Just a reminder that if you are on medication long term for any chronic condition...

Just a reminder that if you are on medication long term for any chronic condition, you are either a broken or defective human and shouldn't reproduce.

>parents divorce when I'm 10
>put me on medicine
>somehow my fault?

>TFW you realize ADHD is a meme condition and you've become dependent on amphetamines to make Jews money

I don't mean meme 'muh feels' things like depression and ADHD. I'm talking about diabetes, unexplained high blood pressure, autoimmune issues and the like. Got a few problems myself and wouldn't want to pass them on.

>type 1 diabetic
Yeah I already know this, thanks for reminding me though OP

also, since this has happened every time I've posted about it:
>inb4 retards that don't know the difference between type 1 and type 2 call me a fat ass
I'm 6' 135lbs

I know, user. I don't want to bring a kid with depression into this world.

Yeah, I already know that, sometimes I delude myself into thinking maybe one day I'll not have anything bad to pass on and I can be happy and have a family. Then I wake up and realize that will never happen so I go to work and hope for a quick death.

Don't worry, I don't plan on reproducing.

Im on thyroid medication and testosterone.

Hope you blow your brains out from loneliness for being a fat fuck.

>Rich father's side with 3 brothers
>All of them have ADHD and didn't graduate

>Having ADD
>Popped some pills, now suddenly i'm performing above expectations

Yeah, some pills do make a positive difference whatever the media tries to tell you about muh evil pharma

>don't reproduce
I wonder who's behind this post

I've been on prozac since I was 6, should I not reproduce?

>generalized anxiety disorder

Your retarded continent is the cause of my allergy, american tax payers should pay for alergy medication in europe

I had to have my appendix removed, and I'm nearsighted. Even without having a chronic condition I'm still broken.

>not regularly taking amphetamines

How else can we compete with the endlessly ambitious jew

Amphetamines aren't neurotoxic at prescription doses apart to specific people with severe heart conditions.

The only issue with amps is that it keeps you constantly at high dopamine levels, good for focus, but when you're not doing work you'll likely end up not knowing what to do or even fap for hours.

I'm trying to get a prescription for adderall this week, any tips? I legit have ADD but I don't know what the fuck to say to the doctor other than "I don't know how to read without it gib amphetamines"

Way ahead of you OP. I have Bipolar Disorder 1, and there's no fucking way in hell I would give this to a child.

The US doesn't care about control from what i've heard, otherwise he'll put you on methylphenidate.

Methylphenidate should give same effect as amps on low doses but it depends on genetics. Getting high or high doses just for "more intense" focus is bad on methylphenidate, unlike amps it won't speed you up, it will make you zombie-ish with no empathy instead or possibly super depressive.

>mfw 4 hour edge sessions on addy

Ull be fine

>getting good grades because of high doses of amphetamines is fine

the psychiatric and pharmaceutical jew have their tentacles all over you m8

Pretty much, this is why I just take them if it's worktime. Otherwise fapping for several hours or intense focus on shit that makes no sense is common.

Also amphetamine fapping causes addiction, you'll end up digging through 30+ pages of porn and your dopamine might spike too high causing you to react less to amps at that dosage.

There's no way to climb otherwise, (safely) that is.
I don't plan on taking them forever, it's just to do stuff that is boring and requires motivation.

You know these drugs have mechanisms that work on the brain, it has a good side and a bad side, most people can't handle the bad side except people with ADD/ADHD which is why it's banned.

Dude that is all happening to me but I just throw it off and ignore it kek. How long will it take to detox

>the dopamine meme

you realize they have no idea what these chemicals mean? they have assumptions about what they do but have not scientifically proven anything about them

hurr dopamine serotonin durr

On 2nd though it is probably the pot. Not sure I can let go of the herbal jew

type 1 is genetic, not from being fat

If you're using amps and not really performing better at work/school, simply stop taking them.

Start taking instant releases that last 4hours, take them when you go to work/school, the intense focus effects wear off when you'll get home.

Taking amphetamines when you're at home alone and lazy is a bad idea.

so you take random drugs to help you "focus" on things you dont enjoy studying?

time to reevaluate your life m8

maybe you should study something that interests you

>Also amphetamine fapping causes addiction, you'll end up digging through 30+ pages of porn and your dopamine might spike too high causing you to react less to amps at that dosage.

le epic broscience. You're talking about tolerance to amphetamines.That's what causes you to feel like it's less and less effective every time. Fapping litterally has nothing to do with it. The more frequent and the higher the hose, the more tolerance you'll develop

It can't be proven because all humans are unique, what's proven is what happens to 90% of all humans if you trigger a specific receptor in the brain.

Amphetamines work differently for everyone, but the "focusing" effect tends to happen on at least 50%+, the side effects and other effects vary.

Edging for hours causes dopamine spikes, this together with amps can cause euphoria which is why you edge. This can lead to receptors getting less sensitive until you stop watching porn or stop with amps.

The Jew school has core subjects everyone needs to read, this is why people abuse amps in College m8.

I think Ritalin is the better choice because it's not as euphoric.

If my loads are nice & healthy should I just not worry about this mishegas?

The reason Ritalin isn't as euphoric is because to put it short it "raises" dopamine, meanwhile amps both "raise" and "pump"/"transfer" it faster, this is why docs prefer methylphenidate/ritalin first.

>taking pharma chemicals for emotional issues
Yes it is your fault.

doesn't matter if you come or not, the issue is if you fap for extended hours, this basically means the amps have a negative effect instead of positive + the effects aren't exactly friendly, think of amps like steroids but you can't control where to direct it. Getting started is thus the hardest part, when you're on amps and you stay focused on a task for 10min, it's certain you're gonna stay focused for longer.

>if you are on medication long term for any chronic condition,

OP is a faggot.
>Meds for chronic back pain
>Reproduced years ago


I know im just fuckkng around. Ill give it a go for a week and hop off the addy

>the ends don't justify the means

whole heartedly agree. good on you OP

But I love my amphetamines. Don't be a tweaker and get addicted

>get Adderall for "add" to help deal with the hell that is teaching
>begin taking it as scheduled and begin buying into the idea if needing it
>fast forward 6 months
>just took the biggest and most bitter red pill due to some threads today
>realize this shit cripples me when I might need my faculties the most
>end my teaching degree in a week

Time to drop this shit along with a couple of bad habits and put myself into survival mode. I suggest any other civilized and educated anons to do the same. We may be needed before we know it.

Career, not degree.

use caffeine instead
same effect, different mechanism

cool way to act tough over the internet. now go do it irl and post results if you have balls

ADD and ADHD was a condition created by Pharma explained to doctors and then explained what could be prescribed to help this made up condition, their drugs.
This is a widely known fact and proves the Parma industry will make up conditions to fit their drugs. Who better to hook than adults. ? Well kids of coarse a life time user then. Big bucks in addiction/dependency.


One other well known fact. The biggest users of Pharma drugs are Medicare patients and their family's , why ?
because its free to them so they get all they can then sell a bunch to non insured peeps for extra spending cash. Also a very well known fact by big Pharma but they only see the profits so they don't give two shits about what you take nor how much is prescribed. The bigger the better for them.

Medicade * not Medicare.

Agreed. I don't plan on reproducing

I've missed most of my vaccinations, my family was didn't believe in ADD just DDD (discipline deficit disorder) and rejected any calls for medication, The solution was hard labor and hard licks.

TFW High IQ but low focus and minor "autism" developed by being red pilled too early and alienating most of my peers.