Hey Sup Forums, watch my milk for a second?

hey Sup Forums, watch my milk for a second?

Aren't you gonna finish pouring it first?

Sure thing user



Fuck you

You little whore piece of shit! Now what do we tell OP when he comes back?
Plus at what point did it turn chocolate?

fuck off pony fag

eat a dick

gg, ruining the milk like a typical horse bitch

global rule 15 you cunt

I'd rather just have milk and cookies, but we can't have nice things ok?


Oh shit my dude sorry

hey guys I'm gonna cum in op's milk

*whispers* get a new one, he won't notice ;)

Post pics

alright guys, I’m ba- WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

Here user I brought you a new one

what kind of milk is it?

human milk

man milk ;)

I’m allergic to human

thats like being alergic to gluten

I made you some cereal...... instead