What's it like having a gf, Sup Forums?

What's it like having a gf, Sup Forums?

Only girls who have ever been in my life just used me for money or sex.

Annoying once she starts pooping in your place

Her left hand looks like it aged worse than Bernie sanders


Annoying once she starts pooping in your face

pretty good post
my gf wipes aggressively and always leaves shards of poop-coated stinky toilet paper all over the toilet seat, and sometimes even on the floor
it's fucking disgusting
kills all desire to put my penis in her immediately
maybe that's why she does it
maybe it's on purpose
women, man

It's like gerrymandering. ...for every ducking thing in your life.

its great. she supports me in the things i do and yes she doesnt understand everything because women brain but she takes care of me and thats all i could ask for in a partner.

who in the fuck uses a word like gerrymandering?


I don't know

I wish my ex wanted me or at best appreciated me

i doubt anyone would use you for sex, faggot.

Work. Some women are worth it, some aren't. Figuring out which is which before a commitment is the goal.

this hurts user

I wish I tried harder, I wish she just gave me a chance to fix things

This, though what defines "worth it" varies.

Women do this more often than men.

honestly is it too late? go get her user

oh yeah? got a statistic somewhere to back that up? regardless, to get used for sex you actually have to be good at it.

jesus fucking christ man, get a new gf

well ducking said

non-retards you fuckstick

why the fuck are you with her.

Just look at all the single mothers. Also I guess I'm just kinda good looking

for me its just like having a close friend that you fuck. no insecure jealousy, no controlling behavior, and we're pretty independent. sorry to you poor faggots who pick the wrong girls and cultivate shitty relationships with your emotionally stunted bullshit.

is she a whale

>Just look at all the single mothers.
gee, your logic is undeniable.

My girlfriend and I have been together five years. We are partners and help each other out of jams. That's what you really want in a relationship, someone how will help you make another day.

Having a gf is great. As long as it's with someone who likes you as much as you like them.
The convenient sex is great. It's weird at first, just having someone who will let you play with their body at any given moment.
She makes me food sometimes, which is nice.
I make food for her sometimes, which is nice too, it's nice to feel appreciated and to take care of someone you love.
It gets old though. The first year or so is all rose tinted and magical. But after a while they start to feel more like a roommate.
Don't get me wrong, we still love each other and I'm still crazy about her. It's just not as intense as the beginning.
I always heard about those people who say things like "she's just like a roommate i fuck" and they drift apart.
You have to put in effort, user. It's true what they say, you have to treat her like you're tying to win her over like it's your first date or whatever (i forget the actual saying).
But to answer your question it's nice user, it's nice having a life companion.

having a gf is fucking awesome.
also that pic is photoshopped idk if you know that or if you're trolling, but that's not really what women are generally in to