Why did the jewish overlords make Harry Potter, a white male, date an asian female?

Why did the jewish overlords make Harry Potter, a white male, date an asian female?

Because it's what happened in the books?



JK Rowling is Jewish?

Harry didn't date Cho. He kissed her and she cried and ran away, then ratted on him and his friends.

Did it?

'cos cultural enrichment. Now go back to watching interracial furniture commercials and feel bad about yourself everytime you get that sickly feeling in your gut whenever you see mixed-race kids. Goyim.

Harry ends up with his best friend's little sister, who is white and has red hair. I'm pretty sure the only Jewish thing about the series is the author, who claimed that she never said Hermione wasn't black, therefore the stage play could validly use a nigger woman to play Hermione's role.


He dated ginny faggot

She was such a useless character.

Asian chicks are cute man.

>Why did the jewish overlords make Harry Potter, a white male, date an asian female?

Why did Emma Watson in real-life date an Asian guy? You know - real life vs a fantasy made up by an author ...

>then ratted on him and his friends
that's her friend, not her

Yeah, her name is Cho Chang you dumb fuck. Sounds pretty Asian don't you think?

Not a single scene to 2nd base

>Why did Emma Watson in real-life date an Asian guy?

It is hilarious how BETA white men with yellow fever keep living in their fantasy worlds while in real-life Asian guys are taking the BEST white girls.

Fuck, aren't these kid's books? I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

The whole thing about painting the Slytherin as evil because they believe in blood purity is pretty Jewish.

That and she was like "also dumbledore is totally gay lol so progressive."

Not canon. Fuck that.

She specified that Blaise Zabini was black. She wrote "Tall black boy" specifically. Rowling was autistic about her character descriptions so if she said that it just makes her even more retarded than when she told people Dumbledore was definitely homosexual and never alluded to it once in the books. Fuck I love Harry Potter but she is such a hack.


Oh yeah. It's been years since I read the series.

>>Why did Emma Watson in real-life date an Asian guy?

Of course these same BETA White guys with yellow fever ignore that the vast majority of White men are with BROWN 3RD WORLD SOUTHEAST ASIANS from Thailand / Phillipines rather than the light-skinned Chinese Asian girls like in the OP

Harry was just hitting puberty when he had a crush on Cho. Anyway, Hogwarts is as multicultural as most Universities in the UK; Rowling mentions whether a character is black, Indian, East Asian, etc. (and Hermione was described as being white, though Rowling probably simply forgot, it happens)

>Cho Chang

China having magical school?

Nope, she was the pedestal prize for him.
Then he found out she wasn't a good person or who he wanted.
Everyone had that one person they think is the best EVARRRR but then find out they did really want them but just liked their physical features.

Your literary analysis is terrible mate.

>>>Why did Emma Watson in real-life date an Asian guy?

Real-life vs fantasy

he also married a ginger, dunno what's worse

>Why did Emma Watson in real-life date an Asian guy?


She alluded to it a lot in the last books actually.
Go look it up.

He dated her as a joke, he wanted to hear her pronounce the spells wrong with her ching chong accent. Ekkuspekkuto pattoronasu!

Because there's nothing wrong with racemixing

>Marietta Edgecombe

Shit I thought this entire time it was Cho, this name isn't even vaguely familiar to me.

It was a different time user

you weren't supposed to care about race from 1994-2007

you were supposed to be race blind

> Dumbledore was definitely homosexual
i remember i came to hate these books, couldn't remember why
thx for reminding me
it's not even just the faggot thing it's that it's so lazy and unnecessary to do that shit after your book is already finished

Did you not pick up on that when he went into them muggle house's toilet in HBP reading a fucking HEAT magazine of all things?

I'm sure if I had a bad case of confirmation bias I'd have spotted the hints.

hey guys'''

ya cho chang was way hotter in the book

they messed up

she's chinese not japanese you unfunny fuck

Because there was a controversy over cultural appropriation and JK Rowling realized that the left was going to turn on her if she didn't make some concessions to them

Chill out man


>who claimed that she never said Hermione wasn't black
JK is a a dumb bitch

He admits to Harry that he had fallen in love with Gellert Grindelwald and because of that he didn't see what his plan eventually was.

If she turned out to be a terrible person and only ever ratted the MC out to the antagonist then I think she's fucking useless and exists just to be an Asian girl in a fantasy novel.

Also, in the movie she literally does fuck all but get caught and forced to confess with a potion or some shit.

People pointed this out to her, but she deflected by saying that it's just a phrase she used to say she was frightened.

no he fucking doesn't

the Asian gave him a BJ, but Harry ends up with the Weasley hole

You do realize you're only replying to yourself right?

Never has this image been so relevant



She looks fucking terrified.

Ever heard of vitiligo?

Because a Korean girl of high breed will ALWAYS look better and be a generally better mate than some British slag


Harry potter would be watchable again if they do it like the "starz" series with sex scenes here and then (a format similar to GoT and spartacus). Which will never happen because the actresses would never show ass and the rest of the actors are fags.

From chapter of book

It's true. From my time on Younow, I noticed a lot of British girls aren't pretty enough and usually have stumpy body.
Dannish look better.

JK rowling already called trump a bigot so there you have your answer

She's just getting ready to put on blackface.

kek, every white country has better looking girls than britain. I am convinced it's the shitty diet & lack of sun exposure

Because Rowling's a cuck

She's not korean


Wasn't that a chick on the cover on the magazine though?

They could have chosen an attractive asian girl

She he could learn how sneaky and untrustworthy the yellow Jew is before he comes home, like any responsible white man, to the ginger Jew.

She was never Korean. She's Chinese, by her name and appearance in the film.

BULLSHIT, because she totally stood up for her friend! She was on the Ministry of Magic's side 100%!

If you aren't with Dumbledore's Army, you're with fucking Voldemort, PERIOD!

Definitely a Canadian name.

Cause she's extremely liberal.

*So he could...

Dunno, think she met the guy while studying in Oxford. It was probably heavily because he wasn't an autistic fan. Believe it or not, most celebrities don't want a serious relationship with their fans..


They dated, but Harry wound up with a ginger from a pureblooded (if unexceptional) wizard family. Hermione dated a slav but wound up marrying into the same family of ginger wizards. If the Jews are trying to use Harry Potter to get us to miscegenate, they fucked up somehow.

I just watched the entire series for the first time, and it's suprisingly refreshing from all the 'speshul snowflake' bullshit and sterotypes on movies now.
I usually stop watching shows where the main female protagonist has to be an 'independent, stronk women' and just acts bitchy and commandeering the whole time. Hermione was an actual female protagonist that was interesting and not another feminist stereotype.

m8, are you alright?
Did your sister start dating a white guy or something?