HA I'm smirking right now at the lower IQ people who watch rick and morty

HA I'm smirking right now at the lower IQ people who watch rick and morty.
if only weak minded plebs like you could comprehend the complexity of this show.
I feel bad really, not everybody is capable of understanding dan harmons genius.
HA so sad


go outside you fucking loser

that rick and high IQ meme died a few days ago.

get with the times faggot, you made yourself look like a dickhead

Personally I feel bad for the plebs who don't understand the show

pfft. I understand it's hard not having a high IQ
that's ok though user, I'll be on mars watching rick and morty with dan XDDDDXDXD

Being gullible enough to fall for this thinly veiled propaganda.

Good job.

One marry evening, I strode out to dine. Whilst being served, a piece of nutrition fell to the floor. Quickly, my servant caught it in mid-air so it didn't ruin my expensive IKEA- carpets. With a glace through my monocle, I confirmed nothing of vallue had been damaged when it struck me: The lone pickle in my servants glove had eyes. In previously unmatchd speed, I fell to my knees and bowed afore the great mind that blessed my mansion. Before he vanishes in a blast of perfected green light, HE speakes one powerful sentence to me: "I turned myself into a pickle, Adolf! I'm Pickle Riiick!!". I am sad now, for I know no day will be matched by this one, and this knowledge darkens my soul. But then, in a moment of despair, my mind lights up in the most wonderful colours. I am blessed, I realize as i look into the mirror. I am destined to become what HE has shown me, and I shall not rest until my most holy task is complete. One day, I will look into the sky, and somewhere, far,far away, Rick will smile on me. This thought gives me the strenght I need, and it can be your strenght, too. In lonely nights, at my fireplace, i drink booze in the knowledge that i am a mortal no more, and my ascend is close. Don't give up, everything will get better if you just belive in HIM, our lord, dare I say it- Pickle Rick. Farewell, my friend, and may the greatest mind of all be ever in your favor

You just arn't smart enough to understand

I know right? I take gender studies at a college in like new york.
what sad losers

Clearly you are pretty smart then my friend.
Are you goin to the local antifa gathering later in time square?

um yah, why would you even ask?
Are you not capable of strategy and seeing my next move?

How did a pickle, that only can move with a brain touching command system, achieve a pulley system so sophisticated to actually get rick (once he killed the rat) the ability to reorganize it's body to make a pickle man?

>>lower IQ people

Most likely a troll, but here's an easy response if it isn't: Let us see your membership card for Mensa.

why would I, such a brilliant member of the intellectual society, bow to any of a plebs whims?


dan shitposts in Sup Forums

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _

wise choice, i belong to the fraternal order of devouring ones, we seek out mensa members and eat them. also we kill their families.

Oh man I hear you Ricky and Mortimer is a okay by me, but don't settle my man nothing can compare to the sheer intellectual comic mastery that was Perfect Hair Forever

If your IQ was as high as you claim, you'd know the answer to that question.

But that's ok, this meme is entertaining.

I dont even have the intention to watch a single episode of that shitty cartoon.
Its annoying enough to see all the memes and other garbage to flood the internet..



TAKE IT TO Sup Forums