Okay medical experts of Sup Forums I need your help. What the fuck is this thing on my foot?

Okay medical experts of Sup Forums I need your help. What the fuck is this thing on my foot?

those are toes
source: am doctor

plantar wart

have fun!

Dems toes fuckwit.
Keeerist you dum.

It's a wart. you better cut that shit off before it grows more

You got herpes sorry you're gonna die.

Thanks. All cleared up now

It looks like a callus. Are you wearing boots or working/walking more than you normally would? It's not a bad thing if it is a callus, that is just how your body response to overworking parts of the skin, and prevents future tearing.

Great. How do I get rid of it?

Can’t cut it off as it’s sunken into my foot. Have tried to remove it myself before but had no luck

Are calluses slightly sunken and painful after being wet? I have started playing football again recently (soccer for you yanks) but I think it came before that

try this wart freezer

probably you need to do it more often. Helped with mine

Sweet. I’ll have a look for it next time I’m out, guessing it’d be in shops like boots etc?

100% a Plantar Wart.
Use the duct tape/vinegar method before they spread!!

If it came before that, it might be wort. Just buy a freezing kit and try to remove/shrink it that way.

But if it is a callus, that would come AFTER a day or two of harder than usual work. (Assuming you haven't played in months.)
I get them all the time from work, because I do seasonal work. So every spring I go through the pain of building my calluses up again. They can hurt, but it would most likely hurt underneath a callus, not on the callus itself. If that makes any sense. Sorta like a bruise.

Please explain the duct tape/vinegar method? Also I’m not sure it’ll spread. I’ve had it for like a year now

you get it usually at the
pharmacy, important thing is to freez it till it hurts, the trick is to kill the core.

there's a liquid which can dry it and it will eventually fall out and clear out. Mine went out on its own after a while.

Yeah I know what you mean. I think i’ll try a freezing kit and if I have no luck i’ll Put it down to it being a callous. I wouldn’t describe the pain as like a bruise though, pressure doesn’t hurt at all but if I squeeze it sort of then it hurts

Ah okay i’ll have to have a look in a chemist or pharmacy next time I go past. Thanks

never heard of that before but might give it a go. What’s the worst that can happen lmao

I had one of those, mine just fucked off so I think you're ok

How long did you have it for?

Agree with everyone else, that's a plantar wart.

One thing you should know, those little fuckers go deeper than you can believe, so expect it to take a while to remove, and when you do, expect a root that's a half-inch deep at least.

/x/ recommends to rub a potato on the wart, then wait till full moon, dig in in the earth and dance around it. Next night you dig it out, throw it over the right shoulder and scream


Bruh I had these before looking exactly the same... if you can afford it go to a primary care doctor they have some shit that will freeze it off, don't waste time with the store bought freezing stuff because that won't work trust me

Why the fuck do all you faggots refuse to go to a fucking physician?


Alright anons I need help.
>Met a nice girl on tinder, 21
>Let's call her Carrie
>Carrie and I hit it off and go on a few dates together
>She's a really cool person, never eats and doesn't get enough sleep
>Last date we had a bottle of Skyy vodka and downed half between the two of us
>This girl goes unconscious as fuck so I take her to a buddies house
>Doesn't wake up for 17 hours
>Family has filed a missing person report on her so I get into contact with them
>Meet up with carries family in a parking lot
>Carrie is still unresponsive
>They call an ambulance
>12 shows up, gets statements and shit
>Carrie gets taken to a hospital
>Still hasn't woken up after a full day

How fucked am I?

Is this a math question?

What would be the UK equivalent to a primary care doctor? Also I won’t have to pay upfront ao money isn’t an issue

Half a bottle of vodka between two people? Fucking amateur hour.

Lmao okay I’ll try that tonight 100%


>> Carries dead user

Yeah I didn't think it'd be enough to put her into a fucking coma my dude

Yeah I think you’re right. I’ll have to go about getting rid of it now then. Had a wart on my wrist when I was a kid and froze it off so shouldn’t be *too* difficult

I really hope not

It's a regular wart. stop being retarded and go to a doctor. getting something to remove this isn't hard

“Stop being retarded”. I just wanted to know if Sup Forums could tell me what it was. If
you only came to bitch then fuck off

>> be me
>> had a very little girlfriend, under 1,60
>> fuck it, looked like Avril Lavigne ( was super in those days)
>> She gets super drunk on a party
>> puked like hell
>> passed out
>> called medics
>> almost 12 hour after all that happens she woke up

But its not normal that you are unconscious for several days because of alcohol. Maybe she had more issues

Fucking nasty

Yes but apply inside your anus

Apple cider vinegar on a small piece of cotton. Duck tape it to your foot every night before bed for a week or two. The ACV will rot the skin from under the wart which removes it all. That pic is disgusting but a good example of what you want to happen

What state were you in when the incident occured?

OP here and there’s been a development.

I tried to cut it off/out.....

There are two common laws in this type of situation. One, the good Samaritan law, has been generally discarded and is no longer applied. The other law is applied to medical personnel, and unless you are a medical professional, also does not apply to your case. The only think that could fuck you is if you caused the damage to her (i.e. you pushed her in to traffic and she was hit by a car). Unless you put the bottle to her mouth and forced her to drink, you should be ok. In general, it's a good idea to take people to the hospital when they are unresponsive. You fucked up, but I tend to think you will not have liability. However, we are talking about criminal charges. There is civil court and the family can bring charges against you and on that side you could end up paying big bucks with a Tort judgement.

Verrucca or AIDS - its 50/50 user

Damn. Hope it’s AIDS

we may never know

They don't take missing person reports until they have been gone 48-72 hours.
Did you fuck her at any point during the past 72 hours? Is she of legal drinking age? Are you? Do you supply someone underage with alcohol? Don't say shit to anyone until you speak to a lawyer. Honesty is probably the best bet. She got drunk and you thought she fell asleep so you tried to let her sleep it off. You aren't a medical professional so you responding to her family and helping her get somewhere she can get medical attention means you are probably in the clear. I still say talk to a lawyer first because how you phrase it can matter and if she was under the drinking age and you supplied the booze or if they find your seamen in her will dramatically complicate your situation.

Because I don't have 50$ to spare on "uhhhh it could be this or this or this try this if that doesn't work buy some of this for 38.95 if that doesn't work you can get this for 56.99 if that doesn't work come back here for a treatment that insurance won't cover and will cost you 150$"

Yay go USA number 1.....hundreth in the world

You gotta cut way way way deeper. Had something similar on my hand once. Kept trying to cut it out but never went deep enough and made it worse. Finally manned up and jammed a knife halfway through my hand and dug out a huge chunk of flesh with it in it. Left a giant gaping hole in my hand but healed up fine and the thing was gone for good . You really have to dig deep. So deep it seems dangerous and hospital worthy but it's the only way to get it out.

I tired the ductape, acids,... the only thing that worked was drinking green tea.

I had the same ones for years and they slowly grew untill they were painful, spent a year trying to get rid of them.

Got into lifting and eating cleaner, and started drinking green tea 2-3x a day. They started to go away and haven't come back yet.

They are caused by a virus, the only way to truely get ride of it is have your body destroy/expel it naturally. Depriving the area of water, or cleaning up your system can help kickstart the removal process.

Plantar wart

Wtf thats how you amputate your shit my dude.

I had one of these and after showering, when the skin is soaked you have to cut around with a razorblade until you can curve out a little niche. And then you put the homemade methods like vinegar or else on it. Then just repeat for a few weeks everytime skin is soaked and more easy to cut excess skin.
that how I got rid of it. No need to go Jason on that shit

Plantar Wart

I had one OP, I read that binding your foot with ductape encourages the body to recognise it as a foreign entity and destroy it.

It took about a month of binding my foot but it worked for me, I had a rather bad one on the ball of my foot.

Not trolling, give it a go, it works.

uhhh, nigger, you know you can just use duct tape to get rid of warts right? no bullshit just leave a strip of duct tape on there for a few weeks and it dies. google it if you don't believe me.

Thats an aidsblister, it means you have aids you homo

I had one once. rubbed vitamin E oil on it daily for a while. went away and never had another

This wasn't a wart it was some kind of surface wart tumor sore that came back if I didn't dig deeper than it. Cleaning chems caused it

Fucking kek

I think I’m gonna try the vinegar method along with this and see how it goes. Fuck cutting deeper, I’m a pussy and it hurts too much lol

OP here. would normal vinegar do the job of getting rid of it? Don’t have any apple cider or white.

Rub salt in to kill bacteria and wart roots

Looks like my callus.
Get doctor to cut off, rest for a few days. It helps

I had plantar warts too. Doctor freezed it multiple times but they came Back. Then someone said in heat they cant survive. 2 weeks italy going through hot Sand and they never came again.

>duck tape

there's a special place in hell for you, user.

It is indeed a wart. A buddy of mine had one but his went away on its own. He didn't believe me when I told him it was a wart, tho. He thought it was just foot fungus.

I'm not talking about cutting it out, simply press it into your foot using ductape, the body recognises it as a problem and removes it itself. Would be interested to know if the vinegar route works though, good luck OP.