Why does anyone use Celsius to measure temperature? Fahrenheit is clearly superior

Why does anyone use Celsius to measure temperature? Fahrenheit is clearly superior.

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>Not using Kelvin


>Fahrenheit is clearly superior.
Yeah, if you're retarded. But I suppose "American" and "retarded" go hand in hand these days.

Clearly a troll, but I'll give you a chance to explain how Fahrenheit is superior in any way.

I guess "third world shithole" and "taking the bait this hard" go hand in hand too

Jealous of our god tier president and southern drawl? It's aight feller, you aren't the only one.


>39.1 degrees C versus 102.38 F.

Which sounds more precise to you? Does 39.1 really sound precise?

Heed this robot's words.


celsius has a slower growth than fahrenheit, making it useful for incredibly hot objects. fahrenheit's scaling is more useful for things like earth weather, since the jump from 40 to 70 to 110 are easier to tell how hot it is outside.


Sounds like someone made a significant figure error when converting.

Absolutely. Fahrenheit is for the layman worried about heat exhaustion, not the ivory tower alchemists.

>Fahrenheit is clearly superior.
That is like totally your opinion

Don't go rick and morty fan on me now.

Yes. It was Google, pictured here.

Behold how efficient it is.

on the subject, the kelvin scale seems pretty dumb considering absolute zero doesn't exist in nature. what is interesting is the appearance of negative heat below absolute zero. it's fucking sci fi shit.

Kelvin master race. Only one that actually means anything.

>kelvin scale seems pretty dumb
You need it for math reasons, unless you want to include 273.15 in everything.

Say Fahrenheit is a superior way to measure temperature over Celsius to my face and not online, then see what happens!

Freezing and boiling point of water:
Celsius : 0°C - 100°C
Fahrenheit: 32F - 212F

(=Which one is easier to learn? )

that would only have meaning for objects colder than 0 C. for the hotter stuff, it doesn't matter all TOO much considering 5000 vs 5273 is a fairly minute change.

You're so stupid that I can feel it from here
Don't breed

You do realise that if you use any unit of measure can use as many decimals as you need to be as precise as you want?

Your arguement is redundant are your butthole is loose

But yeah, bait

Like how we can approximate horses as spheres.

theoretical math will never make sense to a human

America is literally the only place that uses Fahrenheit even shit Mexico uses Celsius

why does fahrenheit even exist? water freezes at some random number, then there is a random number of degrees between that point and the point at which water boils

because it was based on the temperature of the human body, not water.

100 degrees Fahrenheit was meant to be normal body temperature, but they fucked up.

which makes no sense at all

it has its uses user. just because you're too retarded to see it doesn't mean it's not there.

it is just retarded to base a scale on a living organism which varies in size and structure unlike a chemical compund like water

Kelvin: 0:Dead 100:Dead
Celsius: 0:Chilly 100:Dead
Fahrenheit: 0:Cold 100:Hot

>I use celsius not because I want to be more scientific but because I'm too stupid to remember numbers

Try living in Canada. Fahrenheit inside the house for heating and cooking... Celsius outside the house for weather. Don't get me started on the mish-mash of Imperial and Metric measures we endure.

100°C is a normal Sauna dipshit

hottest Sauna i've visited was even 115°C, but only for like 7 minutes

And no one ever died in a sauna.

that's not the point
you can lie in cold water for a couple of hours and still die

And you can sit in a 100°c sauna for a couple of hours and still die.