Only a whit man can be this successful. Agree / Disagree?

Only a whit man can be this successful. Agree / Disagree?

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It was a white guy, so ya. White guy's showing the world how it's done.

Are there even non white mass shooters?

What qualifies as mass? 5? 20? 50?


That's it? Then ya, there's been tons of non white mass shootings. They all sucked tho, low kill counts. Noobs.

Lol I've killed 4 people, one at a time though I'm not a monster

it was 3 until 2010, then it went to 4 for some reason.

Prob for the same reason the change the requirements of being unemployed, to make statistics look better.

Just to bring the numbers of mass shootings in the US down probably. But yeah drugs and guns are good for people.

1. Sensor nudity but not violence in media

2. Hand guns out like candy

3. Stop treating people with mental health issues

and.. you guys are surprised you get mass shootings? lol no shit

cuz he's white and not a fucking ape

That guy must have planned this WAY ahead of time. I'm surprised no one has thought of just opening fire from a hotel room before.

>white ape

Virginia Tech? Elliot Rodger?

wtf user

both of them losers were white

honestly tho whites innovate. but now people will copy it and.. ya, more deaths.

where are you guys finding these gore photos of las vegas? I can't find shit

trips entitles you to unlimited las vegas massascre nudes

this nigga either trolling or blind as fuck haha

disgusting, why do they fucking litter like that

Quality digits, friendo.

less conservatards to worry about

we're getting them on the internet

>Shoots into a crowd of thousands

>Only kills 59

I mean if you call that successful sure

a haiji suicide bomber would have been more thorough

some one has to clean that up....

it was a bunch of rich young people in vegas, probably higher percentage of dems

elliot was half-Chinese Malaysian and cho was south korean and neither of them looked white because they're both fucking ching chang gooks

more successful than previous shootings

Elliot Rodger was half-white.

cho chang was white despite the fact that he was asian, elliot rodger was white despite the fact that he was an inbred half cast... google some photos dick brain and tell me if theyre nigger or not

If I was only half white I'd wanna kill myself aswell

yeah this motherfucker looks white as fuck

He killed less than 5%, that's a fail bud

This kind of reminds me of that Bill Burr routine where if he were dictator of the US, he would secretly blow up cruise ships full of people because people who take cruises are garbage people who don't matter.
I'm thinking this guy felt the same way about people in Vegas. Because in a way, there's no point to visit Vegas.


At a country concert? Nahhhhh

He still did better than all of the other failure public shooters

Then you're a serial killer, not a mass murderer.

dead rich white people. win win either way

ya, maybe you're right idk

at any rate the numbers don't really matter in the end of it, it's too few to impact voting or anything


What's wrong with Vegas?

Still did completely shit

How are you only gonna kill 59 when there is literally 3000 people who had no idea smfh

It's worth visiting once imo, but over all there are a lot better places to visit.

lets see you do better

and no "blah blah I would do this"

fucking do it or shut up

I'm not suicidal nor moronic,

Not gonna praise this guy for doing some thing horrible and sucking dick at it

Serial killer if I'm caught

I just have encountered a lot of assholes who LOVE Vegas. My old boss was a Vegas whore. People from my city have no imagination. There are so many other places to visit.

How can you prove you're a killer?

Forgot about Paris Charlie Hebdo killings?

Could we have a mass^2 shooting ? Like, a mass shooting during mass ?

im not praising him. you need to get over your black and white thinking dude.

Hell yea I totally agree. All these school shooters and white psychos are the reason we haven't dealt with overpopulation yet. Praise to the psycho killer!

Vegas baby, Vegas

it really isn't tho

My impression of Vegas is that it's not worth my time to go. But I'm a boring person.

Why the fuck would I be that retarded
I'll give you a fulproof method, drown someone in cold water reservoir they can't prove it wasn't accidental...happens all the time

A whit man? Like Charles Whitman?


Plenty, they're just not as good.

Yeah gun and drug control is the problem. You really think if someone want's to shoot shit that gun "control" is going to help. Same with drugs, more control more money for criminals. It is good people like you are not in charge of anything.

>numbers dont matter
nigga we have a new highscore, numbers matter a lot, because we want bigger and bigger highscores. Now which one of you faggots is going to top that

DC sniper

Yeah, if they cant get a gun then they cant "shoot shit" its not a hard concept genius.

I thought so. I'll take you on your word. I'm not judging you. I'm sure you had valid reasons. I'd never do it but there's some people out there who aren't good people.

We're always going to have shootings, but not necessarily with automatic weapons. It's too late now to stop it obviously. Mass shootings in Canada are with shotguns and pistols because it's very difficult to get automatic weapons up there.


I never said anything about drugs...

>It is good people like you are not in charge of anything.

People like me are in control of a lot more than you know. And I'm not saying that's a good thing. People like me don't stop these things because we don't care, they don't affect us. Read my post. I never advocated change, I'm mocking those that are surprised. This is a very obvious outcome...

drugs are illegal and people can get drugs

That's a spree/serial killer, not a mass murderer.

Except now the only people who can't get a gun are law abiding citizens who wouldn't "shoot shit" in the first place. The cunts you want to keep away from guns don't give a shit if they're illegal or not.

the highscore is going to have to increase by like 4 orders of magnitude before they really have an effect.

>happens all the time
Do you have any news links corroborating this?

he bought the gun legally tho

it actually does, missing persons

>People like me don't stop these things because we don't care, they don't affect us.
What do you mean they don't affect you? You do realize that virtually everyone can potentially be killed in public by a mass murderer? Are you retarded?

Missing persons showing up dead in cold reservoirs? I've never heard of that.

Charlie Hebdo was nothing compared to the Bataclan

Sure 'Cold water kills: Cooling down in a reservoir could be a fatal mistake'

Read more at:

reported for virus

Look at the statistics. You're more likely to die in a car accident or heart attack. I'm more worried about eating right than getting shot like that.

Besides that I don't go to shitty concerts in Vegas. Idiots gamble and waste money that way.

When's the last time there was a mass shooting at a skii resort or a golf course country club? I'll start getting worried when it happens at Aspen or Whistler.


Does not matter. The point is you can still get one.

I'm sure it's fun to pretend to be rich online, but you're still liable to being shot by mass murderers.

Ease does matter. A smart resourceful person can always get a gun, a crazy mentally ill redneck may not be able to.

It wouldn't stop them completely, but it could have significantly.

But it's too late now. Guns are already everywhere. This would only have worked if it was done 50 years ago.

If factories ceased production of bullets, guns would be much less of a problem.

I wouldn't call myself rich, you're really seeing things that aren't there.

I don't go to these places, and even if I did you're still more likely to die on the car ride there. You understand that right? These shootings are incredibly rare. Even including 9/11 you're still more likely do die from hundreds of other things but you don't do anything about that.

People could make them at home, but it would help significantly. Not going to happen though.

Australia used to have lots of shootings then implemented wicked strict gun laws. How's that working for them?

>Per 100,000 residents in Australia, less than 1 are expected to be killed by a firearm this year. This is heavily contrasted to the 10.5 in 100,000 who will be killed in America.

Nah, prob just coincidence?

>i've never looked at a country outside of America
good to know you thundercunt, get a grip

He's american, they can't see outward, only inward.

Australians are aboriginal mixed in with English prisoners if anyone deserves to be shot...


Hey snowflake how's the butt hurt so long along?



>loses argument so changes subject

I'm not even the same guy I just wanted to fuck with you kek, carry on with your debate

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools...... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


The gun used is already illegal retard