What kind of spider is this?

What kind of spider is this?

a nope

Cum on it

Looks like a wolf spider to me

Brown recluse, don't let it bite you. bad shit

Recluses are tinier than that.

Eat it Op.

Yep. Mostly harmless, but they carry hundreds of their babies on their backs, so if you don't kill it, the next time you see it may be horrifying.


I know spiders are beneficial but fuck these things. Scary creatures

I'll let them live if they make a web in an out of the way corner, but if they come into my space, they die.

A fucking big one.

Poor milk into the cup and drink it.

it's not a recluse you mongrel. it looks like a Wolf Spider or perhaps a kind of Huntsman spider.


its a huntsman 100% nasty fuckers

Can confirm, it's not a wolf spider. This is a wolf spider that hid in my shoe and bit the shit out of my foot a couple months ago.


Looks like a wolf spider.

If you want to know for sure just google native spiders in your area and you can look at stuff like:
>number of eyes
>pattern of eyes
>shape of legs
>size of pedipalps
to narrow it down rather than just using size and color.

>pic related
Fished this guy out of the bottom of my pool and came back to life once he dried out for a while in the jar. I let him back out in the yard figuring if this guy can take a bath in chlorine 8ft underwater he gets to live.
It's a woodlouse spider btw


Das a fag spider, it only bites faggets, so there's nothing to worry about... Unless..

the nope kind of spider

A scary one.