Are these people for real? It feels like something out of BrainDead or American Horror Story

Are these people for real? It feels like something out of BrainDead or American Horror Story.

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this is?


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There was nothing racial in that video. The dude called her a fat cunt, it wasn't nice, but it's an accurate description. He's a fat cunt as well. Nothing racial there, that I heard. Plus, I don't think we have the full context. It appears the other woman sitting is implying the fat one standing up started it. Couldn't tell you for sure.

Anyways, whoever titled the video is seemingly dishonest, as far I can see.

>American Horror Story
Is a brilliant social commentary that destroys BOTH sides. Did you even watch it?

Oh,as for those people existing. I don't see why not. I'd imagine there a total of a couple hundred world wide. On the other hand, there are hundreds of thousands of people who honestly believe that that wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap is "genocide". Now that's fucking nuts. Some fat fuck with a retarded cake and cap/shirt is just cringe, but harmless.

>b-but what about the memes?


Why is the alt-right so cringey?

He said something along the lines of "we should get those people back in the fields". That's pretty damn racial.

most do it because it's hilarious to watch sensitive hippies cry about it

>He said something along the lines of "we should get those people back in the fields". That's pretty damn racial.
>black people were the only people to ever work in fields

I'm not hearing it. Where exactly? I played it over 4 times now.

There are definitely more than a few hundred of these idiots. I've seen a couple dozen of these dipshits personally, and I'm in fucking Canada! There's thousands of them, all over the place. I do agree that they're mostly harmless, though.

They think they're powerful and they run the internet and singlehandedly got Trump elected with the power of memes, but they're really just dipshits like the dude in OP's pic. They're impotent little pussies who feed off other people being upset. They're pathetic.

I hear it now. It's not racist, fucking rude yeah. But not racist by definition.

Right at around 30 seconds. He points at her and goes "put them back in the fucking fields where they belong!".

Got it. Thanks.

I dunno, man. Pointing at a black person and saying they should be back in the fields where they belong seems pretty fucking racist to me. You are aware of the whole "slavery" thing, right?

Yes, very aware. America, at the hight of slavery, had about 388,000 slaves. 472,000 slaves left the African continent, 83,000 never made it to shore. As a whole, the transatlantic slave trade displaced an estimated 12.5 million people. The vast majority of slaves went to Barbados, Jamaica and Brazil.

Anyways, slavery doesn't always imply racism. Today there are more black slaves than there ever was in America and it's black people enslaving them. Millions, upwards of 16- 20 million in Africa.

You can make a case that it's racist under the expanded definitions of racism found in Social Justice circles, quickly becoming mainstream, then again, everything racist according to them.

It's the context that makes it racist. By dictionary definition, you're right, it's not racist sibce many people of many races have worked in fields throughout history. The context in which he was using it, however, specifically implied a reference to black slavery.

Don't get me wrong, PC bullshit is one thing, there's a lot of shit attributed to race that isn't, but this one is pretty clear-cut racism.

To some some context on it, if I pointed at a black person and said the same, am I racist? I'm black. It's the intention that matters. That intention being supremacy. Thinking your race is above theirs, or just an outright hatred based on their race alone. You're may be right, but it's an assumption. The assumption being that either of us think he is intentionally thinks himself better than "them" on racial grounds. Understand?