Why do liberals prefer muslims over Christians?

Why do liberals prefer muslims over Christians?

who fucking cares what liberals think, retard? fuck off

This again comrade?

Yes, Nazi

i prefer neither if I get my wish

neither eastern orthodox russians nor muslim turks, both of whom should be salted for a thousand years

Another of the samefag?

Fuck off vlad

Their men aren't cucks.They know how to show a woman her place.

Liberals are mostly sheltered bitch white people scared of the brown people theyve never had to deal with

At least Russia has contributed to this planet what have muslims done for us?

Do you have any studies or surveys to support your claim?

Thats funny. Thats exactly how the alt-reich acts. Dreadfully afraid of those masculine non-white hoards. Lets get sime tiki torches and march with all the other sexless neckbeards.

Because brown people (any) are sacred to them. Brown people are a means for those harboring white guilt to show the world they are better than those of us who aren't cucked.

Shut up ahmed

Who cares liberals ate fuking lil scrawny cucks who live with their mom in the basement and go out activisting during the weekend for niggers they never met. Theyre all gay or cucks

>JIDF spam

Trump proved that liberals have mental problems that need serious help

Projection. I bet you think your undercut makes you look like a prize Aryan, hahahahahahaha

And that's exactly where Vlad pulls you in. Divide and conquer, oldest one in the book.

Gayest shit ive ever read. Once again proof liberals r fukn fags that cant handle the truth. Go get a job lil cuckboi n maybe then ur bf will stop cheating on u n u can go to gay pride without ur mommy paying for u.

you retarded americans need to fuck off to Sup Forums

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Its not nice to make fun of them or encourage them

Be quiet you sandnigger lover. Better russia than them.

all you abrahamists need to die so the world can be free

>At least Russia has contributed to this planet what have muslims done for us?
to be honest, Russia has done nothing but steal ideas from better nations and drink lots of vodka. They're #1 at the vodka thing, though.

Liberalism is based. If you are not at least as far to the left on the political spectrum as a social democrat, you are not white.


Sure, Saddam keep telling yourself that.

religion is for stupid people, i guess that's why is such a big issue in america

Captain McWankyFaggot of the SS Cock and Balls

They prefer Islam because they've lived with or have been told stories of crazy Christians. Just rebelling.

Try again sweetie

I prefer goat fuckers over vodka drinkers is your argument.

This meme needs to fucking die, and so do you for saying it.

too late to turn this into a muslim girls asses thread?

Its pretty much true. Russia has existed under brutal authoritarian rule for over a thousand years. They didnt emerge from fuedalism until the early 20th century, then immediately exterminated a huge portion of their population and exiled, killed, or scared off most of their intellectual talent. When they finally got a chance at democracy they screwed themselves over again, and now exist under a hybrid mafia-KGB kleptocracy.

This meme needs to die too, and so do you for perpetuating it.

50% Wrong
50% Brainwashed

100% Hillary bot.

>projecting this hard

Cry harder, cyкa

Dont you have a child bride to marry?

I wish.

Its almost 6 AM in Moscow, shouldnt you be killing more brain cells?

>authoritarians are bad
>wants a rules-based international order
oh teh ironing

Because they like to be edgy.

Funny coming from a guy who lives in a country where they cant eat pork and have sex with family members. Keep getting fucked by Israel.

Who said anything about internationalism. Get your dick out of that herring. By god, it's raw.

I'm American moron

nah, it's because jews cause drama

Yes, Goy keep retorting to russia. We cant let them catch on to what we are doing to them. Defend the sacred Islam religion.

Sure about as american as Osama Bin Laden

Atleast I get paid in dollars. The ruble treating you well? How's that oil based economy working?

It seems "exotic" to them. Christians just remind them of their grandma who is nothing but a low-information voter who thinks people who have penises should use the men's room.

Authoritarianism is literally the fetishization of rules over people.

>Lets assume I am a liberal, and I prefer Christians over Muslims
What does Sup Forums do then?

>implying that gendered bathrooms aren't retarded in the first place

Tell you to kill yourself for being neoliberal.

Leftism is a conquest ideology much like Islam. To them, it's convert or die. All non-believers are evil and will burn in the hellfire. They both promulgate the idea that anyone who disagrees with them is an evil infidel and violence against them is justified. They both see the Judeo-Christian value system which formed the foundation of western civilization without the need for brutal conquest as a threat to the survival of their ideology, so they wage jihad against it in hopes they can burn down its last vestige and build something new from the ash. They both do this with no regard for the good Judeo Christian values have brought to the world. You don't even need to be a religious person to acknowledge any of this.

The far left and Islam just have a lot more in common.

>muh feminine penis

Nothings more Liberal than fucking a 9 year old

Fucking this, man. Unisex restrooms would have made the most sense this entire time. Having to have two in every place where one would have sufficed is just Victorian tier prudish.

Yeah, what's so great about Muslim girls?

At this point you're just arguing at an imaginary person with imaginary positions. Get checked out, you might be ill.

Pedophilia and incest are mostly practiced by conservatives.

>citation needed

Иcлaм нe cпaceт вac. Toлькo CCCP cпaceт вac

I have never been spoken poorly to by a Muslim. I have never had to deal with Muslim micro-agressions. I've never had to deal with entitlement with Muslims. I personally have not met a Muslim who scares me, or seems like an extremist.

Aggressive, rude, entitled, and I have met extremists.

Christians are fucking douchebags

Their body odor is awful

They can single-handedly boost the economy by way of copious makeup purchases?

Doing my gen eds at my local community college. Whole place smells like them it's awful.

>Western civilization without the need foe brutal conquest.

Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha. This is literally the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Its like you missed the last 300 years of history. Europe never colonized and exterminated anyone, no conquest whatsoever....not in America, not in south america, not in China, not in India, not in Africa, not in southeast Asia, not in the middle east. How does one get this stupendously ignorant?

Because they're just as violent and intolerant as they are.

>citation needed

because christians live here and piss people off here, while muslims live overseas and keep their shit mostly over there.

you care more about individual people than the teachings?

>Leftism is a conquest ideology much like Islam
No, you're thinking of liberalism. And liberal conservatism. And any ideology influenced by Abrahamism.
>anyone who disagrees with them is an evil infidel and violence against them is justified
"helicopter rides"
>Judeo-Christian value system which formed the foundation of western civilization
Know how I know you're Sup Forumstrolling? It was actually Greco-Roman, and no, amerinigger, you didn't begin a civilization but you're damn likely to end one.
Still it's hilarious to hear you whine about attacks on your jew traditions of conquest and empire. Your complete lack of self-awareness would be funny if I could smash your head in after I was done laughing at your defective ass-gas.
>good Judeo Christian values have brought to the world
Kill yourself, bourgeois liberal.

This user gets it. Just one of the idiotic mental defects brought to us by muh judeo-christian values.

Not at all. I'm saying it's fucking ridiculous for people still playing the muh russia fishing expedition card to complain about authoritarianism given what authoritarianism actually is.

You called him a "man" you slimy cis-gendered white racist islamophobe homophobe.

>missed the last 300 years of history
>implying that other user passed the sixth grade
self-righteousness is a white value

>t.such a half-dicked cipher that he needs an imaginary mommy and daddy to tell him what to do

There are no girls on Sup Forums.

Name calling is another great tactic sure to get a spicy response!

You would like if I was quiet!

I would suck a Muslim dick if it meant saving this country from Putin.

Islam is truly a horrible religion, but so was Christianity, before it's revolution.

Because Christianity has become a western cornerstone, which in itself reformed, and the modern libtard seems to be opposed to the west entirely, so therefore, they prefer islam 'cause muh sandgod '

Yeah I do. I don't care what their religion says as long as they're not being shitty people. I'm not religious. I live in a country with a lot of different religions. If someone wants to call him Allah and sit on a carpet 5 times a day I don't give a flying fuck. It's the same to me as someone who stops their entire sunday to walk into a church, who makes their whole family pause before eating to say grace, who sets aside time to read a bible.

Masochism. They don't realise(or deep down they do) that when the Muslim becomes majority, it will swallow up the left in a reign of violence. Gays thrown off rooftops or electrocuted, women covered up and passed around as sex slaves, athiests beheaded, communists crucified and children sold to Islamist nations to be raised as soldiers of Allah just like the Turks used to do when they occupied South East Europe with their Jannisary regiments.

not the guy you're replying to, but nobody was exterminated.

those people failed to advance as fast as other civilizations and if it wouldn't have been white people, it would have been somebody else who overtook them. that's how the world works. outdated models get replaced. frankly, things have panned out pretty good for those "exterminated" people. do you really think the asians or muslims would've treated your precious "native americans" more gently?

actually we'd prefer to rid the world of both.

you dont care that they fully follow a religion that wants your dumb ass dead or converted

Never said the west hasn't done shitty things hoss. The point was Judeo-Christian values didn't need to be impressed upon people on a convert or die basis and in the west where those values prevailed, human beings have flourished. Where Islam prevailed, humans suffer greatly to this very day. This isn't very controversial stuff. Pretty apparent when you look at quality of life around the globe.

No, I don't care if someone doesn't like me. No Muslim has ever attacked me.

its not a case of "not liking" somebody. They want you dead.

where do you live?

>I could smash your head in after I was done laughing at your defective ass-gas.
Wanna know how I know all your intellectual capital has been spent?

Never said America started western civilization. That would be moronic boss hoss.

Wanting something and doing something are two different things. Nothing has ever been personally done to me by a Muslim. Christians? Yeah. I have seen Christian violence first hand. I have seen my friends chased with metal baseball bats, spit on, trash thrown at. All by Christians. I don't live in an area with Muslim Extremists. There are extremists in all religions, and I'm not going to tell someone they shouldn't be muslim. I choose not to associate with fox news watching hicks who sit around terrified of people they've never met.

30 years war, crusades, witch hunts, inquisition. 1000 years of brutal feudalistic rule, constant wars of conquest. If judeo-christian values were such a good thing for civilization why did it take 1800 years for human rights and the ideas of liberty and equality to start to take hold?

Spoiler alert: the religious values have nothing to do with the west's success. The west's ideals spring from the enlightenment, and gradual adoption of secular principles of human rights. These ideals by the way, are universal, and were being implemented in a lot of non western societies before imperialistic ambitions from the west and the ussr buttfucked the middle east, asia, and africa into oblivion. And no, I'm not saying these places would be shining utopias had that not happened, that would be taking a overly simplistic view.

There are so many factors that go into the success of civilizations....but you ignore all of them and make pretend that Christianity generated western success. Its farcical in its naivete.

wtf is this question even, fack off Timbo you dumbass

They are blinded by identity politics. They don't see islamists as right wing authoritarians, who want to destroy their way of life. They only see them as a childlike beleaguered minority, who need protection.

I dont think anyone thinks anyone would have treated anyone better in the same situation. People are animals. I'm just saying its ridiculous to argue the west somehow arrived at success because of "judeo-christian values". Calling the conquest of America anything but genocide is just gilding a turd. It's doublethink.