This shit laced or whattt

this shit laced or whattt

Does it smell different? The picture isn’t the best. But that looks like the trichomes

doesn't smell bad in any way but it also doesnt smell flowery or skunky

Those white specs are trichromes. Quit being a pussy and smoke your weed.

Break a bud open and look. The crystals are good. They have the most THC. What made you think it was laced?

just a new dealer, first batch from him after a long time grabbing from a buddy was slightly sketchy lol

Bought from a dealer... Yep it's laced.

Nah, just lots of trichomes. Keif. Enjoy your shit, looks good.

Definitely laced, send it to me for disposal.

man you shoulda saw this dude, looked like a white niel degrasse tyson who had a few too many, he was chill in the end though.

looks like dusted nugs, nice
who would lace something that costs 10 dollars

Dude thats dank weed man. Im from Austria and i would kill to get weed like that from a dealer i know. Def not laced man

yeah i'm excited to smoke it now that some dudes gave it the all green no pun intended

Is this a meme? Looks good to me. Nobody would lace weed to sell, there's pretty much no drug cheaper than weed. They're not gonna give you bonus drugs for free.

I dont understand this "laced" shit
I've never seen laced weed nor would I understand why anyone would willingly put more expensive drugs into the cheapest drug on the streets

Face it, it's like putting caviar on a burger there's no fucking reason to do it

For background info in the past 3 months or so there has been a dozen or so od cases from solely smoking the lettuce so thats why I was sketched with the new dealer n all. cut a stoned dude some slack haha

sounds like bullshit it's almost impossible to OD on any drug if smoked

well, might be some bullshit coverups or some lame shit but im not about to argue im about to go smoke lmao

>nor would I understand why anyone would willingly put more expensive drugs into the cheapest drug on the streets
Implying it's not windex, raid and mr clean

why would you kill off clientele or deliberately lower the quality of your drug?

Looks like some cookies or sunset sherbert.

To make it more addictive.
Why would you sell fentanyl, or the opioid shit that is killing every usser out there?...To make money.

Nobody is giving you free drugs you dumbass