When will it stop, look at this picture. Her life never the same

When will it stop, look at this picture. Her life never the same.

When will what stop? People being killed? Never

thought this was lindsey lohan. zoomed in, just another vegas hooker.

well thats unfortunate for her, isnt it cowboy

post webms

When will what stop? Her legs? They don't. They go on forEVER.

I feel sorry for the guy she went with because i bet he was expecting her legs to be wrapped around his back by the end of the night. But thanks to that asshole, now her hole is unfulfilled.

Left one. 3/10. would eat ass.

Probably shouldn't skateboard with cowboy boots then. That'll always scrape up your knees

now i have to watch once upon a time in the west again

Yeah and it's never the rich is it...

would totally face rape the left mom looking one..........one on the right looks like she would easily transmit chagas or herpes

when the gvmt finally installs chips in everyones brain which injects either poison or sedatives into your bloodstream depending on the situation

That creep shot is in poor taste, it's hard to fap to

when??? when will it stop??? sob. when will white women stop getting stupid tattoos???

>White trash
Don't care.

You retards act like gun control would do anything to stop killings. All it would do is piss off rednecks and prevent stories where some dude with open carry kills a criminal. People are still going to get guns just like people get drugs.

The media will play this off as the biggest gun massacre in american history*.

*History excluding the genocide of many Natives, and excluding the millions killed from American Imperialism

Lohan hasn't look that young in years

Fuck natives. Integrate or die.

Not with those knees. I'd never bang a woman with that bad of knees

History doesn't exclude it, kids get taught about it they just don't care.

>your people did a bad
>yes and?
>oh... they did a BAD!

This picture is not from the shooting. It's a woman crying because a blow job she gave didn't get her backstage passes for Willie Nelson.

my best bet would be that kids gets raised in schools rather than by their parents, not sure if that would suffice tho

just grip harder and power through faggot

Well you can tell that to all the dead conservatives after we find out it was just another liberal antifa killing facists.
Have you integrated yourself today?

it wouldn't, because the blacks generally go to terrible schools

yeah, like that'll ever come to light. Don't you know it's socially acceptable to murder people if they're country loving racists?

It's easier to fap to.


I might be a psycho, never understood why people get so emotional in these situations.

>i'm here for you fam
>i'll console you in this time of need
>wait i just gotta respond to this tweet, swipe left, and post some shit on fagbook, i said WAIT you cunt jeez
people make me fucking sick. put down your goddanm phone and show some fucking humanity. this is the real tragedy here folks.

>The media will play this off as the biggest gun massacre in american history*.
the civil war didn't happen?
the war of 1812 also never happened?
gotta love how the media assumes americans are too stupid to remember history

>Spotted the liberal

Heaven forbid that woman from letting her family know she is ok. You must use a grandpas phone for that.

Let's say I was there. Do you think if I offered her condolence and a hug she would fuck me in return?

Well I though Imperialism summed up... ALL the wars. But yes thanks for your input.
Natives got their own bit just to remind Americans they are not omitted from the genocide history book.

she giving too many blowjobs?

I'm easy.

I'd suck the smeg off either of their clits for free.

>prevent stories where some dude with open carry kills a criminal
that's not a thing, unless you mean zimmerman situations where insane racists kill random blacks

>>media assumes americans are too stupid to remember history

You meant "the world" instead of "the media"
And "knows" instead of "assumes"

She just needs to pull herself up by the bootstraps.

Can't have guns if they can't make them.
>think outside the box, kid

It will actually get worse. She will have two unwanted kids by some pill head who beats her.

She will look back at this shooting and wish she had died

The creepshot is by accident alot of short shorts.

this creepshot thread?

>repectable penix size
>bp looks nice and tight
>cute feet

is there more?

God dude.

More upskirts

So we of European descent all should have joined the native tribes? Because that's what your idiotic contradiction of an argument says to me.

They were probably all Trump supporters anyway, fuck 'em.

Zimmerman killed a criminal druggy thug. Nothing of value was lost. The average criminality of the world reduced when the Zim Zam killed that nigger.

it wont ever stop till we kill humans off earth for good

Hao, brother Speaks With Own Anus

Trump supporters are humans, just like black people are humans... humans don't deserve this.

So many posts here are just there to polarize one camp or another... the poster doesn't believe it, often believes to opposite.


her life would be easier if she invested in a pair of knee pads

go to school, get shot
go to work, get shot
go to movies, get shot
go to concerts, get shot
go outside, get shot

I desperately need to get off this ride, any country willing to take me in? I speak 2 languages and able to do manual labor if required.

Just don't wanna live in a country where just going outside exponentially increases my chances of dying via being shot to death by some wacko.

You going to close all the hardware stores across the world?
Because everything you need can be found there, including to make ammo.

Gets asked out on a date:

"Other than that, how was the show?"

So pretty much everyplace but Antarctica is out of the question then.
Give my regards to the penguins, faggot.

better you than me taking the bullet the next time it happens, kiddo


Just don't live in the city and you'll be fine

>go to school, get shot
>go to work, get shot
>go to movies, get shot
>go to concerts, get shot
>go outside, get shot

Go to church, trying to be good, get shot

That's not a bad thing. This whole experience should influence those who survived, especially those who survived a shot because the person next to them received it, to find life itself more appealing and enthralling. Near death experiences should draw attention to the petty existence we all have. To bring into light the knowledge that our days are numbered.

Now, if she is to go on in life wallowing in fear and darkness and sadness, then she will lead a pitiful life. Major experiences, as traumatic as they can be, should always be one of growth. Post-traumatic stress is even worse, because the individual can't control it. Which is just as unfortunate and pitiful..

Woo Bum-Kon's massacre happened in countryside of Korea.

She might just be yawning
Need more pics
Would like more pics
Gib more pics

Says the faggot who has never killed a human being