One of my greatest wishes is to become a true psychopath. To be completely free of emotions and empathy towards others...

One of my greatest wishes is to become a true psychopath. To be completely free of emotions and empathy towards others, I would like to begin torturing small animals such as cats and dogs. The screams they make should give me satisfaction. I don't want to have any of my "human" feelings anymore. It hasn't done me anything good. I should learn some ways of how to lie and manipulate people into doing my own needs. I've never really shown my dark side to anyone else, for the fear of being institutionalised. But let's just say that I'm an evil person. I would like to fake guilt and have a superficial charm in order to appear natural and be able to blend in with others to fool them into trusting me, then quickly murder them and hide their bodies somewhere. Their corpses can be used as a trophy for me to have a glance at from time to time. I see women as sex objects to be abused by males. Okay maybe the word I'm looking for is a sociopath here, but they are both pretty similar to one another. Anons can further discuss about what should be done with me.

Wew lad




Don't waste your time with kitty cats and dogos, just kill a black kid.

Nah dude, he said he wanted to become a psycopath, not a plage exterminator!


why are you lying for attention

Just for the record, the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath are hardly used as diagnostic criteria anymore and are antiquated. Although purely academic, a "psychopath":is someone who was supposedly born lacking the aforementioned traits of empathy and the ability to experience guilt, whereas the sociopath was supposedly conditioned into it.

Again,the "chicken or egg" argument is trivial so they stopped using those words and mainly refer to Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). Antisocial here doesn't mean the lexical definition of a kid who doesn't like other people, but rather refers to the opposite of a "prosocial" individual. That is - one that is pro-societial (wheras the antisocial person is anti-societal).

Just for the record, beyond the cartoon super-villains and horror movies, ASPD individuals are actually pretty pathetic. They're almost never intelligent and, when they are, they still fail to exercise basic effortful control (known nominally as impulse control).

So yeah, don't be a psychopath. It sounds to me like you're more narcissistic and interested in the lore of the psychopathic image. However, it's really bunk.

Also, you shouldn't kill people. It's a dick move. However, if you want to kill people and make insane amounts of money for it as a profession, become a defense contractor. You're not even under UCMJ.

One of my greatest wishes is to become a true Otaku. To be completely free of Western cartoons and attraction towards non-waifus, I would like to begin watching small series such as OHSHC and Free!. The fan-service they have should give me satisfaction. I don't want to have any of my "Western" feelings anymore. It hasn't done me anything good. I should learn some ways of how to speak Japanese and manipulate chopsticks into doing my own eats. I've never really shown my japanese side to anyone else, for the fear of being ostracized. But let's just say that I'm a Kawaii person. I would like to watch anime and have a superficial charm in order to appear cultured and be able to blend in with others to fool them into liking me, then quickly fap to them and hide their hentai iterations somewhere. Their waifu-appearances can be used as a trophy for me to have an orgasm at from time to time. I see body pillows as sex objects to be abused by males. Okay maybe the word I'm looking for is a weaboo here, but they are both pretty similar to one another. Anons can further discuss about what should be done with me.



Calm down kid. Your mom will give your xbox back

new copypasta?

Oh shit mein nigger

This is some of the dumbest shit ive ever read

What a pathetic little bitch do you have to be to wish something like that? Only people who get disrespected on a regular basis and dont know how to stand up for themselves devellop fucked up thoughts like that.
You should stop dreaming of something you can never be and seriously consider suicide. I mean i really dont see any better advice. You are the biggest bitch on the planet and cant cope with being a bitch, so what else to do besides living a live that is painful because of all the internal conflict?

>wants to be psycho
>not even hurting little animals yet

Add me on wickr and I'll talk to you about it.

I read the entire thing and laughed when I saw the mask wearing a party hat

Party hat changes the mood a bit.

One of my greatest wishes is to become a true bumble bee. To be completely free of non-honey related emotions and empathy towards others outside the hive, I would like to begin rubbing my bare ass on small flowers such as daisies and posies. The scent they make should give me satisfaction. I don't want to have any of my "non-honey bee" feelings anymore. It hasn't done me anything good. I should learn some ways of how to fly and manipulate people into letting me run through their rose gardens. I've never really shown my yellow side to anyone else, for the fear of being swatted But let's just say that I'm the bee's knees.I would like to lead the hive and poop out sweet honey in order to appear natural and be able to blend in with others to fool them into trusting me, then quickly sting them and fly away their somewhere. Their yelps of pain can be used as audible cover for me as I constantly yell "BUZZZZ" anytime I go somewhere. I see flowers as sex objects to be abused by drones. Okay maybe the word I'm looking for is a Insecta Apis here, but they are both pretty similar to one another. Anons can further discuss about what should be done with me.

Everyone knows the first step is to register as a Republican.

Satisfaction is a human feeling. Looks like suicide is the only option.;

I would search for the answers indide an evicerated corpse of one of your thrashed off female abusees, dig deep until you find her soul, oh you will find it, at that point you can become a true fucking god and continue your devastation thoughout your lifespan, this will give you great satisfaction as you are only lost because you havent faced your true destiny

Im totally going to write a black metal song around this subject of the urge to become a socio/psychopath

He's a big boy. Be scared

Op....your best bet is to neck yourself and save people the time it takes to call you a faggot

stfu you massive retard i hate you guys so fucking much as you don't have a father who is a schizophrenic

what should be done with you? hopefully someone traces your IP address to your location and have the police put you behind bars. You posted this same garbage in the paranormal section. Your probably some child that think this is funny.

new copypasta confirmed

One of my greatest wishes is to become a true Hacker. To be completely free of firewalls and coding of others, I would like to begin DDoSing small websites such as Neogaf and Yahoo. The screens they break should give me satisfaction. I don't want to have any of my "Vanilla" files anymore. It hasn't done me anything good. I should learn some ways of how to code and manipulate computers into doing my own needs. I've never really shown my l33t side to anyone else, for the fear of being arrested by the FBI. But let's just say that I'm a computer person. I would like to fake screenshots and have a superficial coding in order to appear natural and be able to blend in with others to fool them into trusting me, then quickly doxx them and hide their identities somewhere. Their webcam can be used as a trophy for me to have a glance at from time to time. I see computer files as .exe objects to be abused by keyboards. Okay maybe the word I'm looking for is a keylogger here, but they are both pretty similar to one another. Anons can further discuss about what should be done with me.

One of my greatest wishes is to become a true person. To be completely free of anger and apathy towards others, I would like to begin adopting small animals such as cats and dogs. The companionship they make should give me satisfaction. I don't want to have any of my "psychopath" feelings anymore. It hasn't done me anything good. I should learn some ways of how to live and get involved with people by their own needs. I've never really shown my human side to anyone else, for the fear of being rejected. But let's just say that I'm a good person. I would like to feel guilt and have true emotions in order to appear natural and be able to motivate others and really trust them, then get deeply involved in their lives, to start hanging out and do friendly things somewhere. Their happiness can be used as a trophy for me to have a glance at from time to time. I see woman as gentle creatures to be loved by males. Okay maybe the word I'm looking for is a friendly person here, but they are both pretty similar to one another. Anons can further discuss about what should be done with me.