
Yep i seen it on the news. Hope they shoot it down.

Well looks like they only have 5-20 more minutes

Thanks, comrade


Thank fuck, finally I can play Fallout VR

nothing of value will be lost



Fake and gay

hopefully we can launch a counter-strike against san fransisco.

Is this European time?

Nork will never have a missile that can hit the US.

You're silly OP.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Don't even attempt to stop them.

Not only is this never gonna happen, but if it did, the news media would not know about it until it was already over. The headline would either be "WORLD WAR III - NORTH KOREA DESTROYS LOS ANGELES" or "NORTH KOREAN NUKE VAPORIZED OVER HAWAII, WORLD WAR III IMMINENT"

Trips dont lie.

chinese invasion imminent!!!
thank god we didn't ban guns!!!!

I call bullshit

I really wish they would fuck California up. I was so happy when the Jews and liberals at the WTC got wrecked. Didn't do much to hurt the democrats though.


>North Korea
Ahahahahahahaha, no.


The war would last about two hours. One for Trump to authorize the strike, one for them to actually mobilize, launch the missile, and for it to actually reach Pyongyang and glass it. If we're very, very lucky, they'll send a cluster of fuel-air bombs instead of a single giant nuke.

I'm just saying that's the headline they'll run with.

It sure is

Hope they send a few more to take out the rest of the state

They would just turn a key.

Really, genius? Thanks for that. Now get back to class you fucking idiot.


Thank fuck I live in a small town. I’m not too scared of nukes

What is fallout carried by winds in your direction?



this is owen shroyer reporting live, indeed we do see the misyle arriving, thoughts? post a comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Fallout VR??
You mean finally we can Fallout.

fallout into the universe as the transient beings we are