Good thing she will never be President. She would be attacking the NRA and trying to pass more gun laws...

Good thing she will never be President. She would be attacking the NRA and trying to pass more gun laws. Thank her for losing. Thank you.

Thank you for being such a bitch that nobody likes you.

maybe isis is right. americans are not worth to be on earth. but it seems they solve the problem on her own way and kill eatch other. makes it more easy for isis. stay in your little world and wait to be killed.

I think we've all had enough of Trump the toddler. America blew it. Huge mistake. We can reverse it, and we will, but man, never ever vote Republican people!!


>I think we've all had enough of Trump the toddler. America blew it. Huge mistake. We can reverse it, and we will, but man, never ever vote Republican people!!

>I think we've all had enough of Trump the toddler. America blew it. Huge mistake. We can reverse it, and we will, but man, never ever vote Republican people!!

Hi Shareblue

i think he will get a mental breakdown in front of the cameras or get shot in the next year.


The 2nd amendment is retarded, but I'm in favor of Americans being allowed to own fucking rocket launchers, ballistic missiles, tanks... anything that can cause massive casualties.

You can thank Hilary for Trumps success. it it wasn't for Hilary election fraud and total unavailability, sanders would have won without a doubt.

Hilary should be in jail for election fraud alone.

>no guns
means you can't defend yourself from your oppressors, is that what you want?

unvoteability ^ ^

>no guns
good that the attacker bought 600 knives to throw out of his window. because there are no guns, nobody was shot. but sliced. deliciously.

>The 2nd amendment is retarded, but I'm in favor of Americans being allowed to own fucking rocket launchers, ballistic missiles, tanks... anything that can cause massive casualties.

A good percentage of Americans (and a lot of Russian shills) are apparently insane.

So basically, she is a great person, but put a tv reality star opposing her and americans vote for him.
Guess who else got elected purely based on fandom? Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger

>You can thank Hilary for Trumps success. it it wasn't for Hilary election fraud and total unavailability, sanders would have won without a doubt.
>Hilary should be in jail for election fraud alone.

Bernie and his wife are crooks too. FBI is still investigating them.

oppressors. Wow.

do you take drugs for your paranoid delusions or was it taking drugs that gave them to you?

>and trying to pass more gun laws
And failing, because it wouldn't have enough support from congress.

You dumbfucks don't seem to understand how these things work.
>durrp dem commie libruls r gunna tek away all r guunz

No no, Shes a god damn monster through and through.

Maybe, im not denying they could be crooks themselves. but Sanders would be an order of magnitude better than Trunp and Clinton.

not for long...

I think he will get another term. federal jail..

Guys, I hacked Trump's phone and found his private pics!!
This is Trump's cock playing with his son!!
See how red he is?

>No no, Shes a god damn monster through and through.
Because she reasonably tried to win an election?

Speaking of drugs... how's the prohibition of those working out? Laws don't seem to work when there are those who would break them anyway. Thusly, you are stupid.

why can't she be a graceful loser like yeb and just go away?

nope. Bernie was being backed by the Koch Bros and Karl Rove - to fuck up Hillary. and he did. had he not used their propaganda and lies that they have been spreading about her for 30 years, she would have had a united party.

Bernie is the one to blame.

had he been selected the Koch Bros and Rove and Trump would have carved him up and fried him - a commie with a millionaire fraudster wife who was abusing campaign funding laws? not a fucking chance.

Recognize anyone? This was at an anti Trump rally.

you think that there would be people selling .38 calibre dime bags to high school kids if we banned ammunition sales? that if we banned gun sales there would be a big demand for them on the black market in every town?

drugs are fun, addictive and cheap - and often home grown or home brewed. Guns aint like that. Bad analogy

It's my turn! Kek

>shes a god damn monster through and through
>Used a private server for some emails
Yep... definitely an evil monster who's completely unfit for office. God Emperor Trump is truly the noble hero we need.


>>shes a god damn monster through and through
>>Used a private server for some emails
>Yep... definitely an evil monster who's completely unfit for office. God Emperor Trump is truly the noble hero we need.


it's sad when ironic comics are a perfect mirror of reality
so sad that republicunts are so incompetent they couldn't repeal Obamacare and replace it with their shit, I wanted to see thousands of trumpanzees die in the streets without healthcare

if you consider that an argument, it just show how stupid you are

Is that fresh from Sup Forums? You faggots are like those people who keep predicting the end of the world, only to be proven wrong, again and again. Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time.

I personally think that amendments should be amended given new information.

Nowadays we know that a false sense of empowerment will increase the likehood of people overreacting to, instigating and loosing otherwise tractable conflicts.

Hence, the 2nd amendment should be scrapped.

Fuck yes. Fuck big government, fuck democrats, leftists, communists.

you're welcome

this mad


sure kid

>people become full of themselves
>lets scrap the 2nd amendment
That's quite a leap.

blames russia
calls others insane
stay mad

this retarded

Guns don't fuck with your head when you pick them up and/or use them. Drugs do. Bad analogy.

stay mad kid


stay mad kid

sure kid

the only thing sad it you.

yeah who needs free speech.
such an antiquated noiton

sure kid
lay off the pipe

Not more of a leap than realizing that's what's stopping communism from ever being viable is human nature.

Guns will always have a psychological impact that makes them more of a hazard than a means for protection in any society..

Gun ownership is not in the declaration of human rights....

sure kid

My family who lives in Russia supports Trump through and through, they've seen the horrors of Socialism. It's easy to advocate for something that sounds idealistic, that is until you try it. Communism is a false ideal, a horrible idea requiring the displacement of all economic freedom and prosperity on the grounds of social equality. So for all of the anti-trump socialists out there, stop. You don't know what you're preaching.

sure kid

I'm arguing for the 2A.


my bad


>Guns will always have a psychological impact that makes them more of a hazard than a means for protection in any society..
Are you basing that on your many years of work as someone with a doctorate doing research over decades or is that you knee jerk response?

No sovereign nation has made official the declaration of human rights their constitution. In fact, the declaration of human rights is more of a moral code for humanity to abide by on a personal level, rather than legal.

Canadian here, on wait list for US Green card. Even with events like this Las Vegas Thing, I stupport trump and can't wait to get out of this 2nd rate nation

Sure kid

no different than any other poster

Social Democracy however. That's the ticket. And that's what people on the left in the US is really striving for, not socialism.

stay mad


sure kid

>Sup Forums

>Attempts a comeback
>Misspells "is"
Trumpanzees bringing the bantz like

sure kid

stay mad kid

I do currently have a bachelors degree in social psychology and I am currently working on my master thesis.

>Social Democracy
>not socialism
you dumb fucking monkey

The term "social democracy" is also a marxist term. It meant to overthrow capitalism through subvert infiltration of the state and slowly weeding out market freedom. Even if the definition changed now, it is still a dangerous path. The Bolsheviks called themselves the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. However, they were Leninists at heart.

If anyone else would like to hear about my family's story through the histories. Feel free to ask.

Already did. It does not disagree with what I said.

millennials just want free stuff.



stay mad

stay poor

Indeed they do. My Grandmother who fled to the U.S told me all about the revolution. Her father and co. (great grandfather) experienced the worst of it. Originally, we were nobility and aristocratic. A few of our ancestors actually managed to attain private audiences with the Czar. After the Bolsheviks took over, they stole all of our property, and executed a large portion of our then rather large family. My great grandfather also fought for Kolchak before fleeing here.

Do read at least a little bit about these concept before speaking.

this mad

Just try to take muh guns, libruls

Just to let you know, that wasn't me whom posted that.

White Russians?

How's the investigation into the well-orchestrated child sex ring that's operated out of a pizza shop going?

Sup Forums presents pictures of paper with words on it as hard evidence. Just a bunch of conspiritards and Trump shills.

why so butthurt moron? you wouldn't even bother posting this unless you thought she had a chance.

I live in France, a socialist shithole
I know all there is to know about your degenerate shit

>accidentally slips back into discredited 1990's rhetoric about silencers which relies on the target not having any information about silencers beyond movies where they're depicted as totally silent rather than merely not-loud enough to get a mortar aimed at you

Oopsie! Just a lil' bit of the dementia there, huh bitch? Yeah I'm glad we have a world leader who doesn't piss his pants every time he sneezes and probably smells like piss. People who've never fought in war should have no command over those who fight them, fucking period, ever. Stupid old Benghazi murderer, wish I could kick her right in the cunt. I'd hold her by the goddamn ankles and just ram my foot into that used up old whorehole until she fucking died of it.

>Even if the definition changed now
> it is still a dangerous path

Clearly it's not. Since the modern definition of social democracy has nothing to do with overthrowing capitalism.


sure kid

You obviously know jack shit, since that is irrelevant.

this mad
stay mad bitch

>kid diddling degeneracy ain't be realz

Yes. The White Army.