Just injected heroin for the first time... I started using heroin about 5 months ago

Just injected heroin for the first time... I started using heroin about 5 months ago.

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What caused you to start doing heroin?

Who did you vote for


Is this more LARP or do you have amazing dedication to verisimilitude?

you gona die

Is it really addictive as they say?

Was living in France and i broke u with my girlfriend... She was my first love and seeing her move on so quick fucked me up pretty bad. I had to leave europe and come back to Australia

Why don't you just smoke it like healthy people do?

Stop it. Get some help

i didn't like it. It made me sweat hardcore and i felt absolutely out of control. Heroin itself is addictive if you have problems in your life.. and heroin causes problems for you so it is like a downward spiral

i wanted to try injecting it... Iv'e tried it now and i wont do it again. The second i injected it i felt a deeeeep sense of regret.

Im not american. If i were in France id vote for Le pen, USA Trump, Germany AFD.

Try meth, I heard is good for quitting heroine like 40 years ago...

You don't ever see a gray haired intravenous drug user. You are 100% going to die from your habit. I feel really bad for your family and the folks you are close to. Its countdown till they find you passed out and cold with green film oozing from your face. Good luck.

Well stop. Dummy.

I plan to stop soon. I just wanted to try injecting it once so it was not lingering in my mind after i quit. I did not enjoy it and i wont try it again. I am still kind of in disbelief at what i have done...

never tried that and have absolutely no desire to try it. That drug scares the shit out of me and its also not really my thing.

Maybe because they don't say you they ware on drugs so you could judge them.

im never going to inject it again. I only did it so i would not be thinking about what it would be like once i quit smoking this shit.

I wish I could get good heroine...

It was crazy though.. I called this service and they came and delivered 20 needles to my house. I have 19 here left

Do you use it? If yes how to you administer it?

good night forever loser

You are a fucking idiot. I feel dumber reading that.

No, I don't do drugs, I'm so nonsocialized I could get only trashy shit for addicts cut with some bullshit. I want pure heroine just to... You know what's heroine for.

When it's good we see nothing, when it goes bad it's all that shitty drugs that ruins your life.

It's heroin, user. Heroine with an E is the female version of hero. Like Wonder Woman.

I snorted H for a couple weeks then one day decided to bang it.... woke up with the needle in my arm and vomit on my stomach. Never used it again.

You're fucked lol. The rest of your life is going to be miserable, even if you escape death and get sober.

>Just injected heroin for the first time...
>I started using heroin about 5 months ago.

Pick one, troll.

To OP: Watch this documentary and evaluate your life. It's a Channel 4 documentary called Cold Turkey. Stop now.


What about UK

So what did you do before injecting it, drink it? Get outta here with your goopy ass face!

I would take both at once.

Was using H for about 3 years..the shits the devil....detox sucks...get off of it while you can. Wait until you get the film in your throat and lower back pain. Stop it while you can.

il give it a watch thanks.

you can use heroin in other ways.. you dont have to inject it. I have been smoking/snorting it for 5 months prior to trying the needle for the first time tonight.

UK politics is fucked. BNP i guess...

i plan to get off very soon. Its cost me thousands so far and i cant afford it anymore. Plus i am over my problems and feel ready to process the events of the past 12 months.

Reasonable answer tbh.

lol you retard. everyone "plans to get off heroin soon". maybe like 1% actually do and never go back to it.

Experience any physical withdrawal symptoms yet?
Im an addict to speed. Actually tweaking right now. Been up for nearly a day. Any tips to reduce jaw clenching? I dont have any magnesium supplements and no gum. I've done pretty well to avoid grinding my teeth, I kinda lift my teeth up and keep focused on keeping them separate. Been brushing my teeth, ironically enough more so than when I was sober (which was basically never) I ate some peas earlier to try and get some magnesium and potassium in my diet. Im pretty sore too. Have ibuprofen, but it doesnt do the greatest job at fixing these aches. Drank a whple thing of Fairlife chocolate milk. Its this nutritious shit that has 50% less sugar. I figured the cocoa would contain magnesium as well. Any help?
>You are 100% going to die from your habit
False. Its likely to OD, but not impossible to avoid doing.
There's hardly any users that start off by injecting
>i plan to get off very soon
opiates are a bitch to get off of once you're physically withdrawing.
Lastly, opiates actually cause little to no damage to your organs. The APAP in the pills cause more damage to your liver than actual opiates. Needles are a different story, cause they can either be dirty or collapse your veins, infections, etc. Outside of this, the most common damage to the body is when people are under the influence and harm themselves unintentionally.

then stop killing yourself you idiot

one less shitposter

>Im an addict to speed. Actually tweaking right now. Been up for nearly a day. Any tips to reduce jaw clenching? I dont have any magnesium supplements and no gum. I've done pretty well to avoid grinding my teeth, I kinda lift my teeth up and keep focused on keeping them separate. Been brushing my teeth, ironically enough more so than when I was sober (which was basically never) I ate some peas earlier to try and get some magnesium and potassium in my diet. Im pretty sore too. Have ibuprofen, but it doesnt do the greatest job at fixing these aches. Drank a whple thing of Fairlife chocolate milk. Its this nutritious shit that has 50% less sugar. I figured the cocoa would contain magnesium as well. Any help?
stop drugging yourself homo
and avoid sugar, get raw cocoa powder instead if you like it

Currently coming down from 8 40's of crack. Man I fcuked up. I had six years clean.

Then stop heroin, don't die, we need you man!

>avoid sugar
I know, I know... I need to really avoid this temptation. I wont eat/drink any more sweet stuff. Need to just stick to lots of water.
>stop drugging yourself
unfortunately, I do not plan on that quite yet. Probably gonna do the rest of what I got cause its not quite enough to get me high on a different day.
>tfw you somehow know Im bi
>raw cocoa powder
unfortunately, I think Im out of that. My family is rather... cheap when it comes to food. We basically get a whole bunch of junk.
Is 100% whole grain oatmeal (without sugar) any good for me to eat?
>Currently coming down from 8 40's of crack.
jesus fucking christ. just how brutal was that?

i was using codeine before.. Had 5 years clean. I will never touch another drug after this.

i think bananas have magnesium?

I'm the kid on crack started my Bing yesterday haven't slept right now it fcukin sucks hoping this is my wake up call. Really don't wanna even start to go thru this again . Wishing I could just pass out

>I will never touch another drug after this
You dont necessarily have to go about it like that, friend. There are healthier drugs for you to be doing.
>inb4 dude weed lmao
weed is alright, but sorta habituating. Tbf, I really dont even smoke it often at all. I cant recall the last time I have done it. Im pretty sure it was about a week or two ago by now.
Those drugs arent very toxic for you at all. They are also proven to be highly effective in psychotherapy and treating depression. They really arent addictive whatsoever, you wont desire acid for a while after you do it. The shortest amount of time that I waited in between doses was like 3 months. LSD doesnt cause much damage to your brain either. Only if you abuse it a whole lot or are predisposed to psychosis, schizophrenia, etc. Lastly, it can give you a bad trip that traumatizes you. To avoid these, just stick to set and setting. Be in a good mood and be prepared for the trip. Take it to gain insight, not to get, "fucked up and escape reality". If you do, reality will hit you in the face.
>Pic related; these are 4 tabs I took recently.
I dont have any bananas. My family is that much of niggers. Dont have a ride to the store and sure as Hell dont want to walk. Or be in public.
>Wishing I could just pass out
If its quite bad enough, you could possibly take a benzo. Dont make a habit of benzos, they are more addictive than opiates and cocaine. I personally just deal with the comedown. Much better than becoming dependent on that shit. I dont fuck with benzos or opies.

Iv'e tried LSD and while i did find it to be fun i fear that drug more than heroin.. Iv'e had mates that have fucked them selves up on that shit and i know if i use it that would be on my mind during the trip.
I need to get off all of this shit man. I was doing so well before it all.. The thing is i feel like i cannot enjoy life or get motivated the way i used to and my thinking is quite foggy and that alone is enough to make me depressed and just want to forget. Im sure if i was just able to stop though id feel a lot better. I have been trying to taper down off this shit but its pretty much impossible. I will probably buy another few rocks tomorrow and try again. I just snorted 3 huge lines and smoked a big rock so i could stop thinking about the fact that i just injected this shit into myself.. Needless to say i do feel a lot better about it now. Nothing can make your cares disappear like this drug man. It is way its so addictive. It takes everything thing away for a while.

>i fear that drug more than heroin
thats likely attributed to them abusing the holy living fuck out of it. LSD is not NEARLY as bad for you as most drugs. Smack is gonna fuck you up far worse with the withdrawals. You can also OD somewhat easily on opies. LSD, In moderation at least, is incredibly safe to take. It doesnt cause permanent brain damage (in moderation) it CAN trigger PTSD and schizo, but only if you have a bad trip and are predisposed respectively. It can, however, cause HPPD through heavy abuse. This is basically having hallucinations without actually tripping. Its the least addictive drug I have personally taken. And I have taken well over 15. Most addictive I have taken is speed. Second most addictive was nicotine, but I kicked it fairly easy before it was too late.

So for 5 months u just did it.im not sure you're dumb enough for heroin.try shooting bullets

Shared a room with a friend some years ago for some time. One night i woke up and found him on the ground close to my bed. Hes been 32 at this point, being a user for a few years and "clean".
He woke up earlier and didnt feel his legs, tried to come over to me and alert me. He didnt make it to my bed but collapsed in front, thats been what woke me up. Was his second stroke. First one was at age 29. I called him an ambulance, he survived but he couldnt even walk stairs to second floor even month after. Dont think hes still alive today. Your choice.

Yeah i know the score with Acid.. It intrigues me and maybe i might try it if it pops up within the next few weeks but i doubt it. Im not really about to go searching for it because as well as the friend i had who is fucked im also in a pretty negative place in my life right now and i cand imagine having a microscope put over it and enduring that for 10 hours would be very pleasurable. I also had an expeirence with MDMA last year where i took a small amount and had such a bad fucking come down... i was depressed for weeks and it fucked me up socially. I feel like i was trumatized by it and i put up psychological barriers in my mind to protect myself. It happened during a time when my girlfriend was breaking up with me and yeah it was just a horrible experience.
She was my first love and i opened up with her more than i ever have with any other human on this earth. It fucking shocks me how girls can just leave you and move on so quick... Fucked thing is she MADE me open up to her. I was doing my thing, traveling, meeting girls and she wanted me and did eveything in her power to get me. she did such nice things for me and treated me so well that i allowed myself to fall for her. I gave my whole self to her and made her into a better person. I let my guard down and she fucking destroyed me and moved on like nothing happened... She even made me feel like i was the one who did wrong by her. I learned a lot from that person.. After i get off this shit i will never touch another drug again. Its absolutely not worth it..

I will stop this shit soon man. I plan too. Im going to go tomorrow and buy myself enough so that i can reduce the dose enough to get off it without feeling too much pain. iv'e also go a lower strength opiate so i can move to that once ive doped the H dosage down enough

Suit yourself. Im MGTOW with a waifu
>pic related
If you're in a negative place then yeah dont take it yet
MDMA is known to have a bad comedown. Thats natural
Relationships with sig others releases oxytocin, have enough of that shit in your system for a while then suddenly stop producing it. Makes you feel like utter shit. Fuck relationships, they are not worth the risk

Women.... Satans Rubix cube.. Lol
Did you buy your waifu from Turd Flinging Monkeys waifu workshop?


^^ waifu workshop

"women........ satans rubix cube" so funny lmao

Regarde ce reportage, peut-être que ça te fera changer d'avis :

scanan Gare du nord

good choice user

become a junkie

you parent must be proud

you find this filthy whore attractive?

Its Karen Kujo from Kiniros Mosaic.
She is a sexy loli. I would lick her tight pussy.

Which MGTOW content do you watch?

I really dont follow. Im tweaking