This shit doesn't make any sense...

This shit doesn't make any sense. If you're going to set this shit up to pop off as many rounds as you can as quickly as you can, why the fuck is everything all the way across each end of the room? You'd line them up, right next to you so you can grab the next one. Also, why is he facing the window but not anywhere near it? He'd either be at the window or "Oh shit they're here" and be facing the door if someone was coming in. If you were going to off yourself why would you turn around first and face the window again?

Other urls found in this thread:


probably casually switching guns as he went along

You seem to be leading your argument a lot. He had cctv so had ample time to see SWAT get into position.

As for the guns, that's a fair point but I guess you are not so anal retentive after shooting into a huge crowd like that, maybe he was dropping them anywhere out of the way.

Who knows dude, maybe he wanted to look at his horrible crime to work up the balls to shoot himself.

What a faggot.

The bipod doesn't add up either. His leg is under it, but in what circumstance would he ever be under it like that? There's no angle out if you're sitting, and if you were using it you'd be chest first toward it

Very shitty choice in carpet. Mandalay Bay gonna make a fortune off of renting that room.


This wouldn't have happened if Hillary was president

You are correct, because the shooter was a leftist terrorist who was targeting conservatives.

This has me curious

Literally just shoot yourself in the heart while standing with your foot kinda under it. You fall backwards directly.

Before asking yourself, how can this be a conspiracy, first ask yourself how it can not be one. Or you just sound like a nut.

This prob was not his first choice of venue. He wanted to rent rooms at a different hotel for another concert but it was booked up. This could have been the back up plan

I'm trying to think of ANY reason he'd be that way. Nothing makes sense. Ok so he's dead and you're moving him to confirm and check for weapons. Like what they put the rifle back over his foot? The fuck, why?

If he killed niggers he'd be your hero. Surprise, country fans are white niggers!

>not even trying with the bait, man


If he was standing when he shot himself and this was where he fell, that would mean his left calf is approximately at the more front half of the picatinny rail on the barrel, right? Before the bipod. Why would you get up, rotate your body, move forward a bit, face away from the only other people that is your threat and then shoot yourself? It's just weird placement

its probably fake news

everyone is dumb and stupid, except for you


Finally someone gets it! Phew, I was feeling invalidated for a second! Thanks user! Alright guys, this one is case closed, pack it up!

This wouldn't have happened if all those festival goers had guns.....

Pretty good

Looks to me like maybe he wrote that note and then shot himself when he was finished.

Where did these photos come from anyways? Like where were they first leaked?

Seriously, are those scene photos?

I honestly have no idea how they were leaked. They're just the ones floating around, all have been labeled as "leaked hotel shooter" photos or similar.

If guns were illegal, this still would have happened

they've been put out there to control the narrative: "these are the evil guns, see, guns are bad"

Find the footage that shows Mandalay bay from the ground. If those are.the, then those guns don't have flash suppressor, and the footage I've seen, you don't see the flashes of the guns as they're being fired

The photos match the layout of the room he was in. I've seen screen shots that show they were first leaked on Sup Forums but trusting Sup Forums with leaked news is like trusting Sup Forums for pc repair advice.

Lol, this is true. But there's things that don't make sense. These were supposed to be bump stocks. Hence why he has so many in case one jams, he could just toss it and grab another. This is way too thought out and methodically planned. I want to see the footage of his comings and going to see how long it took him to get all those guns up there and to keep them hidden from room service and house cleaning. I guarantee he didn't get them all up there in one day.

Oh, if YOU guarantee it then it must be the case...

ffs kysf

It's one of the busiest hotels in one of the busiest cities. He literally could have handed a bell boy 100 bucks and said " carry those bags in" without looking the least bit suspicious.

IIRC, he checked in on the 28th. He had a week to prep.

Literary an infinitesimal slim chance that he could've gotten them all up, with all the ammo in one day. Kill yourself please for taking everything literally.

Guns and ammo are not light. Two of those would weigh about 15-20 pounds. So five to ten bags for the guns. All the ammo would weigh a lot more then the guns. So another five bags at least for the ammo and clips to cut down on very heavy bags. Makes alot of.sense that way. I mean at least ten bags of weaponry and one or two for clothes and what not. A dozen bags for one person.

And all on probably a day where he was already checked in. Unless He had checked in just that day

He had been there since the 28th if I'm not mistaken. Plenty of time to get everything up there.

I could see it in a week. It's just the footage I've seen doesn't have the flash of gunfire in it. If those are the guns used, they're not flash suppressed. Which obviously means, I should see them in the footage of the outside of the motel

This is such a weird "a-ha" point you're trying to make. It wouldn't be hard to bring up a dozen bags within a few hours, from your van or whatever parked at the entrance. Or he could have done it over the whole week...

No, my "a-ha" moment is, if, these are the guns he used, and if the footage I've seen of the outside looking towards the hotel, you should see the flashes of the gun as they're being fired. What's more, is that it should look like a strobe light. These guns pictured, do not have flash suppressors on them.

Hotels usually have carts, and nice hotels will even have people help you bring your shit to the room. It wouldn't be difficult to come up with a cover story for why you're moving in a couple of crates of heavy shit.

literally the first thing swat does when they enter a room with possible suspects they push the guns away from said suspects, even if it appears to be dead

literally 101

I don't think thats right, this is the one I made

The issue is that you have the position of the 2nd window wrong, its actually on the other side where the Luxor is.

Heres further proof about my reference. As you can see, the Luxor would be "south" with the concert being "west."


He probably just put the "do not disturb" sign on the door. Room service just hands you a plate. You fucking Sup Forumstards are off your fucking rockers. Some crazy, hateful gun nut gets bored of life and goes for a high score. Not everything is the fucking CIA, Illuminati or ISIS. You fucking kids need to be medicated.

The other thing too is that where the second window was broken, theres actually a table there positioned against the window. So he most likely broke that window to prop one of his guns up on the table with, utilizing the bipod.

The hammer was found near the 1st window. So I'm guessing he first broke the window facing the Luxor, then went and broke the window facing the concert, open fired on the concert, moved to the other side of the room and shot from the other window, moved back to the 1st window and shot some more.

Then he moved towards the front entrance and shot the police down the hallway, went back inside to the 1st window he shot from, and eventually killed himself.

I'm curious what his note said. They are pretending to not know a motive but I'll bet it's written right there.

His whole family has said he's not a gun nut. I'm not Sup Forums, nor one to really concern myself with conspiracies in general. But this one makes zero sense. Find the footage showing the building. You will not see the muzzle flashes. Please oh wise and all knowing Sup Forumstard, explain it for us lowly serfs.

>inb4 flash suppressors. They don't have them

Yet, if people carrying guns everywhere was normal, a lot fewer people might have died.

Sometimes /b is pretty interesting, where else such an interesting discussion about an actual topic with pictures and arguments would take place

no it wouldn't

in an illegal market, that dude could have bought a house instead of all those guns

if he could have bought a new house, i dont think he would have shot up a festival.

Thank you, kind Sir, for letting us know that you were speaking literally. It was very likely many of us would otherwise have thought that swat teams were into figuratively pushing guns away from dead suspects.

>in an illegal market, that dude could have bought a house instead of all those guns

Something is definitely fucky about all this. I was listening to the police scanner and there were reports of multiple shooters at multiple locations. They even said 1 suspect was shot dead long before the shooting ended. I was convinced it was a team of terrorists.

I can pass off the multiple shooters in multiple locations to echoes and mass hysteria but who the fuck did the swat team kill other than the 1 guy?

sorry old man, merriam-webster changed the definition of literally to also figuratively, so it makes sense. sorry your stuck in the past

not sure if you've been in America too long, or actually know how expensive full automatic firearms are in heavily controlled countries.

if i want an ak47 in my country itl cost me 40 g

if i want an ak74 in my country, itl cost me 90 g

that cunt had like 20 guns, are you serious ?

His brother actually said his brother did own some small guns but he didn't know if he had any others. Police are starting to say that Stephen Paddock actually collected guns over a period of 20 years, and neighbors did report that Stephen Paddock had a gunsafe in his garage the size of a refrigerator.

I think the muzzle flashes are very visible, but most of the footage we've seen hasn't been really all that great quality, let alone good enough to capture muzzle flash from 1000 ft away. People at the scene did say they could see the muzzle flash.

I really do believe this guy did it, he acted alone, and there is nothing conspiracy-like about it. I've seen at least 8 different videos from different perspectives and each one paints a picture that the media\police have been reporting.

Hypothesis contrary to fact fallacy either way.

Does your country have 1 gun for each person and a penchant for gun rights? Oh right..

Merriam-webster doesn't get to redefine words for those of us who aren't idiots. They lost any real dictionary privileges many decades ago.

Here is the compilation I referenced:

yeah, because of taxes, rarity and all the legal hoops you have to jump through, all things illegal guns also have to d-

>if guns where illegal, this would still happen

nice following of the argument fuckwit.

>i r-reject reality and sub-substitute my own!

>nice following of the argument fuckwit.
Oh fuck you're right. Once they are illegal everyone hands in their guns in the US. That TOTALLY won't end up in MORE gun violence!

Dictionaries are descriptive of current usage, not prescriptive of correct usage. What are you, French?

Trump keeping the rest of the world entertained since 2016

She did say she would stop lone wolf gunmen

i would argue the common effect that occurs to the price of guns, in any country that has heavily controlled/illegal firearms, (which is a common factor btw) is evidence enough to void any falacy's

unless your referring to America having illegal guns then nice shitposting.

Must be a good life being potato

Where the fuck do you live? In the U.S. you can get brand new guns for a fraction of that. You can get used guns from rednecks for less than $1000.

What? There was nothing short of a sniper with precision rifle that could have done anything.

if you think the average person would rather die, than give over their excessive assault weaponry.
then your an idiot.

and on the odd chance americans are that retarded.
they deserve to be purged by the drones tanks and apc's coming their way.

I would know, I am more of a sweet potato than yourself.

1. informal Used for emphasis while not being literally true.

oxford dictionary bitch.

alright so riddle me this:

this guy was as clean as it gets
a millionaire grandpa
no mental ilness
clean track record

even with the strictest possible gun laws and background checks this guy would have been allowed to obtain a gun

so how the fuck do you want to prevent this from happening by "gun control" or "common sense gun laws"?

Dude, the US is the only fucking country where weapons are so cheap, that is why one guy was able kill 50 people. In northern Mexico an ak47 is 2k, southern Mexico is about 4k, make numbers

remember he did smash two windows in each of his adjoining rooms.


Ban military-style assault rifles. Like we did before Republicans overturned it.

Next question.

> a gun
Not a fucking arsenal, there are criminal orgs in latin america that own less guns and ammo

dude you fucking serious. in places like iraq you tried a ak-47 for a couple chickens


That's how you can tell those organizations are not US-backed.


anything that does not have a use for hunting should be banned.

then again i wouldn't be apposed to shooting ranges being able to have military assault weapons, and only allow them on premises.

Paddock still worked for the government. This was an FBI antiterrorism sting operation that went sideways. Normally they just radicalize and entrap the mentally handicapped in order to justify their pay. This time our department of justice sold to an actual Islamic State cell.

No conspiracy here, just government incompetence and ass covering.

I'll rescind this claim as soon as the security footage proves me wrong. Not holding my breath, though.

He was a Trump guy

Also, automatic machine guns for personal protection is like allowing self medication for all antibiotics available.. just plain stupid

you think a ban on a type of weapon of which there are millions of in the country (that also has no border with an extremely corrupt and crime ridden neighbour) would stop millionaire grandpa from getting one?
get real

lemme guess, you just picked up your outdated dictionary and looked it up ay ??

try the 1903 encyclopedia, im sure its got the right answers in it as well.

>he was able to kill so many people because of cheap guns
Aside from the fact he was rich as fuck he could have done even more damage building bombs and came out cheaper. Timothy McVeigh's rental truck bomb was cheaper than those guns.
>the bombing killed 168 people, injured more than 680 others, and destroyed one-third of the building. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars, causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.

So chickens are fucking expensive then

Why didn't he just jump out the fucking window? At that height he would of had a 0.005% of surviving the fall and a 0.00005% of walking away to hop in his car and drive over hundreds of the people running away from the concert?

In Cambodia you can shot any thing for a few bucks, but they still manage not to shot each other.

The only thing I'll say about the gun debate is this: it wont stop anyone.

If someone wants a gun, whatever gun, they will work towards getting it using whatever means possible. Banning "assault" weapons just means modifying a weapon to be just as good.

What this guy did was just buy semi-automatic weapons and apply weapon modifications to emulate fully-automatic weapon fire.

Honestly, you can buy almost any semi-automatic weapon and make your own parts to make a fully automatic weapon. Hell, you can make your own fully automatic gun from scratch.

Banning does nothing.

The room is huge. He busted a window on each side of it

Hahaha you think banning weapons keeps people from getting them. People must magically have uzis and aks then


it was a message, not a kill score. 90% sure he took one for the team and
that note says something along the lines of " you guys allowed this with your idiotic guns laws, you brought this on yourselves."