than yourself is a fat fuck is the funniest thing I've read all day. Stupidest too.

You are all misunderstanding. I'm not saying there's some fat gene?

Just like there's no smart guy on Sup Forums gene. This isn't an original point I'm making. In some respect, we are not responsible for our circumstances.

There's only so much ownership you have over not being a fatass.

Oh Bobby

You are fat.

I dont like either extremely skinny or obese people's bodies. Why? Because it is NOT okay, they are risking their lives by choosing that path and living in denial. Sure, I dont give a fuck, its their bodies and they can do whatever the fuck they want with them, but they shouldnt push it as something normal or something to be proud of.

Feminism holds that every problem, frustration, failure, setback, or discomfort experienced by a woman is Men's Fault. Thus, their shame at being gluttonous pigs is the fault of The Patriarchy.

It's that simple. Show me a Fat Acceptance Activist who does not also call herself a feminist, and I'll show you a unicorn.

A fat one.

user you glorious bastard.

Hey now, calm them 8 tits of yours

This seems really naive to me. They must be delusional about how the are or delusional about what it means to be what they are.

People are more nuanced than this. Is every decision you make in the best interest of your health? If so, then I'd say you're in a minority.

For instance, I doubt you are on the treadmill right now. You are probably sedentary to some extent, and this is bad for your heart. Are you delusional?

People don't work that way.


This matter is 100% within their control. It can even be accomplished by negative action: all they need to do is stop eating so much.

It's sour grapes: they can't reach them, so they must have been sour anyway.

Okay, bad analogy, they beaver down the tree to get at those tasty grapes, but I think you get my drift.

Mostly for all the slobby overweight 12 year olds that will look exactly like pic related in 10 years don't kill themselves, which isn't bad, but when they post shit like this, with this elephant showing off her disgusting blubber, then ppl are like ok 2 far

I could be more active and I'd say I'm about ten pounds over my ideal weight, but I admit that. So, no, there is no delusion. They, however, insist that no problem even exists, therefore they can never fix it.

Perhaps you should go refresh your understanding of the term "delusion".

CAN WE ALL JUST SHUT UP and let me point out that this fucking blubber whale's name is fucking "Dank"

Are you fucking kidding me

I honestly thought everyone on Sup Forums was retarded for actually caring about women. Nice to see someone else that understands that relationships mean nothing and how easy it is to get fucked over by someone you "care" about.

Sure. For the sake of argument we could say that they simply need to stop eating so much.

But this is actually difficult for some people. And their hunger (and varying degrees of inability to overcome that hunger) is at odds with their desire to be healthy.

It's just not reasonable to expect people to make the better decision the majority of the time.

Yeah, I noticed that

How does she wipe her ass? Carwash?

Hmm, we did miss that, didn't we?

There's a good chance it's her real name, too.

She's called Laquana isn't she?