If this is really where the shooter was, why do we have no photos/videos of the crime scene...

If this is really where the shooter was, why do we have no photos/videos of the crime scene. Security tapes from the hotel/parking lot.

Other urls found in this thread:


How many parking lot security cameras are pointed at the 32nd floor?

Because Batman has clearly secured the scene.

it's not uncommon for police/fbi to gag order such evidence until they have combed over it.



Double-trips of idiocy. What a waste.

/thread got me

100% It's also why we don't know the exact weapons used, or caliber of ammunition.

Something of this scale is probably a nightmare for investigators to sort out exactly what happened and take it all into account for records. The evidence will probably take a while to be released to the public and stupid media.

OP here, fuck it, get thread.

Chec 'ems

Vegas Resident here.

The reason we aren't seeing any specific scenes from inside the casino hotel is that the casino doesn't want people to see it. They don't want to let people figure out the room it was in, they don't want to show a bloody, shot up room and have that associated with their brand. They're already gonna be losing a ton of business because of this, you think they wanna lose more?


jet fuel consumed the evidence

because this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums faggot. go to pol for that shit you stupid fucking shitbird

because it's been like only 24 hours you cocksucking faggot idiot.

If everything was released to us right away, we'd be fucked. Because, as you see by OP, most of the world is dumb as hell.

If the mob owned interests in Vegas, and those interests were somehow damaged, do you think they would respond?

You use a question mark to end a question.
e.g. "Why is OP such an illiterate faggot?"




Maybe because there is a fucking active investigation going on? You cant get arrested, processed, and post bail in the same amount of time.

someone repost this


kek faggot

Oh hey look at that. Where is the AMERICAN SNIPER I was arguing with yesterday that insisted Paddock didn’t use optics? Here’s a scope on the carbine and an EO on the rifle. Almost like it’s impossible to do the damage that he did at that range without optics well no shit.

And a bipod even. Where tf that guy is rn?

haven't you seen Daredevil Season 2? After the Punisher blasts all those micks the detective says "This is gonna take weeks to process" and that was just ten or so Irish gangsters and one Punisher so you know this investigation is going to take at least 6 times as long (~60 KIA Country Music Fans / 10 mick gangsters = x / n weeks, x = 6n weeks)

>Why don't we have 100% of the evidence and info barely 24 hours after an event!!!!

Why? They can totally charge triple for that room in the long run.

let the dumbfucks froth themselves to death.

we want its now


I heard a radio report yesterday that they did find optics and bipods.

59 people are fucking dead you piece of shit be fucking patient you'll get your fap material soon enough

>and why don't they tell us everything they sort-of know so they can accidentally a few details and let the conspiracy theorists go potato!

Any hot dead girl victims ??

It's the Jews. It was a CIA Mossad op and the multimillionaire guy was the patsy. That recorded breach radio dialogue sounds fake as hell. They can't even get the story straight about whether police breached before SWAT did or not.

That room will no longer be available.

Once the investigation is over, they'll convert it to storage or just wall it off completely.

It was that cuban Lee Harvey Mafia, conspired with that soviet Lyndon CIA flat earth chemtrail yeti fuck. You know I'm right.



To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


No idea OP, but does this count as the new high score? Or does it HAVE to be in a school?

>spout gibberish they'll never find out i'm a confounding jew
Hey rabbi whatcha doin?

Because what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas

Best ever

I bet the fbi told the police not to ask too many questions or else


MK ULTRA was strong with him
