I need some help. How do I gain charisma? Like how do I learn to carry conversations and pickup women

I need some help. How do I gain charisma? Like how do I learn to carry conversations and pickup women.

I'm not socially retarded, but I am charismatically crippled.

Truth is behind all the bullshit, I never learned to grow in that area. When I grew up I was raised for all work all the time. If I'm not doing something productive it's a waste of time. Which caused me to completely discard social dynamics throughout my childhood. I just knew enough to be that one cool guy in school who everyone assumes dgaf and does what he wants. Not kidding, no one ever assumed I had a problem with chicks, I had plenty of girls try and talk with me.

I don't want to bore you more, but help?

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Every other level you have the opportunity to put one point into your core stats strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility and luck. Select charisma and hit "A". FFS

It's about time I McKilled my fucking self.

practice being nice, in conversation online and real life.

That's hard for me.

I am always honest and give straight facts. I struggle to be nice and encouraging.

What you think are facts are probably not facts, since you cant even be charismatic.
If you only know one side of life (autism) how tf can you know what is real or not.

Take no offense.

>how can you know what's real
I think I just got a tumor reading that. You started off okay though. Work on that.

Youre just a kid, you dont know shit.

Nice projection. Please get your house in order first.

I recently became way more confident and got a fuck buddy cause of it. Be nice, be kind and be a massive smart ass. Don't be a dick but don't worry about embarrassing yourself and saying the wrong thing.

>Nice projection. Please get your house in order first.

>I am always honest and give straight facts. I struggle to be nice and encouraging.
>Like how do I learn to carry conversations and pickup women

Thats rich.

install tinder or any dating app and practice.
if you live in a big city you have an endless training ground

>pickup women.
Talk to them as if you wanted to befriend them, but make it clear that you are interested, when you get the chance kiss them (don't fucking ask) and see how far you can escalate it. Most of the times the interest is obviously implicated but dudes still fail to keep it alive (aka friendzoned).

There's no "picking up" women, they know who they're interested in sexually and there's little you can do about it. What you can do is be receptive and witty (aka funny), and show your best qualities (aka groom).

Listen to them when they talk, really listen. Don't go "aha" "hmm" "i see" all the time, this doesn't make anyone think you're listening, it accomplishes the exact opposite. How do you get them to know you're listening? By continuing the conversation accordingly.

Don't make the conversations too personal too soon, ask for their opinions and arguments rather than their past. When they're comfortable, they'll want to tell you about their past.

That's another thing, you want them to be comfortable. Don't get your emotions out of control, a stoic man is a centered, safe, and comfortable man. This doesn't mean you can't have emotions, it means you don't let them control you (This is why "men don't cry" is a thing). When the time to communicate your emotions comes, do it in a calm and collected way.

There's probably 1000 more things i could say but these are the pieces of advice i think most guys like you (us, really) need. Based on the mistakes i see them make the most.

Damn son, you need to read a book without pictures.

I forgot my main point. Women fall for personalities, the "be yourself" meme is true, brobots. The only way you'll find a good woman for you is if she likes you and not the persona some PUA fag with a book to sell told you to be.

Trust me, fuck yourself.

Start by going ahead and just having friendly conversations, no pressure, just for practice and relax any pressure.

Level up and choose intense traing

I don't have a personality. As I said, I grew up where if it's not productive I didn't waste time on it. I often never did things I wanted to and now the only thing I really want to do is die.

Hey i know this feel. One time in middleschool a friend gave me some warhammer 40K stuff to read and i bought a model to paint and my dad got all pissy and told me to stick to school work and not silly toys. I think about that shit alot cause its really the closest ive ever come to having a real hobby and i wonder if i would have just become a total nerd and if that would be better than having no identity at all.

Get a hobby, investigate whatever subjects you find interesting. There's experienced and interesting people on youtube talking for hours about whatever subject you may like.

Same, but whenever I think about it I realize that I would have just been even more of a disgusting embarrassment to my family than I already am. I try to do what I can so that I'm not in their way as I'm spray a complete waste of their time.

Sounds like your issue isnt lack of charisma but lack of self love.
Start working out, or cycle around. Healthy body, healthy mind. Youll never get a girl to love you until you love yourself.

>Nice projection. Please get your house in order first.
Get a fucking life kid. This thread got more pathetic as it came along lmao
Do some yoga, and study what it means ya fucking aspie

I am the same as you. Read "How to win friends and influence people". It's the book Charles Manson read that allowed him to convince a group of people to kill for him.

get a fucked up sense of humor
You'll see

I already workout, I have to be in shape for my job. I'm actually pretty big, right now I'm changing my diet to reduce my fat down to

Already have one.

Your self, that wants, is what is called an ego. I wouldnt say lose it, but figure out what it means to let it go.

Are you saying to lose my sense of self?
I don't have one. I exist solely as an accident, I should have killed myself long ago. Ended the suffering.

If you had no self you wouldnt be in this predicament wanting to die etc. It is the self that wants to die.
I would think your dad or mom had you by accident and decided to change their 80s college ways and shape up, which produced the you that exists now.
Get to know your parents history. If they dont want to talk about it, Im probably right.

They wanted a daughter. I had 2 older brothers, both far more successful and better than I am in every aspect. After me they had finally got the daughter they wanted.

I am an extra byproduct.

You may be right about having a self. Myself wants to die and so do I. I will kill myself in the future, 5 years from now in fact. I've had my mind made up about it for years now.

>I'm not socially retarded, but I am charismatically crippled.

what the fuck bro

i've heard 12 gauge buckshot to the brain pan works wonders

I can pickup on social cues, can conversate well, make great jokes, and am often the life of the party in groups. In 1 on 1 situations I'm inept.

No you are your dad that wanted a daughter- all that emotion and angst about having another child, not knowing the outcome. Thats exactly what you are, the angst, killing yourself nonsense. Definitely do yoga, and meditate. There is no you.

"but make it clear that you are interested, when you get the chance kiss them (don't fucking ask)"

This is so fucking wrong, absolute shit-tier advise. Go fuck yourself you virgin cunt.

Treat women like your friends, be yourself, be real. Show no desire to fuck them, if you're cool you'll get it.

If you want to get betetr at talking to people, I'd look at some videos about "activ e listening" - step 1 - google it.

Talk to girls, listen to them, let's say they're interested in a subject (lets' say health) ask questions, get on their level, be genuinely interested, otherwise fuck off.

I'm not even that attractive, but I play my shit right because I don't make it obvious that my only intention is to fuck them, I actually have fun and have adventures with these girls, go camping, make plans, take care of yourself and look good.

Good luck you 16 year-old.

Acting classes, public speaking classes, and take steps to improve your physical appearance. You'll never be as charismatic as someone who has it naturally, but you can improve.

Put myself in my father's shoes right? Well I can't, if I was him I wouldn't care what child I got. I'd love them the same regardless.

I have no angst or rage. Just an unfathomable desire to not exist anymore. I don't even have a choice.

Several years ago I noticed that I started talking to myself. And it's gotten worse since then. I've caught myself several times talking to myself and had to stop myself before someone else came along and noticed. It's only a matter of time before it gets out of control. I have to kill myself before I put others in danger.

>16 year-old.
I'm in my 20s, I don't have much time left.

a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.
"Just an unfathomable desire to not exist anymore"

Stop fucking denying everything, you realize that you dont know anything compared to the vastness of the world.
You dont know what you would do in your fathers position, you dont know what was going through his head, his experiences, etc.

The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one.

I'm very charismatic. I can carry on most conversations, and I'm good at starting them easily. My trick is to bring up small conversation on anything. One thing leads to another, and it's smooth sailing from there. Stories related to the subject are a huge plus. Try it, my man.

I see.

You have psychological issues, I'm not going to beat around the bush brother.

Are you overweight/insecure? I'm not here to judge you, I just need to understand how you operate.

My ex-ex girlfriend did exactly this, maybe worse than they way you do. She talked to herself, and had full blown conversation(s) with herself. At first I thought it was harmless, but turned out she has major issues due to psychological trauma (wont even go into the details, pointless)

What happened, and when did this start to happen?


see, this user agrees, you have some problem; youre in denial about something that is obvious.

Start to feel.
You have this thing called empathy, try using it. look it up if you dont know what it means.

Are you taking any medication? Your brain chemistry sounds...out of order.

I suggest stopping it, get clean, eat well, exercise. I hate to sound generic, because that's always that response right? - "eat well, exercise faggot"

You know why so many people say that? Because it works. Food for thought. Being dedicated to things changes your brain.

>when did it start
I honestly don't remember. Doesn't matter it can't be fixed directly. The only solution is to kill myself before it gets too bad.

>overweight/ insecure?
No and no. If you read earlier in in shape. Above average actually and relatively buff/big.

You're right, the last step to fixing a problem is applying a solution. In this case death.

Charisma starts with comliness - if you're not good looking, you already have a strike against you. If you're short, that's another strike. The cut of your clothes, your style, your grace, your teeth, etc...
THEN we can start talking about your manners, your diction, your vocabulary, your intelligence, your confidence, etc....

Ego death, totally. If you were operating without it, you would know that we dont really die.
Lesson 1 in reality.
Save this thread so when you grow up you can see how stupid and gay you were lol


>Why you always max out Chr first

I wanted to kill myself multiple times in my life, we all have (generalization). Funny enough it only gets better overtime - killing yourself only ends the only chance you get at sentient life.

In my experience, early 20's are hell, mid 20's are worse. Just don't drink alcohol, shit will destroy you.

If you want to hold onto the idea that killing yourself is the only solution, then go ahead - make that a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I had to drag myself out of my pit of depression by putting fourth my desire to change, you either have it or you don't.

By the way, I suggest trading stocks/crypto-currencies/forex - make good money, and your life changes.

Looking at charts and making 20k in a day is fulfilling enough for me to stay alive, fuck jobs, fuck everything.

Sure thing. Save this thread so 5 years from now when I kill myself you can laugh about it before moving on to the next thread.

At this point im thinking youre trolling really well, or are a stupid kid who doesnt know up from down.
Its cool though, Ill save the thread for myself :)

What would I gain from trolling about killing myself 5 years from now? For someone who speaks of ego yours has deluded your view of the current situation.

I have no desire for money. In all honesty if I had more I'd kill myself much sooner. The only reason I'm waiting 5 more years is because I'm on a contract. I may break it and kill myself sooner should the need arise.

I used to be exactly in your position not too long ago, thought myself a literal autist. Go to some councilling or therapy, it's really helped me.

Also not saying these will help you, but LSD/Shrooms helped me with a lot of my depression/autistic tendencies. I don't need to take them anymore, but they helped me break out of my 'shell'.

Hope you break out of the cycle man.

I don't take meds and already do exercise and eat well.

Due to my current occupation I can't go into any therapy. It will cost me my job and everything else I've worked for up to now.

I have no interest in drugs, I understand where you're coming from though.

Just do and say whatever you want man, I’m a fatass and I figure if a chick can’t handle some savage jokes then she’s probably not cool enough to hangout with for longer than 10 mins

This post speak volumes about how in-experienced you are in the real world, no offense.

"waiting 5 years" - do you understand how much changes in 5 years? I was a different person 5 years ago.

Tell you what, take this advice from someone you don't know, but obviously cares enough to type this shit out.

Go take classes for something, like a yoga instructor (or anything for that matter). You'll meet new people, you'll learn new things, and more importantly, you'll learn to clear your mind and learn to socialize (as uncomfortable as it sounds) - you need to make these kind of mistakes in order to better yourself, and mistakes are obviously uncomfortable, but they NEED to happen.

Call me a faggot, but that's how I met some of the best people I've ever met, by doing something OUTSIDE my comfort zone.

My old friends were a cancer to my life. By initiating in activities that were completely alien to me, it helped in every aspect of my life, even socialization.

Would group therapy be cheaper where you are? It could also help with practicing communication skills

This so much.

Fuck you OP, I woulda just beat your utilitarian prol ass the fuck up in hs for being a busy worker bee cunt and an social sexually discerning autist. Some of had to work on getting bitches to talk to them and accrue their skills with the hoes over a lot of trial and error. You ain't getting pointers now you ponce.

This post assumes a lot, no offense.

You assume I dont know how much 5 years changes people and the world. I've got few more real world experience than you know. I've been working on this plan for over a decade now and I'm coming close to the end. I knew and still know full and well what I was getting into.
Thanks to my job I do a bunch of new stuff every day. I am never inside of a comfort zone. I've met plenty of people and meet more and more each day.

No I mean I will literally lose my job and potentially any future job if I go to therapy.

Don't discount this user - mushrooms can actually change the way you think in very positive way.

As this user said, it will get you out of your "shell" - this sounds vague, but is absolutely correct - think of it as a rest button, but not in this drugged out, strung-out kind of way, it's more spiritual and reflective. Personally, it made me realize life is a one-time chance, and I should cherish every second. You should be glad this user said what he did, it's absolutely true.

What do you do for a living?

Mushrooms will change your brain forever. Ask yourself if you really want that.

First off people love to either talk about themselves or the things that they're interested in. Getting someone to open up to you takes practice and skill. Sorry it can't be taught so maybe....jk there are plenty of books on the topic -- just do this...apply yourself like you're back in college.
Finally don't be afraid of complimenting femanons but whatever you do be a fucking cuck about it. If you sense that a girl if fucking with you then you need to be a dick and crush it.

no, im exactly right. You are living for your parents. Go do something for yourself.

>Go do something for yourself
That's what I'm doing, I want to die so I'm going to kill myself.

I'm aware how cringe worthy and edgy this sounds so have your laugh.

I'm not here to offend you.

What is it that's driving your crippling depression?

There's always an underlying factor. Judging by your original post, is it solely because of your lack of charisma? I'm only guessing, I understand it could be a multitude of different factors compounding.

Is it because you crave intimacy by another person, but can never obtain it? What's the real issue?

All I know about you is that you have a job that disables you from seeking therapy, family is out of the question (I'm assuming again), and you have an in-ability to converse with people because you lack charisma.

Is lacking Charisma the real reason why you're desperate enough to post on Sup Forums as an obvious cry for help? That's not necessarily a bad thing, I'm just trying to understand.

No ones laughing but the imaginary people in your head who you've created to laugh at you.

Does not exist.

Fine just do it then. Just shut the fuck up. You obviously don't want to live so just end it now then. Oh wait you don't want to make your family sad or whatever. Here's a shocker. EVERYONE WANTS TO END THERE LIFE. Or they should. Humanity itself is disgusting honestly. But you can either crumble or keep living and actually do something with your life. But sitting in self pity and constantly comparing yourself to everyone will get you fucking nowhere. So you might as well end your life today. Not 5 years from now. Or you can accept that you're your own person. Love yourself retard. Improve yourself. BUILD YOURSELF UP.

I'm in the military. They don't play with that, if there's any chance on paper that something is wrong I'm going to get discharged.

I don't know, I really don't. In all honesty I've wanted to die as far back as I can remember. Thinking about it, my best guess would be when I became self aware.


I already told you. Wait 5 years. You'll get your stupid suicide thread live stream and all that.

I got my charisma by living. It sort of came naturally to me but as time went on I got better and better at using it.

You failed to answer one of my questions, have you ever been in an intimate relationship?

Would you consider yourself a "meek" person?

Not really, no.

Meek is a somewhat accurate description.

But what's the fucking point if your just going to end your life in 5 years? Just give up now. Jesus you're obviously just a attention whore. I fucking hate pathetic people like you. "Oh guys I'm going to kill myself like a month from now" knowing damn well you have no intention of doing so. It's fucking disgusting and shows how much of a waste of fucking space you really are. I honestly want to throw up. End your life.

If you knew anything about psychology, you'd know that every suicide threat should be taken seriously.

You know trolling only works on unsuspecting normies right?

I only ask because if my women didn't ride me almost every morning, nibbling at my ear whispering that she loves me, I could understand where you're depression is coming from. Intimacy and having a best friend is important.

So from what I've gathered, you're upset because your siblings are overwhelmingly more successful than you, your parents wanted a daughter (which they finally got, your dads probably a pedophile) and you feel as if you're an un-wanted bi-product.

But what else am I missing here?

Also, not to make this a pissing contest, but I'm a child born from rape. My real dad is in prison and my mom gave me up for adoption. I confronted her in my late twenties and she rejected me, didn't want to see me and threatened to call the police. I even offered to pay her house off, she didn't want to see me.

We all have shit going on user, don't kill yourself. I've been the lowest of the low in my life, it's essentially made me invincible and has absolutely built my character from the ground up.

Maybe give more back to those who need it, you seem to make a decent salary, and giving is the best feeling in the world.

Also...about being meek, do you socialize with other people on a daily basis? Drink alcohol?

Be eloquent, tell stories about your life (Only the interesting) or stories of other people
Get out your home and have some adventures