Is a bullet fired by a male soldier more deadly than one fired by a female soldier?

Is a bullet fired by a male soldier more deadly than one fired by a female soldier?


yes because it is more accurate.

Yes because the male soldiers’ eyes are open.

I'd burn gaza for her.

yes, men are able to hold guns more steady because of their larger mass and strength, allowing better accuracy.

The male soldier can carry more equipment. Men tend to also carry heavier things like an injured man which means can also carry each other when they are injured unlike that girl in the image.

you should try it!

periods and rape, don't be dumb

All these posts of being afraid that their boys club is broken up for logical change.
>all soldiers have to carry 12 trillion tons of equipment for 46 hours at all times hurr durr

>All these posts of being afraid that
we were just posting the answer to the question someone else asked

yes because in a conflict the woman always goes for the groin

trick question. The male soldier was duped and is firing a super soaker into a transformer. So in a way, yes

> A man and women runs out of ammo or have lost their weapon.
Who wins? Another case:
> Also turns out their bayonet was attached to the weapons.
Who still wins?

Woman detected

Going for quad.

Wrong, nigger.
I'm actually a poli pan oxyclean sexual, don't assume my pronouns shitlord.

>only dubs

The second one fired certainly is..
The man won't be bothered by the recoil or target.

you're this dense? Jesus fuck...Don't answer questions with questions. Also, your argument is 110% not the same.

Thats a funny way to say attention seeking faggot

i believe that balistics are less than probably basing its physics around gender.

women in uniform are hot as fuck. Need more lady soldiers

Glad you're admitting you have a mental health issue.

hate to break the news to you, but bullets fired from a hotel in las vegas are more deadly than both


Considering the mans bullet would actually hit something yes.

Godspeed captain Paddock, Godspeed

no, but how many bullets can a man carry compared to a women that they can use during an extended firefight?

what if a buddy gets wounded and needs to be carried out, can a women carry a 200lb man for 5+ miles?

The point was the man would normally win. Another question is are you in the military? People who are good enough should join but the majority of women don't even want to join. Just another statistics thing with women being the same as men, the majority aren't.

>carefully maneuvering around the original question

>carefully ignoring the actual issues with female frontline soldiers in favor of a strawman

Yes, men are stronger

I already made that argument! Go get your own!
my argument:

>Is a bullet fired by a male soldier more deadly than one fired by a female soldier?
No, but neither is it more deadly than one fired by a 3 year old.

>blind or retarded

I guess great minds think alike.


Pretty sure the bullets are as deadly no matter who pulls the trigger. It's not like they're throwing them

No, but the decision to take the shot was more rational.

What people are saying is that there is a Little bit more to killing for ones country. I'm not even against women soldiers. As long as they go as good as the men they are fighting with.

Yes, everyone knows women can't shoot for shit.

I would let her beat me with those flip flops for a crack at that ass.

Please carry on stroking my ego. I can stroke your ego if you like :)

yes, because a bullet looks more like a penis than a vagina, you stupid fuckin kek.

Yes, because females are usually pointing at your balls, not heart.

Besides all the more or less obvious bait i still think that women are capable of being soldiers. There's a ton of positions which do not require you to carry heavy shit around for hours, so why not allow women to enter these positions? I'm not for lowering the standards, but if a chick is buff enought (and i've seen some bald muscular dykes which would whoop your and my ass easily) why not? Rape won't be a problem - maybe that THEY rape some guys, but that's another story.

Yes but that's not the thing that matters here. What matters is the statistical evidence of all women being equal to men in these positions (which the would Robby banning men like Australia)

>muh lethality gap

samefag, stop watching so many jewcuck hollywood movies

this never happens irl b/c real women know that a groin shot doesn't do shit irl

and they're equally effective on women anyway



Yes. If your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is high enough for the perk:

Having a Penis
+25% damage from ballistic weapons

Is this bait? The majority of the answers to men normally being better in combat roles are left or given a meme.

That depends on which person has better aim.
Also is that woman a bit young to be a general?

what level is that one?