Found my dad's old computer and need a little help fixing it mostly i don't know computers

Found my dad's old computer and need a little help fixing it mostly i don't know computers

I'm sorry to hear that.

I opened up the back to see if something was unplugged and there was it was the p3 and the p4 cable but I could not find where they belong

The p3 and p4 ports

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated


You're welcome.

Well I would plug them in the ports except I can't find them.

keep looking

Could you please tell me where to look

after the p2 port

There's no other cables marked with a p.

did you find the o ports?

I don't see any o ports

quit removing the labels, faggot

I haven't removed any labels

then find the fucking p port

Then find the fucking p ports


That's not the p port

No those are what need to be plugged in but I don't know where they go

Have you found the o port?


Where the fuck is the p port.

After the goddamn O port

No I haven't found the o port.

Jesus Christ

Well where is the o port.

At least tell me you've found the N port

I hit trips btw.

oh yeah lol

No I have not found the n port.

fuck you op, you're not even looking

Connect the N cable to the IG port and make sure the GER is getting power. (Should make a lot of noise and maybe smell like shit)

I am looking I just don't see where they go.

they go in the p port

No I'm not putting a nigger in my dads computer

Can someone just circle where they go.

Stopped to see how the computer was coming along. I see you fellas have made it nowhere. Glhf

who cares?

Fuck this someone get spoder man