What else is there to say? We all want him gone. Come on impeachment!

What else is there to say? We all want him gone. Come on impeachment!


I love Trump. MSM will have you thinking otherwise. Will be voting for him AGAIN. MAGA!!!



I love Trump, he has a legit superpower. All he has to do is mention someone and they lose their minds and destroy themselves. Look at the NFL, all he said was they should fire people for protesting during the anthem and the NFL wrecked themselves in response.

Keep dreaming, Faggot. Trump is here for 8 years. MSM is going to need a superXX box of tampons for all the weeping and bleeding they're going to do.



No way. Politics have never been so interesting. You never know what's going to happen next.

He'll be impeached in 2018 and then we have to derail Pence. Glad this Trump shitshow is nearing an end!

Impeachment 2018! Get your champagne and party favors ready! ADIOS TRUMP!!

The guy should have been in prison for rapes back in the 80's. Time to get the job done once and for all and LOCK THIS FUCKER UP!


>13 replies
>5 posters

fuck off shiarablue

samefagging this hard

I voted for him. He won fair and square.

I hope he runs second term.

Who is we?

>during 2016 campaing, fucktards call trump a bunch of names with zero evidence
>get btfo in november
>become butthurt from getting btfo
>double down on stupidity and call him even more names.

you can't fix stupid.
keep up the good work.
i look forward to seven more years of President Trump and eight year of Mike Pence.
yfw Ivanka will be the first female president.
it sure isn't hillary. ;)




The crybabies that didn't get their way


haha. yeah.
it was the republicans who assaulted people for having different political views. it was the republicans who imported fucktons of jihadis re-labeled as refugees. republicans advocated for sanctuary cities and universal healthcare and fucked up the economy. it was also republicans who started three new wars in the last 8 years.
do you faggots own ANYTHING you do, or do you just blame everyone else for your fuckups?



There's actually lots of evidence about everything people called him. You just ignore it and he calls it fake news.


Found the sane people. Sup guys.


>conspire with enemies.

what? like selling them uranium? or colluding with them as obama did prior to the 2012 election?
short memory span you got.

>don't rape children

he doesn't and hasn't. you're grasping at straws and making up outright lies because you're desperate and stupid.

>pay your taxes

yeah, the IRS just let him slide, right? kek. fuckwit. if he owed shit, they'd be after him, you can guarantee it. remember when obama used the IRS to fuck with the tea party? really think he wouldn't have done so for hillary last year IF the irs had a thing to go on? haha.

stay mad.
stay poor.
stay cucked.
stay dumb.
die in a gutter.

The second option. Its ok user. Retards dont know any better





Oh boy. The samefag OP is firing away in autopilot now. Lets leave him to throw a tantrum on his own. Hahahahah

poor crybaby snowflakes, still crying over not having a vagina for president. bless your heart.

Please, please, please start this war already so we can line you faggot fucks up and shoot you one by one.

Nigger who is we? I know plenty of people who support him and are glad that Hillary nor Bernie stood a chance against him.

still mad, huh kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

>We all want him gone.

Who? You and the Jews? Fuck you people. Trump 2020. Ivanka 2024. Settle in for a long ride, snowflake. MAGA means turning a blow dryer on the snowflakes.

idk why you bother responding. not the same subject but read pic related

sure kid
sperg more retard

lmao I'm trying to help you not act and look so autistic. ffs user

sure kid
damage control

>Ivanka 2024.
Can't wait

>being this retarded

you shpuuldn't talk that way about george.

looks like OP abandoned his thread

where are you OP?
your thread needs you.

you're a shitty troll. We are going for the high score of 2020