''10 Videos You Are Banned From Watching''

''10 Videos You Are Banned From Watching''

These videos have never allegedly see the light of day. We know a little bit about them.

10. Christine Chubbuck's Suicide Tape

9. Steve Irwin's death video

8. The Columbine Basement tapes

7. Timothy Treadwell's death tape

6. Armin Meiwes Tapes

5. Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka Tapes

4. Sandy Hook surveillance video

3. Osama Bin Laden's death tape

2. Security footage of the Boston Bombers

1. Flight 77 footage

Which one of these videos deserves to be seen?

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last number of my post?



You can take the first one off your list.

nice. i'm trying to find more on the list too.


>Sup Forums finally has a good thread
>tfw nigger's making it to page 10

that one is fake you idiot

Owen Hart's fall to his death is another piece if footage that has never seen the light of day either


You gotta be retarded if you think that her video surfaced nobody but the police have seen it and it was destroyed after by request of the family nobody in her work place had access to the tape other than the one that was in the film reel
And nobody was going to record the tv on some basic ass local news station that was boring and not at all interesting

apparently its fake.


And you're an idiot.
Use your fucking noodle mate.

>Believing a stranger on imgur.


You forgot "The Grifter"

Sic fuc

youtube.com/watch?v=xgCyQRVF3Cs youtube.com/watch?v=su_vpW3mM5w
take #8 off the list

Those aren't the basement tapes.

The day the clown cried

God school shooters are always such massive autistic faggots

it looks fake though.

well apparently bin laden was a cia puppet used as part of hegelian dialectic to demonize and invade the midde east to open up the oil to the market.

so maybe they didn't kill him and instead let him off somwhere.

Cow Head

I'd be really interested to see the Armin Meiwes tapes. Cannibalism has always interested me.

I saw that as it happened. It's nothing any more spectacular than anyone else falling from a height.

RT.com's video of Boston Bombing crisis actors. It's out there.

Explain more...



You're full of shit

Also the Toy Box sexual torture tapes. Exist (court evidence) but deep buried.

>9. Steve Irwin's death video
gif were posted here ages ago, and the news played it as well.
8. The Columbine Basement tapes
basement of the school or the dudes house? because there's footage of them there at the computers practising
3. Osama Bin Laden's death tape
true, aint nobody gon b getting any of dat (because it never fucking happened, ya dunce)
2. Security footage of the Boston Bombers
1. Flight 77 footage
both easily found and posted here regularly
fuck you and your leddit spacing.