This kills the white race

This kills the white race.

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This kills the black race.

This kills the black race

This kills the nigger, this kills whitey, this kills the gook.

This also kills the black race.

This isn't looking good for you niggers.

This kills the white race.

This also kills the black race.

Have fun living beyond 55 with your shit genetics.

No, that's soap and a razor blade.
Used along with pic related, that SHAVES the white race.

go back into your cage, black boi

More of us than there are of you. All you'll end up doing is breeding yourselves out.

The funny thing is the fact that if blacks keep breeding with whites, the black race will eventually die out...

This kills the black under immediate exposure

and this my dears, kills everything but the German Race

and this kills them even more

This nigger has no concept of Game Theory.

Black breeds with white because white women are not ugly like your bitch ass bitches therefore 50% of white race gets preserved

White women will breed with white men because not all of them are rejects(the women who wanna fuck niggers).

If no niggers will fuck female niggers then your race is 80-90% fucked

because no white male will fuck female niggers

Learn math, negro.

and this, my gentlemen, overkills them

Yeah, that'll do it.

negro cant do maths, thats why it invented NOTHING!!!

don't they have a higher chance of aneurysms and shit?

This kills the race of men and mer

this kills them, whatever they are

It kills everything. AIDS
Kills mostly niggers though.

so simple, yet so complicated to an ape-like mind

>This is for killing niggers


no, Fritz is immune to Aids


It's true. Watch a documentary called "Empire of Dust". It's even on YouTube, I'm just too lazy to post. I have a job though.

Niggers. lol

The shill killer lives!! All hail the Shill Killer!!

Fucking nigger shills

It's funny because by sleeping with white women, they're also killing their own race.


Nignogs. They only thing they can talk about is the size of their cocks. Retarded shits.

I was never "formally racist" until I saw pic relate and realised it's true.

you losers really need a better hobby
>having a plethora of black penis inages on your hard drive for trolling an anonymous board

I'm pretty sure that was used to kill more white people than anybody else.


found it, its true they only destroy what the europeans left them. here is a clip from the film:

1-3 don't make 4 false.
4 makes 1-3 false.

If you became "formally racist" after starring at this pic, you just perpetuated the problem.
If you want to stop racism, get rid of [insert race here] pride movements all-together, instead of joining the one that you can relate yourself to.

I kinda pity them.
Imagine to be so poor and philosophically empty, that you have nothing but your dick-size to brag about...

you sound gay. Hail the white race. we are the only ones that can be proud. because WE ARE THE MASTERRACE!

correction, you have accomplished nothing in your life.
your ancestors did.
Your pride in this group-spirit is just a placeholder for your low self-esteem and sorrow.
Remember the accomplishments of those who came before you and honor them, but feeling proud about your skin-color / nationality, because great men happened to wear the same is nothing but a comedic attempt to fake your own "market value".

You are nothing until you change that yourself.
Deal with it.

That's not what I'm saying faggot. I just don't find it fair that other little can be proud of their race, even to the point of BLM marches. But when I want to be "proud of my heritage" (Ukrainian/Canadian) I'm considered a neo nazi. I do agree with you to the point of the should be none whatsoever. I'd be happy with that. Good luck telling that to the Jews or niggers though. Read my pic.

Yeah, not even just whites, but the chanks tried to help them too and they just sell everything. Niggers have no senser of the future and that's not their fault per se, maybe it's biological, I don't know. I just know from what I've seen in my experience, niggers for the most part have nothing to offer to Western culture. I do not mean all blacks when I say nigger as there is the few odd one out who can pull themselves or of the ghetto and the social stigma that comes with living in it. They're few and far between.

This kills the German race

future of the white race

*firebombs dresden*

Sorry for my typos, my phone is a fucking sly little faggot sometimes.

Not with a 29 they didnt

oh now, here comes the classical liberal "dont feel proud what your great grandpa did in the war" argument. I shall not be proud of what they did right, but i have to feel sorry/ be ashamed of what they did wrong, like the holocaust? That is bullshit. You can be proud of your son when he learns to ride his bike? But why cant i be proud of my great gramdfather or my beloved country? Hm???

>That's not what I'm saying faggot. I just don't find it fair
Because it is.
We agree, but just because some people revel in trivialism, you shouldn't step on that level yourself.
Honor your ancestors and flip those off who get offended. It is your right.
But just because others are biggots, we don't need to become such thing ourselves.
Anyways, we seem to mostly agree on this, so I guess this discussion is over.

This burns everything alive, then crushes what's left under it's 40 ton bulk

>Not with a 29 they didnt

the did the us air force bombed dresden.
the raf did the majority of the bombing tho.

>This kills the black race

oh yeah, braging about how you killed innocent civilians? Mothers and children? thats all you can. Im glad my great grandfather shot so many of these fuckers down!

>oh yeah, braging about how you killed innocent civilians?

LMAO coming from a NUTzi go back to stormfront cuck dresden is a hoax.

The future isn't looking bright for the white race, not with your boys turning into girls, OUR girls

and this kills you piece of scrap metal.

>oh now, here comes the classical liberal "dont feel proud what your great grandpa did in the war" argument.
Because it's accurate.

>I shall not be proud of what they did right, but i have to feel sorry/ be ashamed of what they did wrong, like the holocaust? That is bullshit.
You are correct, it is.
I despise both sentiments equally.
Inherited guilt is a concept I don't subscribe to.
I am german myself. I am not responsible, nor related to waht my ancestors did. Still I can honour what I strife after, but never would I wear their feathers as my own. Their deeds belong to them. I have to write my own history, make my own mistakes, and make my own accomplishments.

>You can be proud of your son when he learns to ride his bike?
You can feel proud in the sense that he made an accomplishment. But I don't think you'd run around and tell everyone how awesome your bloodline is because your son learned to ride his bike so fast...
Same apply to the deeds of your ancestors. What your grandpa did doesn't make you a better man as well.

>Anyways, we seem to mostly agree on this, so I guess this discussion is over

Yeah, you're pretty much me.

? what is your argument??? thats how it was. WE never bombed any city on american soil. this was not your war. it was ours!

((our)) girls

I highly doubt Kitten would ever touch a nigger tbh

This is a Panzer Haubitze. It haubitzes Panzer.

>be shitler nivele allows you to take rhine land
and re arm the military he gives you sundetenland and under the promise that you wont take the rest of czeckaslovakia
>do it anyways.

you deserved it hun.

also you stupid fuck how do you excuse child soldiers?

yes you are right in the first two quotes but in the third, actually yes i can. its called heritage, and if we dont honour the deeds of our amcestors, we will forget them, and if i dont feel proud for them, it will be lost what they did for our country, for our people, for our nation, and also for me.

>and if we dont honour the deeds of our amcestors, we will forget them
I never told you to stop honouring them. History never shall be forgotten, and preserving it is a honorable task in itself.
I told you to stop honoring yourself (master race etc), because you have no right to boast your chest in place of them. In fact, you belittle their deeds by doing so.

Imagine to be a football player. You win the EU-cup, and meet a random stranger in a bar who tells you "We did it". Would you remind him "No, I did it", or not? Would you allow a random stranger, or even your son to reap your laurels instead of you?

bullshit. the Peace treaty of Versaille or how you say in english, was so cruel and unfair to us so there was only one option, to take france. Sudetenland, the Generalgouvernement, Danzig, Böhmen und Mähren belongs to us because it once was German, and many Germans live there. But you Americans, fought in a war that wasnt yours, we did never sat feet on American soil, but you attacked us like cowards.
And the kids were only encouraged, not ordered to fight, they were all volenteers or how you spell it

He just stretched his foreskin. It's useless.

> it will be lost what they did for our country, for our people, for our nation, and also for me
They didn't do it for you. You were not on their minds at any moment of their lives.

sure kid

you are right, saying we are the masterrace is wrong, most of us germans became degenerate, and do nothing to shine like before. but I will still say we once were the masterrace, kings of Europe. All what you try, and of course its meant good by you, i have to admit, you will never break a germans pride, I dont know, its in our blood somehow, like a stereotype

of course not. but they did it for their children, and so their grandchildren and so on, for their bloodline, and so for me. and thats what needs to be preserved.

Do you really believe this romantic bullshit?

As I said, I'm german myself.
And I don't waste my time with convenient lies about myself. What I am, and what I will become depends solely on me and my decisions.

I look up to my father and what he accomplished in his life, but never would I dare to declare myself a greater man, just because I happen to be his son. What makes me a better person is what I accomplish in my lifespan myself.

And what have you accomplished?

This kills the black brain.

This kills the black race.


Of course its most importent what you have accomplished in life, and you should mostly rely on that. but it gives you a bit more of confidence to see that you are the descendant of a bloodline that too, acomplished something, and you then can be proud of yourself, ich you do the same (it doenst need to be fighting in wars, can be something other too)

But libcucks closed the pool because of safety concerns.

* not ich, but IF you do the same.

So far?
I have 2 kids, a loving wife, build a house for us and work as social worker in a youth club, helping teenagers to get a footing in their own lives. This what I feel proud about. The positive impact I make in their lives.

I have never slayed great enemies, or defended my nation, but my generation lives in peaceful times, so I consider these civil deeds as honorable as well.
My most proud moment was to visit the wedding ceremony of 2 teenagers that met and fell in love with each other in our youth club. Seimg them blossom and helping them getting a solid grip on their lives was especially satisfactory. Hopefully my own kids (6 & 8) will be similarly successful in their lives.


Gaining confidence from your family is certainly important, but that confidence should be rooted in self-esteem, not in the promise to repeat their deeds.

Yeah and look at blacks and how they get so defensive if someone so much as says something that rhymes with or sounds anything like "mom", "mother", "dad", or "father". Or if anything less than praise is directed at their black heroes. Look at the Chinese as well. They honor their ancestors and to say anything to them about it is to be racist. Absolutely no way you get away with saying any of this up to black person

What I like is that, for the most part, niggers mate with the bottom 1-2 percent of white bitches.
So they are further diluting the white trash anyway, dragging them down into niggerdom.
It will be easier to distinguish and discriminate against the shit tier whites because they are with or like kinda like niggers.
eventually, we can cull out all the undesirable shit tiers and have a decent society.
Also, some blacks can be included in this better society, see I'm not racist, some blacks are ok, it's just the nigger niggers that we gotta get rid of

okay i acept this, was a nice discussion, now i have to go, bye.

which is precisely why you should stand above this bullshit and not become a bigot yourself by singing the song of the white master-race.

Good bye.

yes the niggers. every race has its shit tier, the eastern europeans have their gypsies, the whites have those idiots often called "white trash", that dont work and live at trailer parks. But why do they only make out small percentages of their kind, exept for niggers. the most of them are the stupid gangster kind, that lives in Ghettos? I dont know.

because poverty.
northern england is poverty-ridden, hence it'swarmed by white trash.
Africa is an entire continent ridden by poverty, hence it's no surprise that the mayority of its population is nigger-tier.

So instead of fighting races, ho about we fight poverty? And no, I'm far, far away from being a commy.

>it's swarmed

>Pool closed due to aids!


>because poverty.
Because bullshit.

Whites in poverty (eg Appalachia) don't have the crime rates anywhere near even a middle class black neighborhood.

Why would that be a reason not to do it? If the answer is "then you're no better", that's shit.
The issue is not that they take pride; that's just fine. It's that whites are not allowed to perform the same operation (taking pride) with impunity, nor can we admonish them with impunity. It is not an exaggeration to say that whites are engaged in a 1-on-3 "paper, scissors, rock" game, where each opponent plays a different object against your choice so you always lose. I would not have a problem with blacks taking pride in accomplishments of other blacks if we could do the same without being called "racist" and anathematized accordingly.

in fact, the crime rates are pretty comparable, regardless of ethnicity in poverty
Sargon made quite a compelling case about this:


Dude, we are the master race. I'm sorry but I've never seen a nigger put a man into space. I don't for one second believe that Hollywood bullshit movie either about the black women doing the equations that put them on the moon. I think that's highly exaggerated. We are the master race, it's called conquest, it's been happening since the dawn of time. Get used to being subhumans, faggot.