New Las Vegas Footage

New Las Vegas Footage

Possibly 200 Dead


nothing to discuss, only to say sorry to my ameribros....

This is absolutely horrible.
>Here's the little fucker who did it.

Have they said what gun he used?

10 different auto rifles...

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Lol this guy

Suspect carried away

The Golden Gun, after he explicitly said we would wait 5 minutes before picking it up.

What was his motivation for that masacre?
Any news?


Rick and Morty's season finale sucked balls.

Fucking kek. Used to love that game sooo much. Why don't games have big head mode anymore?


No motive as of yet. He was probably just a mentally unstable fuckhead, and wanted to cause as much damage as possible before blowing his brains out.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you sick piece of human trash. You're a sick, worthless being if you make fun of a mass shooting. Your parents definitely tought you shit values you low life.

Drumpf btfo

He Converted to islam few months ago i think Thats enough.

Wait. Is that real? Because if it is... The religion of peace strikes again!


Nothing is confirmed and ISIS claims all mass-shootings even if they werent theirs. So that has nothing to mean mate.

Give these dubs back and fuck off to reddit

Guess they were being too loud for him.

Covering the walls now.



you will find an angle everywhere won't you shithead
i bet your crutch buzzes every time you solve the captcha

Fuck off faggot

When you fuck the Philipino, they chew them off while they make the sex act. Everybody knows this. Stupid virgin.

Gr8 B8 M8

Seriously, how dumb are Americans? Someone's literally firing into them and they're all staying there. Holy shit, America is full on retarded.

Nobody knows yet. Some retards immediately tried to force their narrative by saying it was a 'left wing antifa Obama-supporting Trump hater' and a lot of mouth breathers have spread it as fact but as of now, it's unknown.

I'm pretty sure that if we haven't already beaten your country in a war we could do so faster than you could find a girl who would put up with your ugly ass


or maybe, a jihadi followed an old man who was in vegas to do some recreational shooting at a gun range, followed him to his room, murdered him and shot everyone at the festival, then left before police arrived. the police found a man dead in the room, but how do they know if he wasnt killed before by someone else who is now on the run

>living in eurocuck where your women are raped by shitshins daily.
>german pussywoman is your leader
Still think europe is better? Tell he how it feels to get fucked everytime you step outside

It's because they're all carrying guns so they know they're safe.

Typical Ameritard response without even knowing my country, can't even type coherently. Go find yourself a nice little shooting to get killed in while you stroke off to guns.

>being this ugly and anarchistic
God i remember when i was a virgin

I wouldn't know, it's genuiely quite rare if you actually live here and don't drink the Breitbart koolaid.

cup at 0:40

fuckin kek


>Possibly 200 Dead
thousands dead

Why does it sound like multiple shooters?

My god the women are the fucking worst with the screaming. What in the fuck does that do other than cause more panic?

Cuphead devs confirmed shooters. Theyre mad that people are pirating their game

This is Sup Forums and you thought we were human?

sounded like a machine gun. Not sure how he got an automated weapon.

i hear 4 plus guns

sounded more like an smg

Gun nut level 3 probly

Building echo. Gun shots don’t sound like they do in the movie in real life. Not mention the sonic boom of the rounds and the rounds impacting objects/people

definitely 4 plus shooters

and if it isn't and one of you dumbfuck nazis did it?
It will be:
>good they deserved it or not all nazis are murderers, besides antifa punch people sometimes.

Where is he shooting from?

Maybe they were panicking and this is the way they express that panic.
I bet you'd be amazing in that situation, probably would knife him 1v1.

That the next-gen USA for you.... Now they will blame all gun people for what a sick man did...

Military vet mad at the innacuracy of the new call of duty game

Those people that arent running are dead

I watched the Video, Sounds like man thing goes skkkrraa

They have been doing that for years , of course that is part of the main narrative.

cause you're dumb?

It’s primal instinct bruh

Are you asking a question? How ironic

Too bD only Innocents were would have been nice if he hit aldeen or any other country "musician"

They were also probably screaming before the shooting too

You know what would have helped in this situation?

Media is already trying to cover up he was a trump hating liberal. And yes, there is proof, his fb posts are being shared.

it was a false flag. all those are actors.

there were no people killed. have you seen one pic of dead bodies?

>Is that real?

People like you are the reason Trump became president.

So how's the new level?

Lol really? I knew it!

It’s not hard to get a full auto rifle legally if you have money.

Why don't the terrorists do this!? Seriously, the mentally deranged are more capable of mass murder than the people who would die for the act of mass murder!

Why doesn't a terrorist just wait for a large crowd, get a high up vantage point, let loose a bunch of rounds, then split? They always go out in a big dumb durka durka blaze of durka glory! They could kill way more people if they used their heads a little more.

It frustrates me

Hurrr durr so original



Looks Jewish

he worked for Lockheed and had a 4000000 dollar house. He could buy just about anything, legal or not

We need those baby skull bullets

I guess what happens in vegas does stay in vegas

you are retarded

When you look at a map of the scene it really makes sense. He is shooting from really far away from the 32nd floor there is no way to know where its coming from or where you would be safe.

how's dumb now?


12+ shooters according to news

Pop Country. The dam finally broke.

Looks like a cup but the truth is she was holding his phone while running and recording event

Is this real?

Implying this fools not a terrorist

All trump loving americans i heard

Provide one

Yes I have

At the very least get the fuck out of there. Instead those people are sitting ducks.

someone's still butthurt about the election results!

I chuckled. Well played.

the girl kicked the cup.....

32nd floor of Mandalay, over a block away

according to breaking news they are Hillary supporters but nice try