Guess my rank

guess my rank



Probably D5 like every other Janna "main"

>reminder that you're not good at the game until D2 or higher
>sincerely, disgruntled D1

Diam. Playing this autistic champ gets you diamond fast af.


moja jaja



milan obren

Twat? shit tier game? moba's are wank? im running out of guesses here.


low end: silver 3-1
higher end: plat 5-4

Janna player who plays jungle as secondary probably doesn't know how to farm, how to space, how to trade, recall timings, and other vitally important game fundamentals.

vayne/zed/yasuo/darius main spotted



now me

nice try user. My mains are gp, bard and sion

fucking spic rot in your shit tier region

Diamond LAN/LAS, so plat NA/EUW.

alright user that means you're a real man, i'm sorry
