
So, here's my question: a 64 year-old man fires a fully automatic weapon from a 23rd story window at dark targets 500 yards away with sniper-like accuracy?

Hmm. Nothing suspicious here.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is just another terror attack orchestrated by the jews to remove weapons from the citizens. Nothing surprizing.

It's an injun conspiracy to get the palefaces off their lands

>Firing an automatic weapon
>Into a large crowd
>from a high vantage point
>sniper-like accuracy.

Real Eyes realize real lies.

It was a crowd of people, you could just randomly fire a machine gun into it and you'd hit a lot of people. just common logic u conspiracy creating fucking faggot

Dark targets? Wtf are you talking about it was a fucking music festival on the Vegas strip. He was shooting fish in a barrel with that vantage point


What makes you think a 64 year old man can't shoot

Use a rifle for once in your life OP


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools...... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand..

hi russia

maybe guns have been designed to kill so well that any idiot with the motive can mow down a crowd of people with little effort

you're a fucktard. he shot hundreds of rounds, at random.

To be fair though, he had multiple chances. Not to mention the fucking automatic fire

I'm just enjoying people argue about it on facebook. I'm watching this dude argue with this black guy about a TMZ article and the black dude isn't understanding any of what the article said.




Heard unconfirmed reports that he was Vietnam vet
Heard he was shouting "Vietnam shits!"

This lol. He rapid fired tons of rounds you fucking tardvark... Not single sniper shots

You're a fucking moron, bitch.

.....his name was Steven paddock

this meme still isn't funny
good effort though.


>sniper-like accuracy

Where are you getting this information from?

lels, he was in tower 7

do you think bullets disappear?

go back to Sup Forums fash

you need to go back to your al/ck/ containment thread

>.556 effective range exceeds the distance of the targets in question
>massive target group of 20,000+ people packed into a tight crowd with little room to move
>thousands of rounds fired from an elevated position

You don’t have to be a scout sniper to see how this dude succeeded.

It’s actually a brilliant and horrifyingly effective plan

it's like 200yds, pretty hard to miss especially if you're spraying into a crowd of ppl.

im trying to find a twitter account that re-tweeted a video of the shooting. it was a girl who used that stupid dog ears and dog nose overlay. i think she was from texas and she had a boyfriend and posted something like "im drunk and im going to swallow your children tonight" she also posted pics of her boyfriend eating her our but she covered up some of it with her dress so it wasn't flagged as porn. anyone know the account?


>That's what Sup Forumstards actually believe

What conspiracy are we pushing here? It was fish in a barrel. Nothing else to see here.

>911 911
2 planes hit towers
2 windows knocked out
2nd gunman confirmed jews did glassy hole.

"Myths of SARs for Long Range Shooting
I’ve heard it many times, I’m sure we all have. “A semi automatic rifle will never be as accurate as a bolt action rifle.” Well, in the old days maybe that was true. In modern times of computer controlled CNC machines that produce receiver sets to very precise tolerances and gunsmiths that know how to put the packages together, that just isn’t true. The rifle I built in 6.5 Creedmoor pictured at the top of the article shot half minute or better at 100 yards with factory produced Copper Creek Ammunition while the barrel was still brand new and picking up speed."

Yea I'm sick of reading about how he was a sniper. It's like we don't care about the meaning of words anymore.

Plunging fire is a real thing. Go look it up.

Considering the situation, automatic weapon, elevated position, packed crowd. If he'd had a bit more trigger control he could have upped his score quite a bit. Amateurish.


Stop being retarded.

Well not everybody can be the High Justicar Brevik.

I pointed out in the other thread that it suggests that he had a spotter. Yeah, no way an old dude with no apparent other experience with squad fire hits 250+ people with even twice as many shots fired from 400+ meters away

i'm just here to remind you that there was hate on both sides. and some shooters are actually very fine people.


why is vegas so ugly?

they always try to show it off in the movies like it's a bi deal but all those super expensive hotels and shit really just look like glorified commie housing from easter europe, what's up with that?

oy vey

>automatic weapon

there's your answer OP

Kills 50 out of 22,000...sniper like accuracy

If he was on the roof it would have been more difficult angle. If he was on the ground he would have had shit visibility. 32nd floor was perfect IMO

>fuck huge crowd of people jammed together like vienna sausages in can
>has high ground over the target meaning his shots naturally drop into the crowd essentially giving him better accuracy
>before people knew what was going on, he had mag dumped a couple times
>"sniper rifle accuracy"

Literally fuck off

sniper-like accuracy? how is that even implied in a crowd of thousands? It was more like that time you got laid because you were the only virgin in the club so after 30 guys said no she finally landed you. enjoy the herpes.

>sniper-like accuracy

You've never had a AR-15 in VATS mode, have you?

computer controlled computerized numerical control (Computer controlled CNC?? wtf) is used for a long time in the US now and the old machines were precise too, try again

such fucking shill bullshit. Weapons were just as precise back in the day. And guess what, even automatic weapons have been around since 1900

>sniper like accuracy
30,000 crowd
Missed killing 29,942 of them
OP is an idiot with a conspiracy complex

that's just mean, we all know his faggot ass cant get laid.

You worded that poorly.

he fired fully automatic without aiming, think about if he aimed the death toll would rise to hundreds.

30,000 people used to party here. Now its a ghost town

>sniper like accuracy
>he had 10 guns
>big fucking crowd of people
>you can hear him spraying in the videos
Sup Forums status: bootybuttered

Ur moms

Sniper like accuracy?

10-12 mins of shooting, 58 dead, not even 6 a minute, that's not sniper like at all.

>anti-gun establishment. false flag, but real deaths.
>drive up gun sales/stocks for a quick cash out.
>dude never died or was programmed/brainwashed.

Tinfoil? Sure. But possible. I’m sure Sup Forums will have fun until the end of the year.

Its only a mattter of time before we need to go through metal detectors to go to a hotel

Automatic = inaccurate

how come none of these videos have any muzzle flashes
lots of the cameras are pointing at the hotel at least one point. cell phone probably isnt high def enough to pick it up?

more like 350 yards look it up on google maps

9:00pm - OJ Simpson let out of Nevada jail after 9 years.

10:08pm - Worst mass-shooting in recent US history occurs in Las Vegas, Nevada.


this crossed my mind too.

This. And more detectors at every floor. Less, or no more events/concerts within two miles of high-rise hotels, etc.

>So, here's my question: a 64 year-old man fires a fully automatic weapon from a 23rd story window at dark targets 500 yards away with sniper-like accuracy?

That's an idiotic question.

Wondered this too. Windows in vegas are heavily tinted, but he ostensibly shot it out when he began firing, since those windows don't actually open (liability-- vegas hotels used to have lots of jumpers).

Yes, how do you explain multiple video sources, wounded people, a dead man and his guns. I wish a mod would ban retards like you who question everything

oj where where you at the time of the shooting? i have suspicions that you committed a parole violation

And yet, in marksmanship competition, all they use is bolt action

People on this board are rather prone to conspiracy theories, watch them unfold over the next few days.

We already have
>"sniper-like accuracy of an 64y/o man"
>"Jewish tricks"
>"Anti-Trump protestor going insane"

Keep'em coming, guys. Apparently, it's easier to come up with bullshit then to face reality and take it for what it is.

yeah there should be something picked up in the later parts of it i would think.

also hard to find the location of where any of the people were being shot

Watch the movie Casino, it started out elitist, and became a tourist destination for the masses

yeah hmm wonder how hmm, it's not like half you white depressed nerds camp harder at shooting ranges than in your basements.

Also: The guy was apparently white and not from any unusual religion, otherwise every newspaper in NA would be spamming that shit. Now he's just a "lone-wolf".

You forgot "false flag"


You don't need a spotter to rapid fire into a crowd you mongoloid. Think about your words before you say them. What the fuck would he need a spotter for? To keep score?

it's a media cover up!
they're all gone!
REAL DEATH TOLL = 30.000!!!

>20,000+ people in a huge crowd huddled up

I wish Sup Forums was contained and wasn't allowed to go anywhere but the_donald and Sup Forums

Sup Forums in a nutshell

>A black person commits a horrible crime

>A Muslim commits a horrible crime

>A Caucasian person commits a horrible crime

This... God what a sad fucking day.

buh-buh-buh I saw an ad for actors on craigslist; Brazillianair Soros' known top recruiting location!

Wasn’t a full auto - at least not a registered one. Probably a bump fire type stock.
250-350 meters, max, and crowded field that had little cover and no easy venues of escape.
It was fish in a barrel.
Bet he was a democrat.


You play to much CoD kid.

He used a trigger crank, 3 shots per crank.
The gunfire sounds eerily similar

did you hear that from the little voice inside your head?

>Bet he was a democrat.

While I'd love for this guy to end up being some die hard Clinton supporter, I think it will turn out that he was just a regular insane person that wanted to kill for no apparent reason.

how did this nigger get out? He bragged about his crime wrote a book and still got out wtf

>dark targets

It's the fucking Vegas strip you moron. It's lit like a Christmas tree twenty four fucking seven. And they were at a concert with a fucking light show!

Just waiting for it to hit the MSM, Shooter had antifa literature in his room and the husband of the shooters fucktoy is a hardcore leftist. Its the baseball practice shooting all over again

>where where

can't wait for them to confirm ties with antifa

Can you fucking conspiracy Sup Forums dipshits please not turn every single tragedy into a government sponsored NWO false flag attack? What is wrong with you people?