What do you think about sand?

What do you think about sand?

There is too much of it at the beach

Good to cook french fries

The word was created because it is in between land and the sea

beaches are mother nature's litter boxes.

I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

I don't understand how people at the beach can tolerate sand on thier feet after coming out of the water. It just LOOKS and feels so fucking disgusting.

Believe it or not, we're running out.
Sand is the main ingredient in concrete.
We use something on the order of 1.5 Trillion tons of sand per year.
But it can't be just any old sand. It has to be one particular type of sand.
And that's the sand we're going to run out of.
Estimates suggest (and estimates are often wrong) that we will need to find an alternative material by the year 2045.

Hate sand

Takes too damn long.


Where have I heard that before?

good stuff

Pretty sandy

Well, I'll be damned.


I like sand on my feet, in fact I'm barefoot 95% of the time. I also live near the ocean and fish a lot.
>coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere
Sex in sand is highly overrated.


its like a lot of small rocks and shit

I love making sand castles but as a 35 year old fat guy you just look retarded doing it

>barefoot 95% of the time

Your feet must look ugly as fuck then and full of calluses and cracked skin

Having a family should help.