Have you ever had a crush on a girl that you find both attractive and not attractive at the same time...

Have you ever had a crush on a girl that you find both attractive and not attractive at the same time? In my circumstance I like this girl who has a pretty face and great hair but she is chubby as fuck.
> I'll appreciate any replies from people with similar experiences :)

Is she a decent person? You like her for more than just looks?

this chick at my bank. I told my fiancee about her. I call her the " slightly attractive ugly chick "

Yeah. She's always kinda happy which is kinda opposite to me. She always laughs at my humour and I get along with her well.

Which part of her is attractive? And which unattractive?

Just try it out and see what happens. You'd be surprised how endearing flaws become when you really get into someone. And if you don't feel that way you can always break it off and at least you'll know you tried.

I really want to but my work situation means that even if things didn't work out we'd still have to see each other 5 days a week :(.

Get with her and workout with her.

Watch her bloom into a hot bitch. Angel investment

Well then don't end on a bad note. Take a fucking chance you guy

This sounds good but I fear my attraction to her may end after I fuck her. At the moment I really just like her overall but I can't speak for myself after I've reached the peak of a relationship.

I'm not the sort of guy to be hung up on a breakup or make it bad for the other person but I don't know if she will follow suit should such a situation arise.

Is she actually chubby or is she fat?

Op, what kind of body would you say this is

She's probably 20lbs lighter than this girl but her face is like that of a thinner person. She has a sharp jaw line.

Could any of you date a girl with a mole on her face? Not huge like the guy on Austin Powers, but bigger than Marilyn Monroe's beauty mark. Maybe about a pimple size?

I was basically in a situation where the girl was really pretty, but she had a mole. She was a good friend for a long time though, just fell out of contact as we got older.

Pic unrelated

Then I'd say just ask her out. If you start dating, you'll like her more and maybe see past the chubby shit. If not, then do the gym thing.
Having a happy partner like that, really brightens up your day and gives you the good feelings. Take a chance and ask her out and see how you feel.

If it is a size similar to Monroe's then yeah. I once dated a girl with a flat one above her lip.

I guess I'll take the risk. I'll ask tomorrow. What do I do if say she likes me a lot but one of her friends has a strong disliking towards me?

Have any of you ever had a girl that is pretty much licking your ass some times but in others seemingly completely blanking you? There was this girl I liked that really seemed to like me but a certain times couldn't care less.

This girl's was bigger than that. Marilyn's was basically a dot, and hers was fairly flat. This girl's was slightly larger and stuck out more. Plus it was close to her lip, which would make it unavoidable. I would post a picture but I don't trust Sup Forums, sorry.

Is there a reason she feels like that towards you?

I say fuck that whatever that friend thinks and prove to the girl you're a great guy. These are early as fuck stages in a relationship. Deal with what's right in front of you for now.

Yep. Turned into a great friend who turned out to be a lesbian.

Sucks but she is much happier now and we're great bros even though she's a chick. Call me a cuck. Whatever.

Her friend is being salty as fuck because I alerted my friend that she was cheating on him. She's been trying to ruin my chance ever since.

Well that would be more distracting but ultimately it's up to you.

Well shit

Well you called her on being a bad person. They're still friends, sure but she knows it's still a shitty thing to do someone and you saw that. You're good, dude.

Sorry man. That was just my situation.

Yours is most definitely a different situation. Maybe she is waiting for you to make a move. Make a damn move when she wants you and hope it's not too late

Thanks man

I'll try but I don't know if I can take continuous blank phases from her.

No problem.
Yeah sounds annoying but have fun and take chances. Live and learn. I sincerely hope she's not like that if you start dating and shit. Good luck.

Great reply :) I'm going to give it a shot.