Hey fags i want you to test my willpower...

hey fags i want you to test my willpower, i havent smoked in 3 days and i want you fags to try to convince me to smoke a cigarette

Do it.

If dubs you never think about smoking again.

no thanks

You want an excuse to smoke which is why you made this post. Go ruin your lungs OP

Think of the awesome head buzz from just one.


Dude stuff like that doesnt matter in the end, just go have a smoke

You know you're gonna go back to smoking sooner or later why not now?

i'd rather some crystal meth

nah fuck that

Whats your cig of choice?

but they say it takes 21 days to break a habit, ive got only 18 left

Fyi this Marlboro red is pretty fuckin tasty I just had a pretty big lunch so it is deff hitting the spot.

have to smoke two in a row because they're so light but man i do love me some camel blues

Umm I think it's the other way around it's 21 days to make it a habit and depending on the habit is how long it takes to break

Come to Flavor Country, OP.


im just after having dinner and i must say i'd definitely enjoy a smoke but i think ill pass

Science says that smoking makes your dick bigger.

idk man its been 3 days since i quit and i feel like i could not smoke for rest of my life, no withdrawals or anything

I've been smoking these lately. They're super strong and have great taste. Expensive though

That's a blatant lie and you know it, I hope you feel ashamed for spreading such blatant lies, shame on you !

i prefer the black pack. kinda tastes like coffee in the aftertaste

here in ireland all fags as we call them cost minimum 9 euro a box, so i have to resort to shitty russian counterfeit fags made in some dudes garage

That's what I smoke. The dark blues are good too, all US tobacco, but they're harsh as fuck, I can only do them occasionally.

The feeling of smoking anything is so good tho

Heh, Watch one of those old anti-smoking adds.