Give Veganism a try Sup Forums

Give Veganism a try Sup Forums

fuck off faggot

Give killing youself a chance, who knows? you might like it


While we eat way too much meat in the US

Seriously kill yourself subhuman. Humans evolved to eat meat.


Try to get cancer and die you useless fucking faggot.

You put all that shit through your body :/

Where did you learn that school ? Ha ha haha

How many times does this have to be posted and debunked before you fuck off.

No Border, No Nation, Animal Liberation!

Im vegan
Im vegan cause i suck at screening marketing and lack worthy traditions

Why in the world would i give up meat and cheese? For a cheap sense of morality and superiority? Fuck off, i have feminism for that.

What about your health ?

How is it healthy not to eat meat??

Look into it you will be surprised what you will find look into the leading causes of heart disease & bowel cancer as well


>our health



I'm already vegan.

Heil Milk, the anti lactose-intolerance war starts now!

>Give Veganism a try
>Sup Forums

Might as well ask for money. You'd have a better chance.
I'm vegan, btw.

>implying vegans aren't waging a war against the Meat industry





Its all about planting seeds

Well try being a raw vegan there is always new levels to obtain. Grow some of your own food ect ect

I tried veganism for a month and I didn't mind it so much other than the costs of food. A lot of times I can get chicken breasts for $.99 a lb but to get vegan "chicken" strips it was $6 or more. I do eat healthier because of that month, but I like the dead flesh of lifeless corpses better than flavored soy and tofu. While a lot of flavored bean curd taste good, it just doesn't compare to flesh strips. Being vegan is so inconvenient as well. Trying to find somewhere to eat while out was hard and the prices were ungodly. I have changed to a higher produce diet but still need my animal proteins. I will say thank you to the vegans I do know for helping get me to make healthier choices. I generally do feel better. To each their own. I love eating meat. Bison burgers are the fucking best.

Negative comments dont serve anyone not even yourself they just leave you feeling empty and worthless inside because you begin to realise you have no substance or integrity

It's a trap!


Since we want to combat world hunger let's reduce our options as to what to eat... Let's go Vegan and bring humanity to its end with which we wanted to save it... Oh wait that idea appears to be worthless

But i... ii.. must ..
eat ..

I'm not vegan, but you're just wrong. Our canines are way to small to rip raw meat. Our jaws can move side to side as opposed to carnivorous animals. We were primarily designed to eat greens, even our stomach acid is really weak for digesting meat - because we aren't 'supposed' to.

I still will though, just cause it tastes good.

I did. Vegans are tasty. Hey, they eat food's food, so they are food.


Why not try to be a dead, mineral eating fuck you dense retard.
>When eating is reduced just a cock show to prove you're better than everybody

Yeah ok thanks for making me read your dribble im none the wiser for reading that thanks



>Give Veganism a try Sup Forums
Fuck you
I'm a vegan
Shut up shitlord
I'm so much better than you because I'm vegan
murdering fucking dickwad
how could you not be vegan
I've been vegan for 2 seconds
and it has completely changed my life in every way for the better

wow OP
this unjustified sense of moral superiority is amazing
I can't believe it took me so long to becom ea vegan


The theory has been thrown around that if you take all land used for feeding, housing, processing, etc. Of livestock you could end hunger in most of the world. It's a good sentiment but I like cow. Especially little baby cows that have never taken a step. Veal is so fucking good.

>Lifeforms I find cute have the privilege of not ending up as my dinner, the rest can shove it
I don't believe it.

>our water
I don't eat cows or pigs because of this. It's incredibly water inefficient to raise large mammals for meat.


Forgot to
>tldr meat is too good, veganism is too expensive
My bad


and then there's the fact that the entire world population can be fed 3 times over with the land and methods currently in use
the only reason it isn't is because of logistical (food rotting in transit) and political (warlords cease food shipments and starve their enemies) problems



I understand much to hard for you to achieve I get it no one said being vegan was easy


i'd like to give that thing a try, god damn

>our water
>our planet
Possessive little shit aren't you?


I completely agree. There also is way to get nourishment to people but not in the form of "meals". Peanuts. Specifically a peanut paste. Just about everything you need to survive. Seen un a documentary that in Africa it is widely used. "No such thing as a peanut allergy in Africa"



It is from an Austrian Restaurant called Rinderwahn.
That burger is ungodly good. But i wouldnt eat it everyday, since I dont wanna be a fat piece of shit.

>ahhhh booohoooo
>somebody hurt my vegan feelings

i would eat you too user.
I would shove a spear up your anus and grill you over an open fire.

>Hurr durr I'm so much better than you
>Litteraly proving my point
I hope its bait, because no one can be that retarded

That's terribly sexy.

Hmmm. Let's see...
1. Fuck the animals
2. Fuck your water
3. Fuck the 3rd world poorfags
4. Fuck the rainforest
5. Fuck other people
6. Fuck the animals, again
7. Fuck your health
8. Fuck peace
9. Fuck this planet
And last but not least
10. Fuck you, OP

Do vegans reject antibiotics? I mean, germs are living beings, too...

dont cut yourself on that edge boi

I think we should stop pretending that we doing this for earth and shit. I'm vegetarian and I do this because it's easier to control your diet and weight by keeping off meat (beside meat I don't eat all types of bread). I lost 25 kg since I started and managed to keep my weight stable for more than couple of years. And I don't give a shit about animals.

No, because they're hypocrites who only care about one specific group of living beings.
Coincidentally the group they belong to.

That is so stupid I bet vegans could go for that too. Also vaccines (using eggs), immunotherapy (using animals) or pretty much any drug that has been tested.

Imagine the "REAL VEGANS DON'T USE DRUGS OR VACCINES !" trend, that could eradicate this faggotry !
We gotta spread that shit

Daily reminder that non-people don't have moral standing and therefore there is nothing wrong with killing and eating them.

no, I don't like vitamin deficiencies

if we weren't evolved to eat it we would get sick when eating it or we wouldn't be able to digest it
neither is the case

Yeah, because the unnecessary exploitation of billions of animal through the food industry is the same thing as keeping the human race healthly with drugs and vaccines.

Be reasonable, man.

We do get sick from eating meat and animal products

on a rate that is the same as we get sick eating plants

citations requried

Hint: humans evolved opposable thumbs and the brain-power to be able to make cutting tools and master fire to cook food.

Humans are opportunistic omnivores.

>I only care about one group of organisms, the rest can go fuck themselves
So much for the vegan compassion.

We have to eat something you fuck. If you aren't killing and eating animals, then you're killing and eating plants.

>Daily reminder that non-people don't have moral standing
what has veganism to do with niggers?

so edgy on a friday morning, wew

>I only care about one group of organisms and I find it more important than fighting the inherent productivism and industrialization of food that is the root of animal abuse, destruction of environment and worker exploitation, even for all vegan productions.

Boycotting meat and animal products is equivalent to giving up on improving current system and leaving the choice to people that don't care. You're worse than somebody that doesn't give a shit, basically.

I mean in Paleolithic times, when serious evolution was going down. We were mostly eating veggies cause its easier, but of course we hunted because they're food too.

>I have one big problem that a can solve now.
>Don't care because I have others small problems to solve

Sure, eat plants. Meat consumption is inefficient. Veganism is not about being a saint.

>let dogs eat chocolate
>let humans eat meat
who dies?
you need not more of a citation that this desu

Vegans anyway eat fungus and plants faggot. Antibiotics is not an animal.

Fucking faggot. I bet you are murrican

>Veganism is not about being a saint.
You could have fooled me.
>Meat consumption is inefficient.
So are most things we do. Something being inefficient doesn't mean it is a goal to cut it out.

The point remains that there is no moral difference between eating a plant and eating an animal.

I eat near only meat and carbs and i cant gain weight. 180cm 65kg

What about rice ?

From a health point of view, its actually really valid and makes lots of sence.

Humans can be totally vegan, and before you go on about b12 and shit, there are fortified supplements

The big problem for me when i tried it, was the fucking cost, and the amount you need to eat. Meat is so much more calorically dense that its just a lot more convinient to eat, and cheaper aswell. I couldnt be vegan because i dont have the time or the money to sustain it properly, but id love to try again someday

The morality aspect doesnt reallly matter for me, but some care

Last time I checked, rice was a plant. Eating rice is like eating a fetus.

Uhm antibiotics are not germs you know? They dont care about animals killings other neither

Try rice, legumes, salads, fruit

>complains about the amount you have to eat
>mentions salad as something to try

>I am a vegan because I like to boast that I'm better than other people
That's in essence the only motivation you have.

So instead of simply respecting the sanctity of all life and simply feeding yourself with completely artificially produced food, you're gonna bitch about one type of food production, while ignoring that the rest of our food too is grown for the sole purpose of being slaughtered and then eaten.
According to you, organisms that might not feel pain deserve less respect and empathy than those who do.

I'm not denying that were opportunists, and omnivores, but im saying we lean closer to a plant-eater genetically. for the most part we've been evolving for a primarily plant based diet, cause that's what ancient humans primarily ate. Meat has been a delicacy in civillization up until now.

if you need a supplement for your diet to not become critically malnourished, it's not valid and makes no sense