I don't even like nfl, but i'm leaving it to play on my tv just to help out the rating to piss of the conservatards

i don't even like nfl, but i'm leaving it to play on my tv just to help out the rating to piss of the conservatards.
recommend anyone else who hasn't bought into Sup Forums's rhetoric to do the same.

gtfo fag, shouldn't you be watching your wife's son?


bwahaha. You. You i like.

what's wrong broflake? are your feefees hurt?

lol, it still won't bring back the million subscribers direct tv and the NFL lost to the sports package.

That will show them!!! EPIN!

>watching professional sports

Lol that's not how rating medition works

and after your done using your tweezers to take a piss, use them to tweeze those eyebrows. They look a little too "manly" for you.

so many triggered broflakes, this is hilarious

>tfw liberals are so braindead and unable to think for themselves that all they can do is regurgitate your insults with minor alterations.

being so retarded you don't realize that offensiveness is subjective whereas the right to free speech is not.

>tfw broflakes think they own words
>tfw broflakes have no valid arguments so constantly resort to adhomming

Are you being stupid on purpose? The word "snowflake" is not owned by anyone but it was never in the history of language used as an insult until people on the alt-right started using it to insult intellectually bankrupt pseudo-existential entitled millennial twats who think they are unique when in fact they are part of the status quo and that have no clue of how society really functions.

It just proves the point that liberals are incapable of original thoughts when those same fags are so stupid that instead of thinking of a new insult all they can do is either take the word they were called alter it slightly and hurl it back and/or chant "fuck you" "die racist scum" mindlessly like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

>tfw it's this easy to trigger a broflake

More like satisfying a broflake with confirming to me how stupid you people actually are. You have no argument, nothing to debate, no point. Just childish drivel. I would recommend you leave Sup Forums and go to tumblr where stupid opinions and beta cringe faggots are welcome. Pic related.


I will be taking a shit on the flag and then lying drunk-ass face down during the anthem. Just like all Americans really do at home. Bunch of lying fucks.

>mfw Trump got all these niggers kneeling before him

By the by, what you watch doesn't affect ratings unless you have a Nielsen box.

Ironic, since trump is the biggest snowflake in existence...