Looking to buy a toad (and other animals) since I finally moved out...

Looking to buy a toad (and other animals) since I finally moved out. I was wondering if any of you knew which ones were the loudest, specifically when they scream or reeeee. I want a little friend that can yell with me, so the louder the better. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, i would love recommendations on other small animals as well, like spiders, lizards, scorpions, snakes, and anything small and cheap. Thanks.

Anybody? In the past I've seen plenty of threads like this.


this is appealing to my interests. if any hippy are here please do respond

welp this threads gona die. gnite yall


The Tokay gecko can get quite loud.




Fuckin normie only wants one toad?


Get a Colorado River toad and trip balls any time you handle it

Get a Pacman op. It doesn't reeeeeee but it's super easy pet and will eat anything you put in front of it. Just look at this guy he's chill as fuck and makes shits as big as he is

What kind of sounds does this make?


What does b think of my geckotopia?

Nice, what kinds?

Actually the place I was looking to purchase from sells them and though this it wasn't what I'm looking for I'm definitely going to get one.

Peacock day geckos. I have a pair in the top one and a female in the lower one. Trying to breeds these retards but so far no eggs.

Off by one ;-;

From what I know they are the living embodiment of reeeeeeee and can be assholes. Must be cool pets though since I see them for sale all the time.

Jesus man. That got my dog's attention.

Lol just do your research. They are cute and inexpensive but are usually assholes and leave a nasty bite.
They can be handled but it takes patents.

Common tree frogs make a hell of a racket. You have to set them up in a terrarium, feed them livr crickets dipped in repto-cal.

What's cheap to you?


Here is another quick video that captures the sound from a distance

Sorry for shitty phone posts. I don't gots no camera

It's better to buy them from a breeder directly that spends time with them as babies. If there is any hope of having a chill tokay you have to start young. A non tame(ish) adult tokay will be a mad man, and when they bite it fucking hurts, they don't let go and try to rip your flesh off. Otherwise they are awesome.

If you have the space get a peacock. When they crow is sounds like some girl is screaming blood murder because they sound like "help" being screamed. I have 2 and it pisses off my neighbors because the scream at night.

>when they bite it fucking hurts, they don't let go and try to rip your flesh off
To me, this is an undesirable behavior in a pet.

Though I can stretch my budget, I'd like to keep it below the $40 range optimally under $25 though I know thats only so realistic. The reason being I'm starting for scratch and will need to buy all the equipment like a vivarium, heat lamps, etc.

I should not that those prices are per creature, so example a $40 toad or under.


Where can I find a breeder? How much does the price vary from other sellers?

Sometimes you can catch a "$1 a gallon" deals at PetSmart. Gekos don't require much.
If you actually go through with the Tokay, please hold it and try to make friends with it. They are cool but it ain't easy.

That's fine, but it's not fair to treat reptiles like dogs. Even if you get a species that is known to be docile you might get an asshole, because it's actually just scared.


Yeah I know and I'm not OP, and not in the market for reptiles. I'm just chilling and reading the thread. I think they look cool and OP's mission is amusing.

Here are the rest.

iguanas make good friends, and petco has them cheap, like $30.

they live like 90 days, and are all around friendly.

heres one like the one that i bought this spring, but he already died.

If you're set on toads maybe texas toads. They are cheap if you can find them, and pretty funny to watch.

Lol, sad but true about petco iquanas. Except for the good pet part, they either do nothing but tail whip or are too lifeless to care if you touch them.

Uromastyx are pretty cool. They are sort of fragile though. Tender bellies.

Alright I'll check them out

So reptiles aside what about the other animals I listed? Anyone have any recommendations for scorpions or spiders?

Scoprions are just cool to look at under a black light. Interactions with them are nothing.

I'd suggest a rose hair tarantula for your first spider.

Also if you don't care about handling, Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are awesome looking.

I feel like I'm the only one here lol.
Check out Black Millipedes too. They only veggies and crawl all over you. Good stuff.


Into snakes? Western Hognoses are awesome. They will hood up like a cobra, and bluff strike (headbut) but rarely ever actually bite, usually only when hungry. They are funny, stay small, hiss a lot and put on a great show now and then. They run about 75 bucks for normals.

Good pick. Awesome snakes! Rear fanged so the "bite" is just funny. Also they play dead. YouTube it.

You lie. They bite.

They can grow out of it if you work with them. Let them bite you to their heart's content as babies without putting them down, or poke them a few more times after they bite. They will get it in their head that biting you is useless and only going to start a fight they can't win.