My friend found this letter inside a bottle while surfing. What does it say?

My friend found this letter inside a bottle while surfing. What does it say?

Other urls found in this thread:

Donpro boi donpro boi box uoped is oreoned a box bog, donpro Ucy Xbox

it goes on

it's a satanic rite

be careful OP

What does that mean?

It says, and I quote, send help fast OPs mom is taking more dick than this entire island can give her we need more

Can it be some Eastern European language?

It is in Russian. Where abouts did he find this?

this has to be bait

It's written in Russian. Some kind of prayer to the God.

google translator gives a phonetic transcription of Japanese

Fuck off back to waterford you cunt

Some kind of praying, mostly about pain. Asking God to erase this pain.


the @ sign? How new can you be?

Definitely not romaji

A beach in israel


kinda spoopy

It's in Russian, some schizo prayer.

Дopoгoй Бoг, Дopoгoй Бoг вceх мopeй и oкeaнoв и вceх вoд, Дopoгoй иcyc Хpиcтoc, Дopoгaя Дeвa Mapия, Дopoгиe Bce Cвятыe, Дopoгиe Bce мoи дpyзья, знaкoмыe, poдcтвeнники, Пoмoгитe.
Oчeнь пpoшy Bac, чтoбы y мeня нaвceгдa пpeкpaтилиcь вce внyтpeниe и внeшниe физичecкиe бoли, c ними я нe мoгy жить никoгдa, вce oтpицaтeльныe внyтpeниe и внeшниe физичecкиe пoмeхи, вмeшaтeльcтвa, c ними я нe мoгy жить никoгдa. Co вceм пepeчиcлeнным вышe я нe мoгy жить никoгдa.

Oчeнь пpoшy Bac, чтoбы y мeня нaвceгдa пpeкpaтилиcь вce внyтpeнниe и внeшниe нe физичecкиe бoли, cepдeчнo-дyшeвныe бoли, c ними я нe мoгy жить никoгдa, вce oтpицaтeльыe внyтpeнниe и внeшниe, нe физичecкиe пoмeхи, вмeшaтeльcтвa, cepдeчнo-дyшeвнцe пoмeхи, вмeшaтeльcтвa, c ними я нe мoгy жить никoгдa. Чтoбы y мeня нe былo никaких физичecких бoлeй, c кoтopыми я нe мoгy жить никoгдa, никaких oтpицaтeльных физичecких пoмeх, вмeшaтeльcтв, c кoтopыми я нe мoгy жить никoгдa, чтoбы y мeня никoгдa нe былo ничeгo, c чeм я нe мoгy жить никoгдa, и чтoбы y мeня, co мнoй никoгдa нe былo никoгo c кeм я нe мoгy жить никoгдa. Co вceм пepeчиcлeнным вышe я нe мoгy жить никoгдa.
Oчeнь пpoшy вac, чтoбы вы вcюдy пoняли, чтo вce внyтpeнниe и внeшниe физичecкиe бoли, oтpицaтeльныe внyтpeнниe и внeшниe физичecкиe пoмeхи, вмeшaтeльcтвa - oтpицaтeльны, c ними я нe мoгy жить никoгдa, и вce вcюдy пepecтaли тaк пocтyпaть нaвceгдa.


I dunno, google translate shits itself when I try to translate this.

its in 3 parts

thats all i can make out

Ok, I'll try to translate it (rusanon). Wait.

Thanks man i will try to use google translate.


> Dear God, Dear God of all oceans, all seas and all waters, Dear Jesus Christ, Dear Virgin Mar, Dear All Saints, Dear All my friends, acquaintances and relatives, Help me.
> Im begging You to make all my inside and outside physical pains stop, I cannot ever live with them, to make all negative inside and outside physical interference, I cannot ever live with it. With all mentioned above I cannot live ever.

Took me a while but got a translation. In English the phonetics sound like this:

Angely i demony krujili nado mnoy
Rassekali ternii i mlechnye puti
Ne znaet schast'ya tol'ko tot,
Kto ego zova ponyat' ne smog

.Beskonechnyj beg.
Poka zhiva ya mogu starat'sya na letu ne upast',
Ne razuchit'sya mechtat'...lyubit'
...Beskonechnyj beg

Which translates to:

Angels and demons circle above my head
cleaving through thorns and Milky Ways
He who does not perceive his calling,
does not know true happiness

.Endless running
While I am alive, I can try not to fall while flying,
nor to forget how to love...
.Endless running

Creepy isn't it? It seems to be a ritual of some kind, or a lament.

well someone is lying

Kill yourself faggot

Im not sure its in russian, its probably macedonian.

Now here be a tale, all about how me life got flipped, turned upside-down, And I'd like to take a minute, So just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the pirate of a port called Bel-Air. In West Philadelphia, born and raised, On the shipyard is where I spent most of me days Chillin out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, And all shootin some cannons outside of the galleon When a couple of Brits, who were up to some good, Started shippin' gold in me neighborhood, I got in one little battle and me captain got scared He said 'You're movin with your first mate and cabin boy in Bel-Air!' I whistled for a dingy and when it came near The side said 'S.S. Fresh' And it had dice in the mast! If anything I could say that this dingy was rare But I thought 'Yarr, forget it - Yo, mate to Bel-Air!' I pulled up to the port about seven or eight, I yelled to the captain 'Yo mate, smell thee later!' Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there To sit on me throne as the pirate of Bel-Air!

> Im begging You to make all my inside and outside non-physical pains stop, I cannot ever live with them, to make all negative inside and outside non-physical interference, spiritual interference stop, I cannot ever live with it. Make me never feel any physical pain, I cannot ever live with it, no negative physical interference, I cannot ever live with it, make me not have anything I cannot ever live with, make me not meet anyone I cannot ever live with. With all mentioned above I cannot live ever.
> Im begging you, make everyone understand, that all negative inside and outside interferences are negative, I cannot ever live with them. And make everyone everywhere stop doing that forever.
Sorry, some cyrillic words from the post above may be un-Google-translatable because of my typos.

Its in russian, бля бyдy.

It's lyrics from GitS: Stand-alone complex opening.


Greentext translation is complete.

bump for interest

Dogoogy Boog, Dogoogy Boog, in the moments of mine and ocean and all else, Dopogoj icyc Hpicc, Dopogya Deva Mapija, Dopogee Bce Cvyatye, Dopogie Bce moi dpizja, znakyyy, poddtevenniki, Pomogite.
Očen ppošy Bac, in order to be able to see everything in the first place and in the physical physics, I can not live with them anywhere, there are specific points and other physical things, I can use them, I can not live with them anywhere. I do not know how to live anywhere.Ochen pposhy Bac, chtoby y menya navcegda ppekpatilic vce vnytpennie and vneshnie ne fizicheckie boli, cepdechno-dyshevnye boli, c them I DO NOT mogy live nikogda, vce otpitsatelye vnytpennie and vneshnie, ne fizicheckie pomehi, vmeshatelctva, cepdechno-dyshevntse pomehi, vmeshatelctva, c I can not live with them. Chtoby y menya ne bylo nikakih fizicheckih boley, c kotopymi I DO NOT mogy live nikogda, nikakih otpitsatelnyh fizicheckih pomeh, vmeshatelctv, c kotopymi I DO NOT mogy live nikogda chtoby y menya nikogda ne bylo nichego, c chem I DO NOT mogy live nikogda and chtoby y menya, co mnoy nikogda not been anybody c kem I can not live nikogda. Co, all the above, I can not live without you.
Ochen pposhy VAC, chtoby you vcyudy ponyali chto vce vnytpennie and vneshnie fizicheckie boli, otpitsatelnye vnytpennie and vneshnie fizicheckie pomehi, vmeshatelctva - otpitsatelny, c them I DO NOT live mogy nikogda and vce tak vcyudy pepectali poctypat navcegda.

>Dogoogy Boog, Dogoogy Boog

You win the most autistic post prize

i got russian (you can see my translation below) can you post your translation, im interested in the differences

If you want to reply to a post, just click on its post number newbie

"the pleasure of being cummed inside"

Kek, good one

here's my atempt at filtering out the garbage
in the moments of mine and ocean and all else , in order to be able to see everything in the first place and in the physical physics, I can not live with them anywhere, there are specific points and other physical things, I can use them, I can not live with them anywhere. I do not know how to live anywhere.them I DO NOT I can not live with them I DO NOT I DO NOT I DO NOT all the above, I can not live without you. them I DO NOT live

You wrote it huh?

heres my attempt at getting rid of the not garbage
Dogoogy Boog, Dogoogy BoogDopogoj icyc Hpicc, Dopogya Deva Mapija, Dopogee Bce Cvyatye, Dopogie Bce moi dpizja, znakyyy, poddtevenniki, Pomogite.
Očen ppošy Bac,Ochen pposhy Bac, chtoby y menya navcegda ppekpatilic vce vnytpennie and vneshnie ne fizicheckie boli, cepdechno-dyshevnye boli, cmogy live nikogda, vce otpitsatelye vnytpennie and vneshnie, ne fizicheckie pomehi, vmeshatelctva, cepdechno-dyshevntse pomehi, vmeshatelctva, cChtoby y menya ne bylo nikakih fizicheckih boley, c kotopymimogy live nikogda, nikakih otpitsatelnyh fizicheckih pomeh, vmeshatelctv, c kotopymi mogy live nikogda chtoby y menya nikogda ne bylo nichego, c chemmogy live nikogda and chtoby y menya, co mnoy nikogda not been anybody c kem nikogda. Co,Ochen pposhy VAC, chtoby you vcyudy ponyali chto vce vnytpennie and vneshnie fizicheckie boli, otpitsatelnye vnytpennie and vneshnie fizicheckie pomehi, vmeshatelctva - otpitsatelny, c mogy nikogda and vce tak vcyudy pepectali poctypat navcegda.



nice dubs, thoroughly checked

its he just copy and pasted the lyrics to a ghost in the shell song

dubs? where?

It's from a Cuban R & B singer by the name of Chila Lynn

you won the dubs prize

check 'em