What are you planning to do when the Yellowstone caldera erupts into a supervolcano?

what are you planning to do when the Yellowstone caldera erupts into a supervolcano?

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wow nice dubs

wow check em

If dubs I will cut my dick off on cam

Gonna jack off in it

Die. Not many other options without some serious money.

blast it with piss


theres no plastic that deep into the ground

I live in eastern SD do i survive the initial blast???

rim my boundary fault

and it wouldnt even be brittle, all that heat would make it melty




wow look at all that nothing that would get destroyed

Run towards it, maybe I'll make it to Valhalla if I'm lucky.

why does it go like 200 miles west but 1500 miles east?

winds blow that direction

Except no more potatoes and a shit ton of corn m8. Those are massive food crops just obliterated for the entire country.

You have to die in battle, dipshit. Not lava

Dead red staters... who cares.

>nice dub dubs

Who said I'm not gonna try to battle the lava?

nothing because maine

this state sucks, we never have anything awesome happen here :(

I'll die from the ash before I could get far enough away.

Nothing. I live in northern Utah and I'd be dead.


The world m80. The volcanic winter we would get would be legendary. It would be like the year without summer, but worse. Millions, maybe billions would die.

Laugh at all you midwestern faggots as I watch the news and shitpost on Sup Forums from the safety of my FL home.

If the largest hurricane in the past three decades can't do jack shit, I doubt the faggoty "super" volcano would either.
ps suck it, Irma

Not erupting anytime soon but pretty cool real doomsday scenario. The ash would cause a nuclear winter that would last 10 years, killing crops and livestock. Most of us wouldn't die initially but life would sure get a whole lot harder.

I'll die

it would effect the entire US, youre fucked too buddy

Grab my sks and go inna ash zone.

Famine would kill many but it won't hurt the entire world equally. Sure the ash will circumnavigate but it'll just be a wide swath of the northern hemisphere. Just depends on the upward velocity of material, can't measure that until the event happens.

die probably

That moment when you realize there's still at least another month of hurricane season.
>insert meme hear

pls go

Nothing? Yellow Stone is a decade or two away from becoming the North American continent's geothermal power source, which will vent pressure in a controlled way while supplying power to a gigantic amount of people.

its likely the dust cloud will cover all of Europe and Asia

yes there would be billions dead from famine

>The ash would cause a nuclear winter
Wait what


pic's kinda hot honestly

I'm in Florida so I will live. The good thing is 90% of all liberals will be dead. It will be a global event that will put the planet into another ice age. At that poingt only the strong will survive and will weed out another large part of the liberals and worthless niggers, Zionists, trailer trash and Muslims.

Where does your food come from fuccboi

Whoa man, careful with all that edge.

This user has it. Unless you've got a bunker with food for 10 years and a plan to begin repopulation after, you're gonna starve or be killed for what you have.

Geothermal power is still, at best in it's infancy. 10 or 20 years ain't shit. Solar is still shit for cryin out loud, we've had that for decades, wind power too.

Get a barrel of preparation H to handle earth's hemorroid.

Not bullshitting


Come on, deep down everyone wants to live out their fantasy of roaming the ash wasteland, looting former cities with a rifle on your back and your buddies by your side.

That is an old map. The current projections cover a lot more of the US.

not a nuclear winter but basically what a nuclear winter would be.

USSR, most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, yield of 50 megatons, (50 million tons of tnt). In its "final" form (i.e. with a depleted uranium tamper instead of one made of lead) it would have been 100 megatons.

krakatoa was something like 200 megatons

the last major eruoption of yellowstone was at least 100 time stronger than that

20000 megatons

20000000000000 tons of tnt

affect, not effect


California master race. We'll just float off into the ocean and laugh all the way.

No edge. Fact is most of them have no survival skills.

California, Florida, Mexico and South America.

your mom is an old map lol BURN

i believe he meant something like a nuclear winter.

go collect some dank-ass rare volcanic minerals

You're not understanding that it may not even reach Europe let alone Asia. I'm betting that part of the caldera collapses before we'll ever have a large scale eruption as postulated.

I live in Florida too, and I'm an independent liberal.

its true

Actually she is pretty fucking old LOL. But I think that map is actually older LOL.



lol nope. Wasteland means untended nuclear plants melting and I'm fresh out of RadX.

Probably die even if the ash didn't kill me.

Without survival skills and being able to drop the liberal way of thinking you will eventually die. There will be no Starbucks to get you latte from.

You said nuclear though

Did ussr experience any light symptoms of a nuclear winter when they exploded the 50mt device?

sit back and wait for China or Russia to invade

because that's exactly what will happen

have survival games taught you nothing? tarp+duck tape+respirator= win

That looks like a diagram for a uterus...

Because it's the same effect, silly.

this is fucking bullshit, why don't they drill a hole and pour water down?

Nothing to do. Would die like the other 97% of the world population after a 3 year winter and no food supplies. Burrow underground and hibernate.

Like how not going near radioactive sites is the only real means of avoiding being irradiated? Yup sure did.

your mom looks like a diagram for a uterus lol SICK BURN

>Without survival skills and being able to drop the liberal way of thinking you will eventually die. There will be no Starbucks to get you latte from.

That's a lot of assuming Cletus.
I have guns and I hunt and fish.
I just happen to have a college education too.
I've lived here longer than you've been born kiddo.

H2O + magma = sulfur dioxide gas

You're kinda dumb, aren't you?

Lol. Thats what happened at Krakatoa. The caldera collapsed, the sea rushed in...BOOM!

No drill could drill a hole that deep friend. They'd have to use my dick, and I ain't sticking my dick down a volcano.

That was actually kinda funny, congrats

On topic, check out this shit.

Pretty cool, huh?

>taking it completely literally
>can't see any hidden meaning
>missing the joke entirely
>being this fucking autistic

*nothing personal kids*

Weird. Isn't that what created you?

Blah. That sounds like vault-dweller pussy talk to me. It's not hard to check a map and make sure you don't go anywhere near a melting plant. There'll be plenty of wasteland to explore.

not exactly, the water would split into hydrogen and oxygen at high temperature, then explode

that's why you can't cool hot metal from blast furnaces by pouring on water, you'd cause a hydrogen explosion

Guns. Only good if there are any animals left to hunt.. The long winter will kill off most terrestrial animal life within 3 years. You might want to read this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toba_catastrophe_theory

we should listen to this guy, he's offering a practical solution to the problem

Floridians can't handle anything below 70 degrees, you'll go into hypothermia around the time it hits 40 degrees Farenheit

Well, I guess I am the dumb one because I don't see the hidden joke.

I know how to hunt and I used to do survival camping where all I took was a 22 rifle. a fishing pole and ate everything I could catch, hunt or find. Fucks like you will not survive with out your stores.

Fucking Obama, motherfucker.

The amount of water you'd need to amount to a massive explosion exceeds what we'd be able to haul anyway.

That wasn't my point.
If you followed the thread, you would know that

Yank bois just can’t compete

I will continue to do my part to see that Trump is impeached from the Presidency.