Can anyone tell me what the hell this is?

can anyone tell me what the hell this is?

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Those are locks. You faggot.

dick snapper
>captcha: bonner
fuking Sup Forums

It's a ladybird beetle.

Its a safety lick used to lock electrical panels and such. You put a pad lock in the holes to prevent anyone from opening it. You would know that if you had a real job.

Its a lockout for a breaker box. If you have an overhead crane or something of the sort you can put that over the switch so it cant be turned on then you put a padlock through the holes to secure it. i use them all the time.

Either some sort of device to be used with a lock. Or it is a cigar cutter.

Scissors lock. For lock out and tagging out (physical interrupt) of dangerous equipment so multiple contractors can work on that equipment without it turning on. Or your dad's dick lock.

Breaker lockout

It's a multilock

It looks like a scarab if you ask me

Its used in sawmills and such to prevent workers from getting injured in a running machine. This lock prevents machines from being able to be turned on.

It's called a lock hasp. It's for locking out equipment to perform work safely.

Butthash cutter

A lock off tag. Made for locking off and isolating machinery that's being worked on to prevent people from turning it back on creating damage to machinery and death.

thanks Sup Forums!

They're serious business.

Safety lockout

Aids, goes up your butt, faggot

for lock out tag out. so multiple workers can put their locks on a circuit that they are working on

Well lookie here, yknow op? I could just sit here and call you a faggot (like usual) but instead im going to praise you, because what u got yourself there is a genuine 1946 cockring. Make me an offer

Lockout hasp.

Ding ding ding we have a winner

Lock out Tag out. We wouldn't need them if it weren't for morons like you.

It's obviously a grabbie

It's a bull lock, though those ones are tiny, I have a massive set of bull locks at home


Claw from an electro cyber crab

Definitely this

A lock so people can't activate an industrial machine when people are doing maintenance.

If dubs shove it up your ass and post pics op

it is a hasp.

We use these in bowling alleys too, lock out anything that involves multiple people

its for lock in tag out principle.
Every engineer can lock it with his own lock, so he can work safely