Ask somebody with an IQ of 143 about rick and morty. Pretty much the best show out right now...

Ask somebody with an IQ of 143 about rick and morty. Pretty much the best show out right now. It takes somebody with a pretttty high IQ to get it so i'm here to help you fags understand some of the jokes

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Post copy pasta please

You missed the . in 14.3

Fuck off faggot. You just arn't smart enough to understand the show thats all.

He is probably smart enough to spell "aren't" correct unlike you, you fucking donkey cocksucking sack of human waste.

Why did Rick order the bicep instead of the quadriceps in Rickmancing the Stone?

Only people with small IQ's are concerned with the way a word is spelt. As long as you understand the deep meaning behind something then you are truly intelligent.

Which one is Rick again?

The kid in yellow shirt.

As a Mensa member I find this show to be hot garbage. Wikipedia intro paragraph depth theoretical physics mashed up in unseemly ways.


So you really have to get into human anatomy with this one. The quadriceps is one of the most powerful muscles in your body but it isn't very agile. The humor behind this is that the bicep (unlike the quadracep) is far more of a delicate yet agile muscle. Its funny because you would think somebody would just order the big muscle because its more food but rick is supposed to be "sophisticated" here so he goes withe the more expensive / less food option.

It's kind of like ordering filet minon at a resturant when everbody elesenorders steak LOL

I thought he was the yellow kid with the spiky hair

I love this new "high iq" meme. It's so deliciously shitposty

I thought it was because the quad was too close to the ass

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Young Sheldon. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Sheldon’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike young Sheldon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sheldon’s existential catchphrase “Bazinga,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Chuck Lorre’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>And yes, by the way, i DO have a Young Sheldon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

As a fellow Mensa member I agree.

u both r wrong. rick is the stoner from trailer park boys

Like I said. You need a high IQ to understand.

That's an entirely different show, dude.

It's not that good. It's different and hasn't burnt out yet. Get back after season 5.

No, the fact is that you actually wouldn't want to eat a stronger muscle because it is tougher and tastes worse.

This bait sucks. New thread.

Not if you braise it.

Can you explain to me how the portal gun works. How does it create a portal


Heart, tongue and tail are the best eating you will ever have if it's cooked properly.

Sage all fields

Clearly you don't understand much about muscle Ivan

You're catching so many fish, I gotta try this bait!

lol retard. you cant understand this show with ONLY an iq of 143. you need an iq of atleast 160. i wont even bother explaining the shows prominent subdued subtle subtlety since it would be a waste on a person of lower intellect like yourself.


I thought he was a cucumber.

OP here. AKCTUWALY you are wrong. Rick has an IQ of 213 he said it in the show himself so you are probably missing out on a good bit of jokes

This is

I hate Rick and Morty

But. His jokes are only limited to their writers. And i doubt theyre that smart.

My favourite joke is Rick trolling entire species into working for him. It hits too close to home.

What the fuck did you just fucking saw about the rick and morty writers you little bitch? i'll have you know I've been involved in secret numerous writting sessions at turner network and They have over 300 confirmed episodes

I mean, at least it's not Yu-Gi-Oh!

LOL XD YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP. I never even mentioned my own iq. i wont say it though because the number is too quantum for a 2 dimensional being to understand.

Look at this shitty troll, look and laugh.

Spoiler: rick was in a coma this whole time. Which makes sense that they get the science wrong in everything.

>300 confirmed episodes
Fuck, where?


No sir you feel for my trap. I was referencing one of the subtle jokes in the show and you clealry didn't pick up on it so you must have a pretty small IQ. I'd say around 120 or so.

Can you help explain the joke where Rick gets really drunk and shits all over himself/the floor?

supposedly I got higher and like it more than you, but I liked it in the 1st episode's anti-authoritarian part about "they are robots Morty, its ok to shoot them"

Can you explain to me the science behind turning into a cucumber?

Which time?
He does it 4 times througout the show

it doesnt take a high IQ to understand rick and morty,it takes a retarded fucking fanbase that thinks they are smart for understanding jokes-sincerely someone with a 155+ (genius) level iq

You probably just arn't smart enough to understand it.
Sorry bro.
I'll explain a few of the jokes for you if you want but you still might not get them

so they dont have sarcasm in your country, eh?


You probably just wern't smart enough to get it

Technically it is.

Hes cucumber rick

Newfag doesn't know navy seal copypasta

Fuck, seriously? My whole resume is tied around how im so smart that i understand rick an morty jokes. Fuck!

Ugh, you are such a scum-Lord!
See, this is why everyone hates Rick and Morty fans.

And unlike the rest of you"high iq" shitlords I actually have a source:

You probably just arn't smart enough to understand

Rick is a pedo. Hes always trying to get morty to sodomize himself.



Nah mante it doesnt take a high iq to enjoy a cartoon you fucking mong

Whatever you say Ivan

Thats what i would say if i was a pleb too

>he is so low IQ he can't even spell correctly


I can smell your fedora from here

What does he REALLY mean when he says he's 'Pickle Rick'?

It literally translates to, my super intillectual fans will get this joke with no explination required.


Thats probably becaus of your big jew nose


Because science. [GladOS.jpg]

If you can't explain something in simple terms, you don't understand it


Spanish is a language for mexicans. Oh shit i know spanish now

>No simple explanation = no understanding
>Simple explanation =/= instant understanding

I think this is bait! MODS MODS MODS!

ITT: redditors trying to act like Sup Forums

You know filet *mignon* is a steak right?

I put that in asterisk because of your failed spelling of such a simple word. I mean even if you did botch it up auto correct doesn't even give you minon.


What's wrong with reddit?


Hey man look I hear you Ricky and Mortimer is aight but the simple truth is nothing can ever top the sheer intellectual comic mastery that was Perfect Hair Forever.

Its existence and community is what's wrong, faggot.


Can you explain wubba lubba dub dub to me? The humor is too complex and subtle for me to understand it

theres no canned laughter after every joke. I can't tell if its funny or just sad

Cheap shit and drunk jokes because is a stupid show, they also do fart jokes, dumbest jokes ever, and not even funny, rick and morty is a shit

This, everyone just fuck off please