The creators of this show didn't even graduate college, why do people revere it as somehow intellectual genius...

The creators of this show didn't even graduate college, why do people revere it as somehow intellectual genius? Clearly all the references are made by average people for average people, sure there is some philosophy and a bit of science, but in the end it just a sci-fi show. I've seen people with PhD's claim this show is too complex for the average viewer. What the fuck is going on here?

it's a mediocre show. all there is to it

Eh, I'm inclined to say I enjoyed the first two seasons. Ricklantis is also the best episode I've seen on TV. I can't say it's mediocre, I'm just dumbfounded by the newly found fanbase.

You have to be smart to make every episode based on some movie

It's not that complex. It's just a silly sci-fi show.


Googled Rick and Morty first image that came up... That said: REEEEEEE normies

>his feeble little brain cannot understand the complex humor of Rick and Morty

Well aren't you just adorable, go watch Family Guy while the real intellectuals enjoy this masterpeice of cerebral comedy.

Ehh, they do a bit of high-brow humor mixed in with the literal fart jokes. The quality varies widely, like most TV.

Satire aside, I'm dumbfounded people believe in a deeper meaning

>not knowing about Harmon’s background
>not knowing Harmon’s greatest life goal is to create the easiest, laziest, shilliest piece of shit he possibly can and still have his dick sucked for it

What’s going on is they’ve shared the formula for autistism detection and now that all the autismo fans feel special for watching it, they’ll be vocal so that the feds can lock them up for being a menace to society

It's semi decent at best.
"I'm gonna *burp* fuckin kill myself morty nothing matters".

>Entire ascended testicled fan base collapses in on itself in laughter while typing reviews on Reddit with their fingerless fucking leather gloves

I like Justin Roiland. Harmon can kill himself.

That being said, rick and morty is okay, but it's skin deep compared to Futurama and it's deep think

In hindsight futurama is leagues above R&M.
Actual fucking alien languages and codes, actual basic concepts of philosophy and literary references, actual emotional hits

lol this thread is for stupid people


Picklerick episode is fkin godlike.
Guaranteed none of you fucks in this thread would be like you bro im a pickle..
How am I gonna get out of tho?
>baits rat with brine
>uses brain as control pad

Prime example probably bait, but you can't confuse pseudoscience with reality my friend

It's because it's a cartoon and that immediately gives you a comedic vibe. The entire show is a joke. It's a joke as in every subject and conversation pertains to real life issues and dilemmas.

South Park is the same way but they're just way more upfront about it.

If you couldn't already tell, Rick is dealing with alcoholism and depression from his acknowledgement of a meaningless existence/existential crisis. This uninhibits him and allows him to think more clearly and rationally, which in turn helps to set up the scenario for all of his scifi adventures with his clueless but getting the hang of it grandson Morty.

The episode were they travel into the microbrew battery and summer is stuck in the ship? That's clearly a hint that peaceful solutions don't always work just like violence doesn't always work

>it's all a joke guys lol!
>500 word essay about the deep writing
but the bong down and go back to redd it

Those are just highschool kids and elementary school kids. You were alive 20 years ago when south park was becoming a thing, right? I remember being a kid and talking about episodes at recess with my friends. I'm sure we made stupid fucking claims as well.

I'm sure a lot of the "intellectual" commentary is also part trolling, part making fun of themselves as well. Got to be.

Also, the counter-reaction is starting to be silly. Pewdiepie made a video about the silliest parts of the R&M fanbase, and now youtube is overflowing of videos by teenagers repeating the same point, and Sup Forums threads about R&M is starting to outnumber trap threads.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization. His personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny, they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence, people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots. Of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only. And even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin' personnel kid

r&m hate has been brewing for years, the infighting from the writer changes/quality dip just gave them opportunity

Not trying to defend the show or the people who said it's too much to comprehend for some people, but collegiate degrees or any means of completion, more often say little of even practical intelligence. You'd think most history majors would be at least a little accurate at identifying countries or continents. Sad truth is I've met too many that can't. Let's just say it has a hive-minded sort of humor that's not about laughing at all the jokes that have comprehensive understanding, but an infectious willingness to laugh together at a cartoon that's not family guy or Southpark. I guess that's what it comes down to.

I watch it because sometimes it's funny, I don't sperg out on reddit about stuff about pickle rick. I think the after credits scene of the last episode was the funniest part of the series where the yellow guy says he hoped I didn't fuck about and waste my life waiting for the series to return.

There are people that think Big Bang Theory is an intellectual show, people are retarded.

The fact that someone has a Ph.D does not automatically qualify them as an intellectual authority. This is true for pretty much any subject.

I think people mistake the edginess of Rick and Morty for intellectual depth - this statement is probably true, but meaningless in a forum like this because no one can actually ascertain the meaning of the phrase "intellectual depth" without gouging each other's eyes out.

The show is probably not deeps, but merely a meme factory, because:
A) It appeals to the same nihilistic cadence of internet culture.
B) It routinely uses short, silly phrases that are repeated throughout each episode or show (Wubalubba dub dub, Pickle Rick, Bazinga, Tiny Rick, etc).

The most interesting part of the show, for me anyway, is the horror that surrounds Rick's adventures, and the ambiguity regarding his affection for Morty.

Uh huh.

It was only a matter of time.

What the actual fuck? I've lost faith in everything now. Let's hope the ink, by some miracle made this individual sterile.


Is this the new copy pasta?

People like to stroke their dicks by claiming to be intellectual and shit, and assuming intelligence by association. Same shit about people who think atheism means intellect, or listening to Star Talk makes you deep. Fucking Alien and Robocop have more depth than most oscar winners or art films (looking at you Valhalla Rising and The Kings Speech). Its a good little and entertaining show by some talented and prolific creators, not a fucking philosophy club or a serious meditation on any subject (except maybe nihlism, but most nihlists i know are fuck ups or drug dealers).

Pseudo-intellectuals (like most of us on here i guess) love to think the things they like are soOOOoo far ahead of everyone else so they flock to Dan Harmon. He is slightly ahead of the tv meta and an okay writer, its sort of like Twin peaks for millennials.

Well put, but not just millennials. The well has been dry for originality, for a bit longer. Makes me feel old saying that, but it's a fact.