Be honest Sup Forums. What would really happen if Americans had their guns taken away?

Be honest Sup Forums. What would really happen if Americans had their guns taken away?

According to many locals, God would intervene and never let it happen

you can't get #3 without #1, /thread

That crazy person would grab a knife...

This cartoon omits the fourth panel with the fertilizer bomb and "8 deaths".

Then his attack would be very less deadly.

then only criminals would have guns and innocent civilians would have nothing to protect themselves

The crazy person gets the gun illegally though so only the top two panels are relevant

Weren't 2 women stabbed to death in europe on the same day?

they would grab a knife, or a acid,peace truck like in europe, so stfu.

Can't take away all guns, it's realistically impossible.

Theoretically, if someone could snap their fingers and magically make all guns disappear then police would have too much power. If police had no guns either then we'd be at the mercy of people bringing guns across the border.

Yeah but only 2 not 60

you mean 168.

there will always be firearms and it would be IMPOSSIBLE to rid the US of its firearms even if most people were willing to turn them in as there are far too many in existence. the only solution is the hard one which elevates society to the point where it's considered absurd to feel the need for one. (fun fact: this is also likely we will never colonize space or another planet/moon because humanity is filled with savages and retards)

fucking this

if a person wants a gun to commit a crime, they are going to fucking get one, the amount of illegal guns going into the US is fucking astounding, making guns that are legal illegal would only piss off people that owned guns

how exactly would they take the guns away? How would they know where any of them are?

Do you realize that after they took Australia's guns after Port Arthur, its like $25,000 dollars to buy a gun on the black market. Compared to the relatively cheap legal prices in the US?

And imagine some fucktard robot trying to go into a the black market "REE I HATE NORMIES I WANT GUNS"

no because most criminals wouldn't be able to get guns like in the uk

Knife and bow sales would sky rocket, along with knife and bow related fatalities.

That's assuming you could take guns away from Americans, which you will never be able to do.

Well, for the sake of the cartoon's context I meant.

they'd fall into chaos as their number one export had just disappeared.

Implying criminals use legal traceable weapons, and by banning guns you literally give the monopoly on firearms to gangbang niggers.


So we should just ignore all the mass shooting and pretend nothing happened?

A lot less murderers are willing to plan something like that.
Most are impulsive, if they can't get a gun in their hands right at that moment, they will grab anything they can, which is much less effective at killing people 90% of the time

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Disarming all of America would require thousands of deaths, and possibly spark a civil war.

because what happens in a shitty island in the middle of nowhere is analogous to a real nation with actual borders

Back to /k/ buddy

>criminals only use legal guns

Here in Sweden the only gun you're allowed to have is that of hunting purposes (rifle or shotgun or the like).
We have fucking grenade attacks here and handguns are as easily to obtain as drugs.

Never hear anything about a hunting rifle being used though

The crazy person, the criminals, and anyone who desperately wanted one can still get them.

Meth, Heroin, Cocaine, and a huge number of other drugs are all illegal, user. Yet criminals, druggies, and crazy people have them all the time.

Your picture is a picture of false logic.

Was that a rebuttal? Nice argument kek

do you honestly think banning guns will stop crazy people from aquiring guns

Yes ameritard even if they banned guns people would still be able to kill others with other weapons and illegal guns, but there would be less gun violence.

What if he just grabs a car? Time to take cars away and hand out bicycles, less deadly, you know?

Don’t forget about it giving a massive new revenue stream to organized crime.

They'd probably switch to knives and need to dramatically improve public health to wield them effectively.

>A lot less murderers are willing to plan something like that.
Yet guns kill the most people in Chicago, which has basically outlawed guns.

Trump would act on all/some of his crazy ideas, believing that he's taken away the citizens' ability to form a militia.

Basically, if guns were taken away, the president would get shot.

But deadly none the less. That picture is garbage.

knife and bow? try and beat highscore with knife and bow you retard lol

technically we could ban everything until paper cuts became the goto mass killing tool

The Anarchist Cookbook would become popular again

He would've driven an 18 wheeler into the crowd, probably killing more than 50,

Yeah it's real easy to spray into a crowd from a 32nd floor window with a fucking BOW AND ARROW.

You can't /thread your own post, retard.

except most of these mass shootings are planned out in advance. My man Elliot, Eric, Sanza and this newboi all had a plan and got their guns for said plan.

This is so fucking funny

But less deadly is better. You're garbage.

Trucks of peace

All the guns in Chicago are bought legally through straw purchases.

Why do so many retarded gunfags make this ridiculous argument? Do you really think that 60 year old man would just buy a bow and still kill 50 people? Obviously there will always be weapons but nobody needs a fucking automatic death machine that literally anyone can use to mow people down. We're not saying guns are the only way to kill someone, just the most dangerous.

surrounded by and is a state with tons of illegal guns.

if it would be politically feasable to go after the illegal guns it could be cleaned up, but gunfags would shoot their load prematurely and blow a gasket (over "illegal" guns)

>the amount of illegal guns going into the US
>amount of illegal guns going into the US
>illegal guns going into the US

lol, you're a special kind of retard to think there's "illegal" guns being imported into the US when in point of fact the US exports more firearms than any nation or is tied with this ranking as it relates to china or russia

Do you honestly think that banning guns wont reduce the amount of guns in circulation, reducing the amount they can get it the first place.
Do you honestly think most of those nutjobs can afford black market guns.

I live in Arizona where they have gun shows all the time, there's probably hundreds of thousands of guns that aren't even registered here, it would be almost impossible to take them all away

The mental image of a bunch of amerilards rolling around shooting arrows at each other makes me irrationally happy.

Yep Better than being defenseless without guns

Two things:

a) the number of stabbings and savage beatings would skyrocket and b) the crazy people who do mass shootings would find it harder to get guns and as such would either go to greater lengths to obtain them or switch to an easier medium of murder -like explosives.

Honestly, if done right I think you could. Guns create a panic, they're loud. You could probably beat the high score before anyone noticed all the bodies, assuming you're smart about it.
No, we couldn't, people in America wouldn't stand for a ban on "all the things".

Sweet summer child.
There will always be violence. Take the guns away, and they'll use chainsaws. Build flamethrowers. Use knives. Forks. They'll throw acid at you. Build bombs. Strangle you. You could keep removing threats til the end of time, as they'll always find new ways to attack you.

Guns are a good compromise. They'll end all those other form of violences quickly.

I love weapons but I also love gun restriction

Would I like to own a gun? Yes
Would I like to own multiple pistols, rifles, machine guns? Hell yes
Would I like that all the retards I see every day could own a gun? FUCK NO!

How's that relevant? What, shame on the US they get what they deserve?

You know what would have helped at the Las Vegas situation?

There is always one way to kill someone

>Do you honestly think most of those nutjobs can afford black market guns.

Illegal guns are almost always cheaper than legal guns. A legal gun is bought in a store. Most illegal guns are stolen and sold for less than $100

Yes, you could kill 50 people with a bow or a knife, not as fast though.
Everyone needs automatic rifles, go hug a tree you massive liberal faggot, be careful not to step on any flowers on your way.

>tfw you realize they have guns in Europe too
>even with strict gun control
>and way way way less gun-related crime
I wish we could carry in public, though. Might cut down on the acid attacks a bit.

We can talk about what would happen if we took guns away till we're blue in the face, but the fact is it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to do.

Make them illegal? Lol look at Chicago. That only keeps guns out of the hands of the law abiding.

Confiscate and destroy every gun we can? Lol you just gave gangs, organized crime immense and those crazy NW militias immense power.

It cannot be done.

You're special kind of retard of you think impulsive psychos will be willing
to wait month to get those gun licenses that you pro-gun people describe as being "Hard to get.
They won't wait. They can't. It's like the urge to smoke, or drink, or fap. They need it then and there, so they get illegal guns.

But some are more effective.

beacuse that has really worked so well in Europe/s


We clearly need cow shit regulation

>Sweet summer child
Nigger, stop getting on Sup Forums with your gay shit, you're easy to spot with that level of faggotry.

Beyond limiting these stupid mass shootings, do you know how many run of the mill murders and suicides we have because of the availability of these things? Without a gun a murder becomes a fist fight. 95% of murders are simple and stupid, when you throw a point-and-click murder device into a crowd of drunk idiots somebody dies.

>Do you honestly think that banning guns wont reduce the amount of guns in circulation, reducing the amount they can get it the first place.

Obviously it will lower the gun circulation, in the crowds of law abiding citizens with guns, as they are no longer allowed to have them

why would criminals care about their guns are legal when doing illegal things, they dont, you are only stripping normal civilians of their gun rights

and yes, who the fuck cant afford a fucking blackmarket gun, obviously if guns were illegal the market would enlarge like alcohol under the prohobition


> An easier medium of murder
> explosives

Also, which is deadlier, getting beaten up/stabbed or getting shot a dozen times

Litterally the same fucking thing as every other country. Slight decrease in homicide rate.

Oh and you might need to nationalize your prison industry but let's be real, we don't want that commie shit do we

>Not realizing you're a retard that everyone else see's everyday



I'm not your buddy, guy

>That worked well in Europe
>hurr hurr
>Hardly any gun-related crime in Europe
Guess you showed them.

What would happen?

The .gov would pwn the people like they are doing right now in Spain. No thx, newfag

>meme implies any company offering better conditions wouldn't put said company out of business
>meme is wrong

I'm not your guy, friend

Lot of people are not intelligent enought to build effective bombs. Like at the boston marathon; bomb in a crowd but only 2 death.

Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I hope you'll be fine.

>the government is not pwnding us
>it's not rape if i like it
>I swear I can rebel anytime

um it is relevant because you're stating as if somehow these firearms aren't domestically produced and/or sold to a legal owners who in turn gets them stolen or sells them, so your 'theory' that somehow all these firearms are illegally smuggled in is retarded as there is no real need to considering the ample supply domestically.

>inb4 hurrdurr liberal shill muh freedoms

i could care less you fucking dumb nigger faggot, humanity is on its way down anyone with a fucking decent amount of intelligence understands that

Well if they all magically vanished, things would be just fine. Murder rates would drastically decrease. That old bullshit about they'll just use knives or bats, you can't stop murder! is proven untrue. If something is fast and easy, it is done more than something that is difficult and less likely to succeed.

But anyway, they won't just vanish. That won't happen. Hundreds of millions of illegal guns would continue to flood the streets and criminals would have a great time. Also millions of basically good people would not surrender their guns and would be convicted of firearms charges and thus flood the prisons.

The best answer is stricter tracking of gun ownership and transfers. A reduction in the number of illegally owned guns would be a big help.

Ok you dense cunts, let's say Trump got on the news right now and declared a nationwide ban on firearms.
Please explain to me with your infinite wisdom how the fuck that would even go about happening? A door to door raid of every single home in the country? The honor system?
Please give me even one example of how that could possibly take effect, I'm dying to hear it.
Everyone keeps saying "durr just ban duh guns" but no one is mentioning how the fuck they'd go about it.
So please, enlighten me.

Do you realize that Australia has a population of almost 13 million less than California, and Australia is almost the size of the US.

Can 3D print a gun

>only correct answer
Best solution is to get control of your nutters. This is a culture-problem, not a gun-problem.

Meme implies owners unionise as much as the workers if not more, so the absence of national wage coupled with a general unemployment means the workers is not likely to find any better opportunity anyway.

Meme's right, your life's wrong

Your edge cut me


This. It would be impossible, there's just too many and a lot of them aren't even registered

Or make a bomb

i almost bothered giving you an argument against this but i realized how much of a shitbait this is

>being American and thinking the government is hurting/oppressing you