

Places like argentina where guns /are/ banned, are under strict martial law, the police are more corrupt than the government, and cartels run everything. Tell me why all guns should be banned for everyone again?

Also Sup Forums doesn't want your shitty thread, and I assume Sup Forums doesn't either, which is why you're here. Please fuck off Sup Forums. kthx.

Liberals should be banned

You can't ban guns without using guns, fucking idiot.

What u talking about dude? Argentina has no ban gor guns and police aren't allowed to shoot a gun without some judge permission, if your point was that that particular country sucks, you were right anyway

Places like switzerland where guns /are/ banned as well have the best governement, police corruption is low and cartels need to go the official way as anybody else.

Gunban and corruption has a very low correlation. It's just more than one parameter.

but the newest events showed again, that big crimes cannot be prevented by everybody having guns. in konservatives american dreamland, someone would have been a hero and stopped the guy. but it doesnt happen.


>bottom left front row
the beta crosser
>bottom right front row
the chad man spreader

what part of /thread do you dumbfucks not understand?

>Be Australia
>Have semi-strict gun laws but still allow them
>No mass shooterino, troglodytes get their guns to play with
>Win win

because then the corruption is met with absolutely no resistance.

Without guns, you can't fight against your government WHEN (it's inevitable) it becomes corrupt assuming it already isn't. Disarming the populace is a huge step toward totalitarianism. It's usually done after an atrocity most likely caused by the government themselves as an excuse to disarm people.

So should murder! Oh...wait...

americans should be banned.

switzerland... guns banned?? you mean the country where every able bodied male of age and mentally stable is issued a rifle for national defense?

Riiiogt!! Check out Jamaica. Draconian gun laws...can get life for possession. Very high murder rate. Your ooint is, troll?


Nothing facilitates shit like this more than legal guns, and people act as if we can prevent tyranny with them when we're already under tyrannical rule of the rich and nobody's doing anything.

>/threading your own post

Check 'em, fagget.

Hey look, it's a libtard!

Nobody likes you, you political dog.
Go be a political minority someplace else.

Because prohibition and the war on drugs were/are such rousing successes

Yeah, when drugs are illegal nobody can get them anymore. Same thing with Alcohol in the 20s.

All muslims should be banned

Cause of the shooting? My guess is he got bullied.

I can build a gun in 5 minutes out of scrap. Banning guns is not the answer. Find the mentally ill and housing them away from the general population is the answer. All the fucked up traps and sjw's can spend their days arguing about nonsense. But someone really needs to get the insane off our streets.

>Find the mentally ill and housing them away from the general population is the answer.

Blacks and muslims too

It's because people in Switzerland aren't retarded. (almost) No mass shooting at all so what's the problem with US people ? Though I'm okay with banning the guns here.

I ain't leaving nigga

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand..

Bu-bu-muh guns! Muh freedoms! Who gives a fuck, American is a failed country, let them exterminate themselves.

the gun used by the vegas shooter was a banned gun. didn't help much did it.

>/threading your own thread
Your opinions are nullified.

In the US military service isn't mandatory, so there's alot of people with no training and easy access to guns. Its amazing more people don't go postal tbh.

Would do no good. Knives, clubs, rocks,
lots to use instead. Banning guns only helps
the criminals, like Comgress and the other
so called officals.
banning guns only helps the criminals

Yeah man, remember that time someone killed 50 people from the top of a hotel by throwing rocks?

muslims need to be banned

>court system

There's your cause