Why should I care if kids are taught that gender is fluid in school?

Why should I care if kids are taught that gender is fluid in school?

Yeah, it's incorrect, but it won't cause the world to implode. Most boys and most girls will choose to stay normal, and the crazies will get bullied less, which is the point.

because I don't like people who are different than me

Oh sure. While we're at it, let's teach them about trannies, stds and other shit like that. Let's teach them kamasutra too! Kids really need to know all that stuff.

The fix for somebody's mental disorder is to help them. They have a disorder. Not you. How many fantasy worlds will you be forced to participate in? What does that life look like?

Nothing wrong with sex m8.

how dare you teach my kids about whats below their waist.

you don't know how child development works do you OP?

what is impressionable?

Because it creates a distraction from how things really are.

What's below your kid's waste is nonbinary and fluid?
You raising an attack helicopter over there, user?

I say its cause kids are mean little shits and the sooner you make transsexual people less weird in their eyes the better they will get along

Dunno, but it launches torpedos.

kinda a side note, but they need to take all the retards and dummies and just general shit kids and keep them in a separate place.
they are ruining all the normal kids by exposing them to these pieces of shit and bringing all the normal kids down.
fuck main streaming, go back to the 60's and segregate these low lifes and concentrate on the kids that have a chance

Of course there isn't. But there are some things kids are too young to understand and as such, they shouldn't be taught about them.

I kinda agree. Even if we teach kids about the mentally ill its not like they are going to become mentally ill.

They need to teach them what biological sex is though so they arent confused between whats real and how they feel


just saying, the song should go 'heads shoulders armpits and belly button' and stop there.

I mean, they'd probably not understand it at all unless they are an adolescent, so for that reason I agree, but I don't think we should hide anything from them.

Because it isn't true if you want them to get bullied less instute polices or teach how important freedom of choice/privacy is same reason we don't teach creationism

There isn't enough scientific evidence to suggest gender is fluid.

>here is jimmy
>jimmy is a faggot
>be nice to jimmy, he is special

We must learn to accept the mentally unwell rather than treat their condition.


Most scientists now believe gender is a fermionic condensate.

>Fuck Jimmy
>Jimmy is a faggot

That's it though, it makes it so bullying decreases which in turn means that kids don't toughen up. Ever wonder why the man child problem has exploded in recent times? Cuss nobody is out there beating manliness into them.

When everyone focuses on one kid though it fucks them up.

I'm all for a bit of rough play.

Because kids are very easily influenced and this bullshit about gender fluidity will encourage kids who crave attention to act out in that manner, even though it isn't true. Schools should stick to facts and try to help parents produce healthy, happy, well adjusted adults - not fill their heads with politicized bullcrap. Let the parents do that if they want to, send their kids to church, tell them santa is real, tell them they can be a girl with a penis, who gives a fuck, but keep that shit out of school!

Comparing STIs to sex positions is wholly dishonest and completely insane. The sooner you teach about safety in sexual relations, the less likely they'll do something detrimental to their wellbeing, at least where sex is concerned.

Not hide. Just not teach. Let them come to you with questions.

Because other americans (not you, youre tolerable) cant stand being told someone believes otherwise of their opinions. Its 2017, we need to start realizing this more often. We ALL know how americans are. Why even ask the qeustion if you know the answer.

Dubs chekt.
So, if I say that I believe I'm a dragon stuck in human form, should others be forced to accommodate me and be taught that I actually might be?

Why does everyone assume that there has to be accomadation for every belief? No. You dont have to accommodate shit. You dont even have to interact with said person.

This is exactly what i mean. Why do americans feel they have to be vocal about every difference in opinions? Why not just move on if someone else's opinions mean so little to you? Eggsblain america

Because it's never that easy, is it? I suppose it may be that you don't live here, but they can be very aggressive and in-your-face with it. The whole "proper pronouns" thing, xe xim xer, it's a meme because people really do that shit.
I'm with you, with regards to leaving people alone. I don't give a fuck who you fuck. If you crossdress and prefer to be called a woman, sure. But I'm not going to keep track of who thinks they're a man, or woman, or in between, on which day, and have to tiptoe around that shit for fear of offending someone. I'm just not.

So because someone else barks at you, it triggers your aggressions? And thats not your fault/problem? Again i say, america just loves to be opinionated for the sake of argument. I dont understand why its a big deal even with the pronouns. You learn different people's names dont you? Its as easy as that.

Oh my God , fuck off with this shit.

Your twisting it. Not sure if that's intentional or not. I don't get triggered by this. I could give a fuck. Likewise, I don't give a fuck if someone does for this goofy shit. And I won't accomodate their fantasy land.
In fact, youre the one seems triggered, mate.

Point proven.
Peace out amerifat.

Sounds like you should lobby for single-payer medical insurance then. Our republic made a choice to accept the mentally unwell and close all the nut houses to save money on treating their condition, so play nice if you don't want to get stabbed by a crazy person.

That picture enunciates your point and you perfectly.

Because kids are fucking stupid and incapable of understanding this shit until they hit puberty and when they do they'll be confused enough without having a bunch of bullshit fed to them throughout their lives and instead of growing and becoming productive members of society they'll chop their dicks off and start taking hormones only to realize it doesent make them feel any better and now their fucked and might as well kill themselves.


Stop your strawman bullshit and stick to the facts. Im not your boogey man.

>muh slippery slope

I think the fag you're responding to is gone. Somebody said a no-no word and hurt his feelies.