Stop killing yourself over your shitty life. fix it

Stop killing yourself over your shitty life. fix it.
just spend 15 minutes a day doing stuff that improves your life.
last digit is how many days you do this for.

face it, you spend hours on anime, porn and vid games. why not roll and spend a few minutes to improve your situation and get some shit done

>spend a few minutes to improve your situation and get some shit done
i'm not going to do this



that's why you're a beta, get off your fucking fat ass and do shit, ask some friends if they want to do something, if you dont have friends then just go out for a walk, try to talk to people, jesus christ

You will need modafinil to clean up that mess.

What are we rolling for. What's the magic digits

it takes a couple of months to develope a new habbit please be more pation with yourselves and seek help for depression and shit

i am killing myself today and have never talked to a psychiatrist


come on give 99.

The Four Noble Truths

> 1. The Truth of Suffering (Kutai)
The Buddha declared that this world if full of suffering; that actual existence including birth, decrepitude, sickness and death is suffering and sorrow. This is called the Truth of Suffering.

> 2. The Truth of the Cause of Suffering (Jutai)
The cause of human suffering lies in ignorance and Karma. Ignorance and its resulting Karma have often times been called "desire" or craving. The Buddha declared:
Verily it is this thirst or craving, causing the renewal of existence, accompanied by sensual delight, seeking satisfaction now here, now there - the craving for gratification of the passions, for continual existence in the worlds of sense.

> 3. The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering (Mettai)
The extinguishing of all human ignorance and Karma results in a state known as Nirvana. This is the Truth of the Cessation of Suffering.

> 4. The Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering (Dotai)
The Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering is the Noble Eight-fold Path.

The Noble Eight-fold Path

>1. Right Views - to keep ourselves free from prejudice, superstition and delusion and to see aright the true nature of life.
2. Right Thoughts - to turn away from the evils of this world and to direct our minds towards righteousness.
>3. Right Speech - to refrain from pointless and harmful talk to speak kindly and courteously to all.
4. Right Conduct - to see that our deeds are peaceful, benevolent, compassionate and pure; to live the Teaching of the Buddha daily.
>5. Right Livelihood - to earn our living in such a way as to entail no evil consequences.
6. Right Effort - to direct our efforts incessantly to the overcoming of ignorance and selfish desires.
>7. Right Mindfulness - to cherish good and pure thoughts for all that we say and do arise from our thoughts.
8. Right Meditation - to concentrate our will on the Buddha, His Life and His Teaching.

im going sober for october
you can do it too!


good for you internet buddha!
i'm sure you'll help somebody on Sup Forums

porn addict

. Right Views - to keep ourselves free from prejudice, superstition and delusion and to see aright the true nature of life.
>2. Right Thoughts - to turn away from the evils of this world and to direct our minds towards righteousness.
. Right Speech - to refrain from pointless and harmful talk to speak kindly and courteously to all.
>4. Right Conduct - to see that our deeds are peaceful, benevolent, compassionate and pure; to live the Teaching of the Buddha daily.
. Right Livelihood - to earn our living in such a way as to entail no evil consequences.
>6. Right Effort - to direct our efforts incessantly to the overcoming of ignorance and selfish desires.

explain muslim take over of this world and the destruction of millennia old 80 meter high statues of budda

Well tell that son of a bitch to stop killing me.

Fucking kill yourself, I didn't even read OP's post.

Buddhism does not state that non-violence is the only way. You can kill to preserve what is yours or what is right. So it is up to people to stop all wrongful and senseless violence through matched violent means.

Only wrongful or immoral killing can bring you trouble.

multiple personality disorder?

So if i start murdering all the brownskin causing eventual extinction of my ppl that would be okay??

Multiple persons left my life in disorder.

so close

If you are in immediate danger, yes. If you mean a cultural take over, I would say no. But that is for you to decide.

Buddhism does not have rules you have to follow. The information is there, it is up to you what you do with your knowledge.

If you need a religion to tell you if it is okay to do something or not, then your religion is a glorified cult. You are a free man, you decide what is right and wrong through learning and understanding.

>Buddhism does not have rules you have to follow.
Do you even monasticism?

Furthermore, nobody needs that and if they did that would make them culties rather than making the religion a cult. That's the most half-assed take on religion I've heard in a while.

Roll I will

Most likely won't do shit myself but... roll



roland, I can do better, be better etcetera

93 days, magikal digits


> (You)
>If you are in immediate danger, yes
so if you are put in a chair, bound down, a candle with rope is set up in such a way the clever hacks your head off when the candle burns down and are not in immediate danger you cant do shit?

Thats like puting a cat in a bag which then chokes, which is okay as the air caused it to die and you did not choke it.

a organized culture genocide take over is not something that is considered to be an danger, lol

You are exaggerating and twisting my words. But if that is how you justify genocide, so be it. In the end you will be in the wrong.

And in both of your scenarios, that is immediate harm and danger. People migrating is not of a threat alone to start killing whoever you want because they are different. You have no proof they are all moving to harm you.